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New Moon Event

When: Back to Calendar February 11, 2013 @ 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Where: Lightsmith
559 Humboldt Avenue
Saint Paul,MN 55107
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Cost: 25.00
Contact: Chris LaFontaine
Categories: New Moon Sessions

We Fondly Refer to These Events as New You Sessions

The focus is on you and what you are opening to bring forth into your life and the world. These events are about Conscious Creation and what is coming from the New Field through the individual – what wants to be propelled into creation and life, and then opening pathways to bring it forth. We set up a circle with a group grid with everyone is invited to add a personal item to the grid. Sessions always include intentions spoken into the field, and each individual’s experience is enhanced by the alchemy of the group process.

New for 2013

During the New Moon sessions this year we will be joined primarily by the Earth Mother. Since the focus this year is about Creator within Creation, the processes will likely be focused on areas where there still exist blockages to full expression by the individual. The currents of creation will also be woven in to the processes facilitated by Michele as she picks up what is needed for the evening.

Join us in person, by phone or by internet stream. No pre-registration is necessary if you are attending in person. All participants in New Moon sessions are asked to have a small object of personal importance for placing in the group grid, and those at a distance will link their objects remotely when instructed by Michele.

Working with The Grid

For New Moon sessions we create a large group grid in the center of the room where each participant places a symbolic personal object. Phone participants are asked to create a small personal grid at home (optional) that will be energetically joined with the larger grid during the beginning of each New Moon event. Personal grids are optional, but if you do create one you can click the image for greater detail about how to set it up. Personal grids do not need to be large. Four similar quartz points of any size can be used, with 1-3 inches being common and inexpensive.

In the center of the grid you will place an object. It can be a stone or other item that has personal meaning to you. Prepare the grid prior to the start of the session, but wait until you are invited by Michele to place your object in the grid. Contact us if you have any questions.


The cost for New Moon sessions is $25. This series is free of charge to subscribers of The Lightsmith DealLearn more →

Participate In-Person

  • Arrive at the building between 6:30-6:45PM. We begin promptly at 7:00PM.

Participate by Phone or Internet

  • Pay online by 4pm the day of the event using the payment button below * The login information will be sent to you via email **
  • Subscribers to The Lightsmith Deal participate at no extra charge. Phone and internet info on the Subscribers page →



About Chris

Chris LaFontaine is a consciousness geek who shares his perspectives on life with minimal prompting. He may profess through writing, media, photography or music. Leave a comment below or

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