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2013, Ramping Up.

Back in the pre-historic days of the mid 1990’s Michele and I found ourselves connecting with a man who had spent extensive time researching the Maya and their calendar system. Through our work with him we realized he was carrying a level of information that did not synch with the notion, popularized in 1987 by Jose Arguelles, that the “shift” suggested by the current version of the Mayan calendar would occur in December of 2012. We later realized that our encounter had arranged with a high degree of synchronicity and there was something significant to learn from our association. After several sessions of study with this man we formed a different view about some interpretations regarding the calendar. Consequently, the timing of what was to unfold in 2012 was perceived to be a little off.

Since all is well in the grand scheme of things there was nothing to be gained by sharing radically different information during the build-up to the end of 2012. We had plenty of other distractions competing for attention. And yes, we certainly had an abundance of energies to work with during December, including those of the 12/12/12 new moon and 12/21/12 solstice. The solstice is always a powerful moment in the earth’s cycle, but does it really feel that some kind of “launch” would be aligned with the stillness of the winter solstice and the time of turning deeper within?  I’m just sayin’.

You may have noticed how much has NOT been moving these past weeks. Integration is part of the reason, but timing is another. There is much orchestration taking place within consciousness, and it is our view that the spring equinox is more in alignment with perhaps the original prophecy of the Maya. The expansion energy and sprouting of new growth has a spring timing (at least in our hemisphere) when the “shift” in outer expression is more likely to commence. During the quiet time we’ve been gestating what is to come to birth.

We’re still in the process of pulling more of our energies out of the old structures. You’re not alone if you’ve been having long, deep sleep patterns with complex dream scenarios. You’re also in good company if pretty much nothing seems interesting, even things that used to be more integral to your life. Just so you know, it’s perfectly okay if you’re feeling like a slug, need to be less active in the outer world or still feel like you’re cleaning up a loose end or two. Or three.

The stage for our new season is set for a debut on Saturday, February 9th. The first session of our Creator within Creation series begins on that day and continues each second Saturday for all of 2013. Soon we begin the long-awaited shift out of lifetimes of healing and into creating what’s next. During the recent channeling of January 12th we had an unexpected visit from Saint Germain. He spoke to the time we are entering and set in motion what we will be working with this year. Here’s a small sampling of his larger message:

“Each of you knows in some ways that you were born for this new dimension. You know that you never fit into the old one.”

“There comes a time where creation becomes the theme rather than release or clearing. There is more to manifest now, more to draw into your life. More to experience.”

“Your reality is different. It is changed. It has transformed beyond what others would want you to believe. It is opening within you a new creation, a new dimensional experience.”

You can read the full text of that channeling and learn more about our new Creator within Creation series by downloading this PDF file. You will also find signup information on either the Creator within Creation events page or the calendar listing for February. These classes, co-taught by Michele and friends in Spirit, will bring in new, leading-edge material with potent processes assisting us to embody the Rays of Creation. The time of  moving into mastery has arrived, and I’m confident our experience will go beyond what anyone thinks is meant by conscious creation.

No less powerful will be the other two scheduled events in February: The Cross-Quarter planetary event on Friday, February 1st, and the New Moon personal attunement session with the Earth Mother on February 11th. You will find details for participation on the listings in the calendar, including the login information for the evening of the Cross-Quarter.

Right now we’re in a contraction reflected in the extreme cold over much of the United States. But, I can feel the ramping up already beginning, moving us into position for our expansion. We would love to have many of you join us this year for the Creator within Creation series. There are no prerequisites, you can do any or all of the programs, and these sessions are open to everyone. If the last two years of mastery classes were any indication, then this is going to be the year of the wow. Make that WOW!




Creator within Creation, starting February 9th, 1-5pm

Download PDF – in case you missed it :)

Reminder: You can always comment on these updates. If you are reading this in email just click on the title to see the original post. We like hearing from you!

About Chris

Chris LaFontaine is a consciousness geek who shares his perspectives on life with minimal prompting. He may profess through writing, media, photography or music. Leave a comment below or


  1. I’m lining up babysitters! Super excited for the new series.


    April Sunshine

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