May 28, 2001
WHILE DISCOVERING ISLAM, A MUSLIM FRIEND OF MINE WENT TO GREAT LENGTHS IN TELLING ME THAT THE KORAN SPECIFICALLY STATES THAT JESUS WAS NOT CRUCIFIED. IN FACT, ANOTHER MAN TOOK HIS PLACE ON THE CROSS, AND JESUS ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN MONTHS LATER, HAVING NEVER DIED. WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF THIS? There are many books, and they differ in detail. Each lineage, religion, or prophet brought through the essential truths that were to be brought to a specific group of people. The details differ, and they differ in so far as each one would create a certain dogma around certain doctrines of faith. But in the core there is a teaching of love, of bringing a greater sense of the being of who each one is to a greater awareness of not only self but the being that is informing self. And the truth for each one is what they believe. If we would say that Jesus did not die, that is a truth. He went through a great suffering in the human form. The human aspect of Jesus died, the great spirit of Jesus did not. If you say that there was another who took the resemblance of Jesus, perhaps in that interpretation there are saying in order to explain that the Yeshua ben Joseph one (Jesus) was able to move through death to the greater self. And that in truth, then, Jesus never died. It can be interpreted many ways. Strict dogma interpretations will not illuminate any mind. It will only pass off and pass down those things that have been rigidified. If you stand for yourself in the light of awareness, opening to greater love and awareness for yourself while stepping into any teaching, you will either feel a resonance in your body, your core, your essence, or not. If you do not, then let it go. If you do, allow it to take hold and teach you, lead you, guide you, inform you with the light that it is. Many things written in both the Bible and Koran are not interpreted correctly in this day. And there have been subtle, but very real adaptations along the way. OVER THE PAST DECADE I HAVE COME TO KNOW MORE AND MORE PEOPLE WHO HAVE AN “ALLERGIC” REACTION TO BASIC FOODS LIKE WHEAT AND MILK. ARE MORE PEOPLE DEVELOPING THESE REACTIONS, OR DO WE JUST HAVE MORE AWARENESS OF THESE THINGS NOW? Well, both. As bodies take on higher frequencies, different foods begin to not be in resonance as they once were in the ancestry. So there is a certain shifting of diet as ones shift in frequency, so that can show up as allergies to certain things that in the past were part of the ancestry and the bloodlines. The other part of it is that many people ate what was most available to them without awareness of consequences. Therefore, your ancestors may have eaten a great amount of cheese, cream, wheat, meats, etc., and also developed certain weaknesses in the body and died younger than they may have. These foods are being looked at now as people come to greater awareness of what their bodies are asking for and what the bodies do not ask for. The DNA is shifting as well as the foods shift. There is then that which is opening into consciousness that perhaps all bodies do not need wheat, or milk, or something else. And yet they grow strong, healthy, alive, and perhaps even more alive than they once felt. I HAVE RINGING IN MY EARS, ANXIETY/DEPRESSION, DIZZINESS, TENDER POINTS IN MY MUSCLES, TERRIBLE FATIGUE, AND INSOMNIA. MY CHIROPRACTOR SAYS IT’S FIBROMYALGIA. MY MOTHER HAS THE SAME SYMPTOMS I DO, AND HER DOCTOR SAYS HE’S TREATED 20 PEOPLE WITH THE SAME SYMPTOMS THIS MONTH. HE SAYS IT’S THE RESULT OF A LONG HARD WINTER. AT LEAST THREE OF MY GIRLFRIENDS HAVE SIMILAR SYMPTOMS, ALL WITH DIFFERENT DIAGNOSIS. WHAT IS GOING ON? Since just before the beginning of the year there has been an escalation of light and love moving into the material plane, or the human body physical plane. Many people are having energetic reactions, so to speak, that are manifesting physically. