May 11, 2000
I'VE BEEN EXPERIENCING NECK PAIN RECENTLY AND HAVE TALKED TO MANY OTHERS WHO HAVE THE SAME. IS THERE SOME "COSMIC" REASON WHY THIS IS SO PREVALENT RIGHT NOW? On the spiritual plane the neck region is the area where you translate your consciousness into form, or words. The life current is also expanding and desires to come forward and up. The neck region, in the definition of reality says that is how you articulate consciousness, is too be very blunt. Life is informing you of other things, other aspects, other ways to proceed and perceive, so the consciousness and even all the awareness that you think you have may need to release some. The tendency of the mind is to “make it so”. It gets an idea and it wants to hold on to it, make it real, fit it into a package where it understands it, and then that is it. Life doesn’t work that way. Life is always informing, according to the current moment, what is most essential and is most needed for life. It may throw out half of what you know in that moment and then later on pick up some of it. It doesn’t care about what the mind is attached to. The great battleground, in a sense, of these two aspects is right now focused in the neck or in the throat. For many, the heart is open to life. They are recovering their inner child, their inner spontaneity, but how can they act it if the conscious reality binds it in some way? WHY IS THE TRANSFORMATIONAL ENERGY NOT AFFECTING EVERYONE THE SAME WAY? First of all, there are those who are born to read the transformational energy more easily than others. It is almost as if their DNA and consciousness has a certain design within it that tracks it, reads it, and can utilize it. Others do not track it and do not read it as easily. Their path is more in duality and to complete their path within the old matrix. They are not here to transform into the new in these current bodies. They did not choose the design for that. Another part of this answer is that of those who are here for transformation, if everyone did it simultaneously then the structures for life would be radically disrupted. Therefore there is a sequence, some have called it waves, where some serve to hold the structures of life in place while others go first, or shift, which means letting go of those structures in order to move into a new structure. Then those who are holding the new structures begin to create in that place, setting up enough of a structure and frequency to enable the next group to let go and then shift. So there is a sort of wisdom in the organization of transformation, even though at times it can seem from another perspective that some just don’t “get it”. I SOMETIMES RECEIVE E-MAIL FROM GROUPS WHO ARE SPREADING THE WORD ABOUT TIMES FOR GLOBAL MEDITATIONS OR GLOBAL PRAYERS. DO THESE ORGANIZED TIMES OF GLOBAL FOCUS HAVE POSITIVE EFFECTS? Mostly they are positive and have a greater sense of focused love or peace or a sense of lifting the consciousness or the sense of frequency of the collective consciousness by gathering many around one singular focus. So mostly they are positive, just as when friends pray for someone in a hospital who is ill and the frequency can be lifted enough to allow them to heal more quickly with greater ease and less pain, etc. So mostly they are positive and are not to be discouraged. In a sense there is a sense of people desiring to join together and to know that many others are in some way desiring the same thing that they are desiring in a larger sense. That sense of communion or union with others, even if briefly, can also give powerful, positive influence for people who have felt alone in their process or their life experience. So there can be experiences of a positive nature on a personal level as well. WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH THE WEATHER IN SOUTH AFRICA AND MOZAMBIQUE. IS THIS PART OF CYCLIC WEATHER PATTERNS OR IS IT SIGNIFICANT OF SOMETHING MORE PROFOUND. ARE THESE SOME OF THE EARTH CHANGES THAT ARE SPOKEN OF? If is difficult to call them “earth changes”. Transformation takes place in the physical in your body and in every person’s body as well as in the earth’s body. There is a great transformation taking place. In those places that have held and bound certain aspects of consciousness there is oftentimes a shift of either weather, or circumstance of volcanic activity or other activity in the earth’s body that are a part of shifting, healing, and cleansing larger patterns and holding places in consciousness. South Africa and much of Africa has very confused energy. Very confused and oftentimes wounding that is manifested in large scale devastation. There is wounding in that continent in the ways in which it was raped and pillaged early on in its cultural centuries past as well as spiritually even earlier on. That has created karmic debts that were set into place and that were not balanced, and they are now struggling to balance and come to some healing of deep wounds that are experienced in large land masses in the African continent. So what appears to be these weather aberrations or other circumstances of cleansing will not stop for some time. If you look at the devastation that AIDS is producing throughout Africa, particularly South Africa and certain other nations, you will notice that there are patterns of weather that are also synchronistically present in these areas. Ask yourself why, and you will begin to see differently. AIDS is an autoimmune disorder where the body begins to basically kill itself. It is as if life turns against itself, life turns against life. It is an aberration of life that happens in the midst of a dying age. In the old writings they would call them plagues. When there is a death of an age there is often death manifested in some form where life turns against itself. The autoimmune disorder is manifesting the crippling of the consciousness where it has so turned against itself in terms of what is supportive of life and what is connecting to life, where the resources are no longer present for life, where in some times and some places the abuse of people’s rights have turned them so around so much to a focus on death because there have not been enough resources for life. Then that is manifested as death. It is, in a sense, a world issue. It is not just about the individuals or the countries where it is manifesting. When the world owns what it has done and begins to be accountable to life once again, then there will be a resolution of how to assist life to honor itself and come back to itself in terms of healing this disease as well. CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT REINCARNATION. OR EXPLAIN TO ME THIS SPIRITUAL ACTION THAT IS HAPPENING AROUND THE WORLD. I BELIEVE I HAVE A PURPOSE IN THIS LIFE, BUT I BECOME CONFUSED. A LOT OF THE TIME IT FEELS AS THOUGH I HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT. Reincarnation is one of the ways that souls have to continue to grow and evolve, continue to expand awareness, and continue to bring greater qualities of who they are in the larger great spirit aspect into consciousness and form. So it is a gift of creation. It has been written out of certain scriptures, particularly Christian, but nonetheless it exists. It is, in a sense, a fact of life. So yes, you have lived many times before. All of those times are not as pertinent to this particular life, but some of them are and some of them may be helpful. If you find a good regressionist or good hypnotist who also assists ones to regress to past lives, then you can have your own experience opening these feelings that you have. If you directly ask your own soul to remember dreams, you may visit some of those lives in your dreams. Another way that they come to consciousness is through movies. Many movies are re-creations of many different periods of times and events. Sometimes when you are watching a movie or a theater production you will feel as if you are present in it, as if you are reliving it. That is a triggering of the past memory. If you sit in it longer than the event of the movie and let the emotions and feelings and your own imagery take over, you may receive more detail and information that may assist you in this time. Past lives are not so difficult to retrieve, particularly in this age wherein the veils between different aspects of consciousness are now dissolving so there is more and more openness to not only experiencing other times for yourself, but also opening other levels of guidance such as us and other levels that are accessible to every human being that is embodied. FOR FOUR YEARS MY HUSBAND HAS HAD TROUBLE SLEEPING. HE AWAKENS EVERY NIGHT, OFTEN EVERY 30 MINUTES WITH A PULSING IN HIS HEAD. HE HAS HAD EVERYTHING CHECKED MEDICALLY, WITH NO ANSWERS. CAN YOU HELP WITH MORE INFORMATION? He is picking up the shifting of frequency in the planet in the grid lines. You live on a ley line. It is very difficult to live on a ley line while there is a shifting of a planetary frequency because there is no rest, so to speak. You are always being calibrated, recalibrated, and in a sense picking up certain frequencies and exchanges of information that flow through the body of the planet. It is rather like a nerve pathway in the body that shoots pulses of electricity through from the brain to whatever is needing to get the message. If you know someone who works with energy grid lines and ley lines, you could see if there is a possible way to bring a certain adaptation of it so it is not right through the area where you rest or sleep. You might also consider