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2015. New Year’s Channeling. More.

New Year’s Channeling
Materializing Light
Visible & Present
New Moons

Verbiage Alert!  Abundance of words ahead. A commentary and details about our plans for 2015 make for a longish update, but we have a lot to share so hang in and here goes:

2014 is a year I don’t really need to tell you anything about, since the constant barrage of individual and collective challenges pretty much set the tone for the last 12 months. I remember being among many talking about transformational forces in the abstract, projecting what might rock the world in a more collective sense. Now in the thick of radical change we each find ourselves profoundly affected, receiving whatever it takes to strip us of illusions regarding who and what we are. Transformation R Us.

Three specific, major frequencies flooded the planet in 2014, though I suspect there were many others also assisting the release of old structures. We named them Gorgeous, Radiance, and Luminescence. These differing energies have different functions in our field of embodied consciousness, yet all are assisting whatever is out of alignment with Life to shift or leave. We continued to come face-to-face with our personal programming and survival patterns, while daily we bear witness to the highlighting of imbalances and outmoded control structures bursting volcanically from our collective consciousness.

For we who have been doing our work, doing our work, doing our work, it may seem that no end of challenge is in sight. And yet, there is now a clearing visible on the horizon. The energies of 2015 will reveal themselves in good time, with some expectation that our experiences this year may be quite different from what we have known. We can’t really avoid whatever processes are still needed to unbind ourselves from Duality, but it seems likely that we on the front edge of this transition will find ourselves living in a new dimension of experience.

Here’s a rough analogy for you I just made up. Imagine we are ice cubes with a destiny to  change our state of being. To change form we must experience a different energy, and we agree to subject ourselves to increasing heat. And we wait. And wait. We begin to melt, and even though we know something different awaits, our present experience is mostly cold water and ice. In the sequence of events, something has to complete before the next wave of transition can begin. First, all the ice needs to melt. When that happens the increased heat begins to serve us differently. We realize that we’ve been changing all along, but the rate of transition can now pick up speed.

For years we have been allowing ourselves to receive and process increasing waves of Light, with 2014 seriously turning up the heat. We have used the higher frequencies to thaw and release frozen parts of ourselves, now understanding that the next phase of the process literally cannot happen until old forms are dissolved or transformed.  Then finally…finally, we are ready to be reformed into a state that never again crystallizes into rigid structures.

For many of us 2015 will be less about meltdown and more about activating our new dimensional template. If we have an ice chip or two yet to dissolve, so be it. The potential that awaits us this year is having more and more experiences emerge from greater light fusing in our bodies, no longer melting the old but merging within to create something new. What will it feel like to be in the earth as a physical being embodying more light than has ever before been possible? That is the question. The answer is: we may find out sooner than we think.


Kicking off 2015 is our annual New Year’s Day channeling.

I’ve lost track of when we did the first one, but it was about 20 years ago. These days we take the opportunity to combine a pot-luck dinner along with a typically less formal and more interactive experience with our Friends in Spirit. We often get a sneak peek at the unfoldings of the coming year, but with such volatility in energies I’m not sure anything exact is known at any level. Still, we receive helpful perspectives on this grand transformation and we usually have an opportunity to ask questions about events of the day.

The New Year’s Channeling is Thursday, January 1st at 2pm central. We chose this time partly so people at various global locations can join us by our live internet stream. If you are joining us in person we invite you to bring food to share. We usually have some great choices of entrees with both vegetarian and gluten-free options. If in doubt, bring what you most prefer to eat :)  There is no charge for this event, and you can join us by phone, in person, or by internet stream. Information to connect is on the calendar page.

New Series: Materializing Light

Our Second Saturday events continue this year, further evolving the structure of the 2014 events. We are calling this series Materializing Light, reflecting our experience of moving into greater embodiment and conscious creation. But, words don’t begin to describe the experience of being part of such a deeply rich and stunningly profound events. Each of the past two years has seen a closer and closer collaboration between we as participants and non-physical beings who co-create the focus of the day and guide the processes we engage on behalf of ourselves and all of humanity.

The series consists of 6 primary sessions, every other month starting February 14th from 1-5pm. On second Saturdays between the primary sessions we have shorter follow-up sessions from 1-3:30pm to continue working with the new energies introduced the previous month. These follow-ups are supportive and help establish a regular rhythm for people continuing to evolve more consciously.

Our first co-presenter of the new series on February 14th will be Yeshua (Jesus). Seems a fitting visitor for Valentine’s Day. As you can imagine, I’m much looking forward to the presentation, material and process. If you’ve never attended one of our Second-Saturday events, I can’t think of a better place to jump in and see what they’re about. Previous attendance is not required. I’m usually at a loss to provide adequate descriptions, which matters little since even we don’t know the focus of the day until the morning of the session. More information for connecting is on our calendar listing. Just FYI, on the second Saturday of January (10th) is the support session for the December, 2014 processes.

And because we are embodied, Michele has birthed a new incarnation of Visible & Present.

She is excited to share the process of how to attune to your specific vibrations and then align your choices for clothing with your unique nature. Doing so frees up tremendous energy while supporting you to be more effective in communicating with others while authentically influencing any field or arena of life. We are becoming more conscious of choosing foods that are specific to our bodies….this is another step of being conscious of choosing clothing that vibrationally supports and magnifies our presence while easing and enhancing our experience of being in our lives. The first step to learning this attunement is attending the Visible & Present Discovery Process I: Authentication on February 7 from 10-5. Bring a friend or family member if you wish…this is fun to share with others. For more information and to register go to the calendar listing on our website.

New Moon events will continue each month throughout 2015.

These sessions are under two hours in length and are designed to bring focus to the needs of individuals in attendance through a facilitated group process. You can participate in person, by phone or by internet stream. See calendar dates for information and sign-up. Pre-registration is not necessary if you are attending in person.

If you made it to this point I thank you for your perseverance. Personally, I’m most excited about the Manifesting Light series. That’s where the edge of the unfolding is revealing itself. If you like your ride with thrusters on full I think you’ll appreciate what you experience at these sessions. I know of nothing else like them anywhere.

2015. See you there.


About Chris

Chris LaFontaine is a consciousness geek who shares his perspectives on life with minimal prompting. He may profess through writing, media, photography or music. Leave a comment below or


  1. Thank you for the New Year’s Day channel.
    “You sit in accordance with your own decrees getting ready for the rocket to leave the launch pad on the shores of self.” -Gillian MacBeth -Louthan

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