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A Lightsmith Summer Pop-Up Channeling Event

Has the crazy hit the fan? I don’t know about you, but for us the jolts, starts and stops of the past couple weeks may have set a new record for unpredictable rearrangements. Throw in a little eye surgery for me and every day has had some kind of challenge, weird twist or sudden reset. Stability is not the word of the day.

Just for fun and a change of pace, and to help satiate our curiosities about all the changes, we thought we’d lighten things up a bit in August by adding a special event with our Friends in Spirit. Instead of very focused personal or planetary work, we are inviting our friends to join us for some amiable dialogue and questions. For us it’s almost like coming full circle to the channeling events of the early Lightsmith days, except now our deeper healing and transformation work is mostly past and we can just enjoy a visit with some of the non-physical beings who have shared this journey with us. You will be welcome to ask about anything, general or personal.

We know many August weekends here in Minnesota are busy for most people, including us. To fit this event into our calendar we have chosen Sunday, August 16th at 4pm central daylight time. These channeling sessions usually run about 1 and 1/2 hours, so we should wrap up before supper. I hope you will find time to join us after other weekend activities. We decided against evening or weekday hours because it can be more challenging with these channelings to hold energy and focus late in the day. More information and sign-up for those of you joining from a distance is on the calendar listing.

Other Reminders: 

First Tuesday

This week on Tuesday, August 4th at 7pm central time. First Tuesdays are process sessions facilitated by Michele. Much of our focus these days  during these sessions is on what we call upgrades, additions to our “operating system” that are being added to interface with and function within the New Living Field.  See the calendar for details and signup.

Cross-Quarter Planetary Session

This week on Thursday, August 6th at 7pm central. This session is one of our 8 planetary events of the year. The focus is on the collective, and the process is facilitated by Michele with directive from the Earth Mother. This event is without charge, donations accepted. See the calendar listing for login information to join us by phone or internet stream.

And put this on your calendar now:

A very significant event is scheduled for September 22nd at 1pm central time. This special session has been requested by the Earth Mother. It is titled The State of the Planet. We don’t know anything about the content for the day, but there will be two parts: A message from Earth Mother channeled by Michele, and a process that will follow. We’ll be making more announcements as the date approaches. Please pass the word.

As usual, we’ll be right there with you on the front edge of this transformation. We’ve always been told it would be a wild ride. Well, yeah.

Hanging on. Or is it letting go?


About Chris

Chris LaFontaine is a consciousness geek who shares his perspectives on life with minimal prompting. He may profess through writing, media, photography or music. Leave a comment below or

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