sleeping in another place in the house where it is not quite as strong. If that does not help, then you may need to consider a move to a calmer place where there is not so much activity. MANY ARE HEARING TONES AT DIFFERENT INTERVALS DAY AND NIGHT. CAN YOU EXPLAIN THE NATURE OF THIS "COMMUNICATION"? This is related to the current shifting of the planetary frequency which has intensified, particularly with the current alignment and a somewhat dramatic frequency shift. The ears are quite finely attuned to both audible and inaudible frequencies, and they are picking up translations of this in the planetary body. It is as if your bodies are now more and more now calibrating with the earth body, and then that is part of your experience. As it integrates and settles or stabilizes, probably in the early summertime, that will be less noticeable and the body will find a renewed sense of things like synchronicity, right placement, places of greater awareness and clarity, flow, and openings to greater health, strength, and immune system regulation. There are many things in the summer of the northern hemisphere (the winter of the southern hemisphere) that will be integrating in that period of time. If you keep your mind separate from it you will be judging it, commenting on it, or surprised by it. If you join your mind with the experience then you will have a greater experience because then you are able to embody and receive it more fully. I WOULD LIKE A PERSPECTIVE ABOUT THE PRACTICE OF VACCINATING CHILDREN IN THIS COUNTRY AND IN THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES. I HAVE CHOSEN NOT TO VACCINATE MY CHILDREN, BUT AM WONDERING IF THERE IS A TIME WHEN VACCINATIONS ARE APPROPRIATE FOR CERTAIN POPULATIONS OF PEOPLE. IN THE NEXT YEAR I WILL HAVE TO DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT TO HAVE MY SON VACCINATED WITH THE HEPATITIS A VACCINE. Certain countries have had low frequencies of consciousness for a long period of time, and they are susceptible to certain illnesses that carry certain signatures of that consciousness. In those countries vaccinations are appropriate in the sense that they begin to give the body of consciousness space to open to a greater awareness. It is almost as if with a lessening of the illness or the signature, then there is an ability to hear or integrate more of what is possible. In a country where an illness has largely been abolished such as this culture (United States), then there is more spaciousness and an ability for individuals to not have any commonality with the signature of the illness. It is almost as if you have your own consciousness that is an immunity in its own vibrational nature. That is why you have not vaccinated your children. They have told you that they do not need it. They have consciousness that is not in alignment with these signatures, these illnesses. Hepatitis A is another one that is by and large by signature and attraction. Any major illness that attacks the body in certain ways is either something that is because the body is weakened or has an ability to take in that signature in some way to work with it, to learn from it, to grow from it, to transmute with it. However, your son is not one of them. He probably could be in the same room or the vicinity and his system would not register it. It’s a matter of consciousness, it’s a matter of vibration, it’s a matter of frequencies. In some situations and countries where there is a raising of frequency necessary to move beyond the signature, then vaccinations can be helpful. I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE MERKABA INFORMATION GIVEN BY MICHELE. RECENTLY I HEARD OF WEEKEND WORKSHOP CALLED FLOWER OF LIFE BASED ON THE TEACHINGS OF DRUNVALO MELCHIZEDEK, AND MERKABA INSTRUCTION IS OFFERED. THE WORKSHOP TEACHES SPECIAL BREATHING PATTERNS WHICH ARE USED TO ACTIVATE THE LIGHT BODY. COULD YOU PLEASE SPEAK ON THESE TWO DIFFERENT APPROACHES AND CLARIFY THE DIFFERENCE? They are quite different in some ways. They have evolved down different lineages, and they have some different purposes. The merkaba teaching through Drunvalo, which is one lineage, creates a sort of activation of an external energy field that holds a certain frequency as well as can move about in some ways and can be rather like a light body space ship in some ways where it then has some capacity to transfer energies from different levels to the consciousness of the person as well as out into the universe. The one that has come through the Mayama one has an earth embodiment process in terms of its purpose. The cones that are unified within the body that activate a solar force-field emanating out from the center of the solar plexus have as its focus a generating of life force and energy that then animates the light body from