BE The Love You Are March 31, 2001 "What we would like to call attention to in this time is the partnership of love within the transformation of the collective consciousness. Oftentimes, during the course of their personal process of growth, people want a purpose in which they serve others; they want to help others, they want to heal others. There is a noble intention within this desire. But what is not always understood is that by Being Love, you may be just as, or even more, transformative than when you are in direct participation with others." "By Being Love, you are in truth animating Love within the collective consciousness in every moment you do so. If you are loving yourself and in that time honoring your own needs, if you are standing true to yourself and speaking a truth which is for you difficult, if you are eating a good meal and through that you are honoring the needs of your body, if you are caring for children in a way that honors their aliveness and is teaching them to source themselves in some wonderfully delightful ways, if you are with friends, or with a partner, or by yourself, wherever you are animating love, love is also more present within the collective. If you believe that you have to do or accomplish something great in order to be of service, if you have to be healed, or if you have to heal others, there is a subtle split within consciousness, a separation. That split can actually keep you from influencing the collective in the direction of transformation, even though your intention is to be in service. In trying to serve, you actually expend much more effort, while being less effective within the larger picture." "You are part of the collective. In Truth, you ARE the collective consciousness, each of you animating not only individually, but what you have taken on within the whole of consciousness, within the collective. If you separate yourselves and say you have to heal others, and make the other separate from you, there is a way in which you are not animating love either for yourself or for the other." "We are hoping that this message is not confusing, because the message is very important for those of consciousness to understand, especially those who are opening greater capacities for Love. The more love you can bring into your awareness and experience in any moment, simultaneously being aware that you are part of the whole, the more you are influencing and animating that love within the whole of consciousness, opening greater freedom and a greater sense of wholeness. That is a great gift, and it is also simultaneously very enjoyable for you. So the more you love and experience love of self within the context of relationship, within nature, with animals, with self, while opening the awareness of how you are woven within the whole, the more you choose love, the more you allow yourselves to experience love, the more you animate love and joy and grace and all that is beautiful, the more you are affecting the transformation of the collective. You are very powerful in your conscious Love because of your placement within the collective and your willingness to expand your capacity to BE the Love that you are while within the collective." "Some of you have come to this awareness and some of you are still seeking to do something as a purpose, to do something as if it is something you have to discover or get filled or be more healed or whatever. Not so. Animate love, animate grace, animate joy, animate beauty, animate friendship, animate wisdom, animate justice. Animate and be, while being aware of yourself as part of the whole of consciousness, and you will see powerful transformation happen in this next time. Much love is actually needed in this next time. Be Love, and enjoy the experience, because it will also heal you, it will heal your body, it will heal your relationships. You might have things come up from the past. Know that love is present. As these things rise to awareness, bring them to learning, resolution, or transformation, however the process needs to unfold. Do not contract around the interpretations that are coming out of the collective consciousness and its fears. Do not take those in and let them contract you away from Love, away from light, away from joy. Then you are less effective. If you contract in fear, pain, guilt, or too much empathy, you experience less Love and animate less within the collective. There is already too much contraction and it is now attempting to release. Yet it needs greater Love to do so with greater ease and speed. That is your purpose, if you wish to call it that. Enjoy it! That is our message." Return to Home Page: Copyright 2001, Lightsmith and Michele Mayama. Please copy freely for personal use. |