within. So it’s an animating force of life that then generates a greater sense of life in the space around, in a sense enhancing life for all. One is almost as if it is not so much a sense of being embodied, but almost a matter of how to connect with what is outside of the body for illumination, transference, mediation, translation, etc. The other one is for animation of life within the body. They have different purposes entirely. Neither is better or less than the other. It depends on what you are looking for and what is in your path that would be of greater assistance at different times. WHY IS A VERY SENSITIVE PERSON SUBJECT TO PICKING UP THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS, AND INTENTIONS FROM OTHERS? I COULD BE DOING SOMETHING TOTALLY UNRELATED TO THE EMOTIONS WHICH HIT ME, THEN SUDDENLY I AM FEELING MUCH DIFFERENT. I WAS ONCE CLEANING OUT OUR BARN AND HAD TO QUIT BECAUSE I BEGAN CRYING. I FOUND OUT LATER THAT MY SON'S COMPANION HAD DIED IN A CAR ACCIDENT. AT MANY OTHER TIMES I HAVE THESE FEELINGS AND HAVE TO GO THROUGH THEM. I SEND OUT AS MUCH LOVE AS I CAN, BUT I STILL HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE DISCORDANT VIBRATIONS. IT IS A REAL STRUGLE TO REMAIN CENTERED, CALM, AND FOCUSED ON MY OWN LIFE. In a time when the frequencies of consciousness are shifting, there is more and more of an attunement that happens on a collective level. Those who are sensitive find that those attunements bring them into greater and greater awareness of what is happening in the collective, particularly to those that have connections to you in some form or way. Sometimes people are very affected by situations that happen across the world and have no direct connection, but because there is a connection through humanity and the body of humanity or the body of the earth there is also then a reaction of some kind emotionally, physically, or noted in some way. It’s a part of a transitionary time. The way to proceed if you wish to be less vulnerable to this is to focus in your meditation or quiet time to a point of light. There are two frequencies that you can focus on that will be most efficient. One is just pure grace. If you focus into the level of grace that is from the Divine Source, you will find that it elevates your own consciousness and in a sense you will become a transmitter of grace to all those that are connected to you. As a transmitter you are less amoeba-like, taking in everything. You are more an emation. It takes a little time, but it is very fruitful. The other quality that can be worked with very precisely again is a quality of joy. It is not happiness, it is joy. Joy in the sense where if you open to your consciousness to begin to attune to it, to find that sense and quality of it, begins to fine tune your energy field to such a degree that you can find and know joy even while there is pain around you. And you find that the sense of connection with all that is of joy and frequencies of light and will find that there is a way of transmuting and bringing a sense of peace to yourself and others without trying so hard. Love is not like that. Love is healing, and it is blessing, but it connects you to others and they to you in the collective consciousness so that there is a greater union, compassion, and empathy rather than less. If this is helpful to you we suggest that you try this. Love is wonderful, but it does connect. That is its nature. THERE IS MUCH TALK ABOUT ACTIVATING THE BIOELECTRIC AND/OR MAGNETIC CIRCUITS IN OUR BODIES AND OUR GALACTIC BODIES SO THAT WE CAN BE FULLY PRESENT IN OUR PHYSICAL BODIES AND CONNECTED WITH SPIRIT AT THE SAME TIME. HOW CAN THIS BEST BE ACCOMPLISHED? There are a couple ways to do this. One is to connect to the earth directly through the root chakra and really open to be pulsing in synchronized motion and frequency with her. She will guide you very efficiently in this process because she is a planetary body connecting to the galactic pulse. Another way is to find that place within your own heart and soul that is in alignment with this unfolding evolutionary process and be willing to empty all of those things that have been accumulated over many experiences that no longer will serve you in this embodiment process. Know that as there is a release there is also an influx and a connecting. It is a very intense time for humanity as a whole. Humanity now is being asked to mature and make choices for alignment and attunement with this process of frequency shift and transformation at a greater level and intensity than before, or to deny that as the possibility and the choice and then to experience its repercussions in the dissonance that is created. Humanity has a way of responding and choosing to respond to what is happening in every moment, individually, and in every group and situation. That is the place of determining that maturity. It isn’t a great big lightning bolt. It is in the moment choices that are making or breaking the attunement and the alignment. That choice to align with the harmony of the earth, your heart and soul, your inner being, what you know to be true, the integrity of your soul, and to live that in every moment of choice and decision is the fastest path. WHAT CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT THE SUPER NOVA 1987a AND THE ETA CARINA IN RELATION TO OUR EVOLUTION ON EARTH? Planetary bodies such as the earth have influences from other celestial beings and bodies. Super novas, even though they are very far away, at times have possible influences. They are usually not great because there is not the ability because of the distance and the experience of light in the universe to have as much of an influence as closer bodies such as the sun and other planetary bodies. But there is a slight influence, and that influence is one that brings a sort of quality of sparking of a memory of the early evolution and planetary aliveness so that the amplitude of the early seeds of the tree of life in this planetary experience can be experienced or reawakened in the current humanity or the current consciousness that is now able to experience it consciously. In the early phases of the planetary development there was not a consciousness to experience it. That is a slight influence also, of course, bolstered by other experiences, other dynamics. The other being that you asked about is perhaps less influential in a direct manner, but more influential in an indirect manner in the sense that there are consciousnesses that in some ways have greater affinity than others. This one has some affinity with the process that is taking place in this solar system, not just the earth. Then by affinity it can have a sense of influence. For us it is rather inconsequential because of the nature of the larger forces that are now playing out, and such things are more influential when there are less impactful forces playing out in the consciousness. WHAT IS THE FUTURE ROLE OF THE PINEAL GLAND AND HOW CAN WE START THE PROCESS OF ITS REVITALIZATION? It is already activated and much more functional in children that are now born that have certain frequency modulations that are different than those that are leaving the planet in their elder years. It always serves as a translator for frequency into the glandular system and into the chemistry of the body to support the experience of frequency. The experience of joy, the experience of qualities of bliss and love, the experiences of truth and wisdom, the experiences of qualitative sensitivities. In bodies that have not had as much activation, much of that has taken place gradually. The meditations that you do with certain qualities of frequency activate it, and in this time with such intense activation possibilites many pineal glands are activating, creating more of a sense of ringing in the ears as one symptom, more of a sense of pressure in the head, sometimes headaches and dizziness, sometimes a sense of self in space having certain anomalies or almost a sense of difference and not knowing what to say or how to describe it. Your sense of time can be affected, your sense of yourself in space and time, your sense of sensitivities to certain emotional states that previously in some ways you had shut down or shut off. All of this is symptomatic of an activating pineal gland. In the future you will find that as it calibrates more and more and integrates, that certain capacities are more available, certain things become more normal than they ever were before this time, and you will relate to children in ways that you never did before. With particular children, as well as others who are activated, the level of communication will be far beyond what you say in a verbal way. I HAVE SPENT THE LAST SIX YEARS WORKING WITH RADIATHESIA AND THE PENDULUM TO FIND OUT WHAT FOODS BEST MATCH AN INDIVIDUAL. I HAVE SEVERAL QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS: WHAT IS THE ROLE OF FOOD IN OUR LIVES?To nourish the body. It’s very simple. And it is also a matter of consciousness in the body. You can use your radiesthesia and ask for a range of frequency in terms of consciousness and then qualities of certain organic material and plants. For example, you could compare a rutabaga with a potato, or you could compare a fresh tomato that someone has grown in a garden with one that has been force-fed in a greenhouse. You could compare genetically modified corn or soybeans with that which is non-modified, frequency wise. As you do this, even playing with it in terms of little exercises for yourself, pay attention to how you respond, not just in terms of the food, the taste, the quality, the preparation, the consciousness of the people that prepared it, etc. Play with the frequency of the food itself and you might find out some interesting things that you could share with others. IN SIX YEARS I HAVE FOUND ONLY 5 PEOPLE WHO CAN ACTUALLY BE VEGETARIANS. I'VE BEEN VERIFYING THAT MANY PEOPLE WHO HAVE ADOPTED VEGETARIANISM ARE STILL NOT READY TO EAT A TOTALLY VEGETARIAN DIET SINCE THEY STILL RESONATE POSITIVELY WITH DIFFERENT ANIMALS FROM SHELL FISH TO PIG SAUSAGE TO GOOSE EGGS, ETC. WHY IS THIS?Bodies are very different, especially during a time of transition and transformation. To support the body there is a high need for protein for the brain and the electrical system to continue the transformation and transmutation process. If people are consciously working with that, the need for protein goes up and their bodies have different ways of assimilating protein. At times some very much need the solidity of the meat products in some way in order to establish a sense of solidity in their own frame of reference, their own body. Most people who have not adequately opened the root chakra and who still have a lack of connection to the sense of solidity in their own sense of themselves, connected to their own internal truth, resonant with their placement in the whole of creation in the planetary transformation process, are not ready to do vegetarianism. Those who have a greater attunement in their internal to external self, vibrating in that way, often can utilize non-meat protein more efficiently. And at times certain body types and certain designs within the body do not utilize non-meat protein sources as efficiently as meat protein sources. So there is not just one answer to this question, but as this transformation process proceeds and there is greater and greater integration and integrity of the soul embodied and the solidity of the connection with the earth, there will be more bodies that can efficiently process non-meat protein as a result. WHAT DO BREATHARIANS MEAN TO HUMANITY? HOW SUPERIOR ARE THEY OVER THE FOOD EATERS?They are not superior at all. In fact, most people who choose that path already have a sense of superiority and want to be in some ways different than or apart from. They find a path that in some ways makes them in a position better than those who eat regular food. That is a consciousness choice that is not based on higher consciousness. Rather it is a place of consciousness that is also open for greater healing and greater transformation. The process of incorporating breath in life, conscious breathing, can bring more and more of a sense of greater connection between the energetic body and the physical body. You might find that there is a need for less food in some ways, and you may find that you have a sense of greater energy. Yet if there is a positioning that is conscious within that, there will also be a degradation of the body, perhaps subtly, until there is a major crisis. Because consciousness itself is not superior or inferior regarding food intake or not. That is not the determining factor. WHAT DO THE CEREALS QUINOA, MILLET, AND AMARANTH MEAN TO HUMANITY NOW?Each has a component of protein that are able to be assimilated by some, but not all, bodies. They are also bringing back a sense of consciousness from the age in which the seeds were originally grown and developed, usually by the ancestors of those who would be considered indegineous people. That consciousness is one that allows people to reconnect with the earth in such a way that there is less fear, less distortion, less of what has grown up in the so-called civilized world. So in a sense the are food substances with consciousness that assist the conscious connection with the earth, the body’s connection with the earth, which brings about greater possibility for embodiment, transformation of frequency with the earth’s assistance, etc. I WOULD LIKE TO ASK ABOUT THE MESSAGES RECEIVED BY THE CHILDREN OF FATIMA MANY YEARS AGO. MARY SEEMED TO HAVE SUCH NEGATIVE MESSAGES AND THREATS. MESSAGES WERE BIG ON CONVERSION OF RUSSIA AND VERY CATHOLIC REGARDING THE ROSARY, ETC. WOULD YOU TOUCH ON WHAT THIS WAS ALL ABOUT? The messages come to the messenger and into a population of people. Those messages are often translated in terms of the consciousness at the time. They are not always as relevant for consciousness that evolves beyond that time or for other cultures or other groups. The Catholic consciousness that received these messages interpreted them in some ways in the frames of reference that were available. If you expand the message and look at what has taken place within Russia, it has not converted but it has in a sense opened up beyond a dictatorial regime that would not allow the celebration of spirituality in any form. That is now possible in Russia. It may not look like Catholicism, but it is a spiritual practice, and spiritual awareness can now open within a safer and more acceptable arena. The rosary is a formula that was given to consciousness by the mother about Christ consciousness. Not about Jesus, but about Christ consciousness and the experience of opening to the mother to birth that Christ consciousness within the whole of the earth. It has that impact, especially when ones hold that consciousness. Again, that is why it is helpful. The Catholic view would interpret it in a rather narrow version rather than this version. However, it is a formula that when the consciousness is aligned with that it is very powerful. WHAT ARE THE SEVEN RAYS OF GOD CONSCIOUSNESS AND WHO IS THE MASTER ACTING AS THE GATEKEEPER FOR THESE? That is a question that comes out of a certain tradition that talks about the rays and the gate keepers, etc. What we would say is that if you wish to read on these traditions and look at the masters that are aligned with each of them there are many books that you can look at, Alice Bailey, etc. We have a different perspective. The rays of consciousness, of God-being are not seven in nature. There are more than that. The beings are not gate keepers for them, they are emanations of it and are in some ways given names and personalities by human consciousness. They are not human, they are not personalities, they are not masters in that way. They are in essence frequencies of consciousness that are then able to be worked with, met, received, and embodied at times by those who are aligned with such. This time is one of weaving with the rays of consciousness, weaving with the rays of emanation and light and resonance. Some of them are communing or merging in some ways, in different ways than they did before so that love and truth which have always been somewhat precise are woven together and are no longer separate. The quality of purity is no longer itself only a quality of purity, but also has informed itself with grace, grace and wisdom. It is rather like they are all coming together weaving certain experiences within natures that are capable of experiencing a unified consciousness. But unified in such a way that it is now woven in a different frame than human consciousness is growing out of, which has been limited in its ability to have such an experience because the individual rays were the only way you could experience in duality. When you move out of duality then the new feature is able to be experienced. I HAVE BEEN READING ABOUT THE NEW CHILDREN. MY 12 YEARS OLD SON AND 20 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER ARE BOTH THE SAME. IF THIS IS JUST A MORE RECENT THING, THEN WHY DO I HAVE THE SAME THING AND I AM 42 YEARS OLD? IS THIS JUST HEREDITY? Those who are the mothers of some children carried a certain genetic pattern to allow the frequencies of consciousness to enter that were to embody later. Those genetic patterns carry some of the same qualities as the indigo children and those that are embodying other qualities and other natures, Lemurian beings, etc. Sometimes there can be a sense of identification with the attributes that are indigo, so to speak, but in the beings that carry a signature of indigo into their lives there is also a very precise frequency of energy that is quite intense in manifestation. That is usually unmistakable in its identification. So the hereditary pattern can look very much like it, but does not carry the intensity of the frequency that the indigo children, who are now growing up, carry. I HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT REINCARNATION. I HAVE BRAIN DAMAGE WHICH HAS MADE MY MIND UNBALANCED. IF I CROSS OVER COULD I BE HEALED OF THIS CONDITION AND START AGAIN IN ANOTHER LIFE WITH A NEW HEALTHY BODY AND BRAIN WHICH IS WHAT I ORIGINALLY WAS BORN WITH BUT LOST AT AGE 20? Reincarnation is an opportunity for souls to evolve through different experiences and to continue to grow in wisdom, love, and light. When there is an experience within an embodiment, such as yours where there has been an injury that has had repercussions, there is something to learn and to grow in this embodiment from this while you are here. That is perhaps not always understood immediately, but grows in time as you work with what is presented to you through this experience. After death, if the lessons have been learned and there has been a healing or a sense of coming to a greater sense of who you are within the circumstances that your soul agreed to, then there is a complete release of the body and its lessons, and then you are in spirit for as long a time as needed. Then there is a re-creation of another experience with a different body and new lessons if need be, or another experience within consciousness depending on what you choose to do. ON A PERSONAL LEVEL MY LIFE HAS BEEN CONSIDERABLY INFLUENCED BY THE CHANNELED WORK A COURSE IN MIRACLES. ALTHOUGH I RESPECT THE WORK IT HAS STRUCK ME THAT THERE IS NO REFERENCE TO THE FEMININE OR DIVINE MOTHER. IS THIS MESSAGE DISTORTED BY THE AGE OF DUALITY? In some ways the work was intended as a bridge between those who were in a patriarchal religious setting to awaken to a greater sense of transformation and spiritual awakening. That bridge did not include the feminine because most of the patriarchal religious mind set has denied its experience and its existence behind walls of fear, condemnation, distortion and sexuality, and all sorts of layerings. So the work itself in its intention serves, but when you move to the next place where you no longer need that as a bridge and are awakened to the whole of what is taking place, the mother reaches into your heart and soul, the earth opens up into your body of matter and there is a different awakening, another awakening. So move with that and let the bridge fall behind you. If it served you, be grateful for how it served you, but it is not what you are moving into. MY ALLERGIES ARE NOW REMINDING ME THAT IT IS SPRING. WHAT CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT THESE ALLERGIES AND WHAT WOULD ASSIST ME WITH THEM? This is not an answer that has a universal application for all, but is more directed toward you who have asked this question. Allergies often manifest a quality of sensitivity in the soul that is not able to integrate, process, or work with the atmosphere around a person. Atmosphere can be the emotional atmosphere, a sense of beauty or not beautiful, the physical atmosphere, an energetic atmosphere.....usually a family of origin atmosphere. It can also be places where, for example, if a parent smokes and the child is very sensitive then the whole of their being tries to resist it. Since tobacco is plant substance there is often a resistance to certain plants that comes about as a result. If it is an emotional atmosphere that is resistant, sometimes the allergies are then to certain substances that might be environmental. If it is energetic then there might be a sense of food or something like that. They balance each other. The sensitivities will pick an area to manifest the resistance that the child cannot push away what is all around and surrounding and they are breathing and taking in because they live there. So you can look at the atmosphere experience and what it was that was trying to be resisted and then very deliberately separate it out so it can be brought back to the original resistance and re-empowered. For example, now you have the ability to make choices that you did not have the ability to when you were an infant. Then there can be some healing in terms of allergic reactions regardless of where they are placed. Smoke in your atmosphere in a form of a plant agent being brought into your environment through cigarette smoke created a very negative reaction in you. That negative reaction has been translated. Even if there is not smoke in the environment there is pollen which mimics smoke, so to speak. Then there is the same reaction. If you go into the child infant body through hypnosis regression and sort it out with a different sense of empowerment now, you can begin to heal the reaction. I AM NOT AN OUTWARDLY VIOLENT PERSON, BUT INSIDE ME THERE IS A RAGE THAT RELENTLESSLY EATS AWAY AT ME. I CONTINUOUSLY HAVE FANTASIES AND MENTAL IMAGERY OF CONFLICTS AND VIOENT SITUATIONS OF WHICH I AM THE ACTOR. I FEEL THAT IF I COULD GET RID OF THIS MENTAL TWIST THE UNIVERSE WOULD OPEN UP TO ME BECAUSE I AM A SPIRITUALLY ORIENTED PERSON WITH A STRONG INTELLECT. I WOULD APPRECIATE ANY ADVICE YOU COULD GIVE. This is a place where the unconscious is an emotional nature that has not been allowed to exist in the child aspect. The inner child is coming into and playing out in the rage and the violent aspects in the mind. Rather like the only way it can have some way to say I exist is through access to the mind. Healing work that opens up the unconscious, the inner child, working with this even if at first it does not open easily, will bear fruit in terms of bringing to light the child who needs to express its experience and bring resolution to experiences of pain, trauma, and shame that were part of your early life. The coming together of the conscious and the unconscious mind and bringing into harmony where the conscious self, the adult self, can offer unconditional love and acceptance to the unconscious inner child and other experiences that have been stored self will bring peace. Return To Home Page: Copyright 2000, Lightsmith. Copy Freely For Personal Use |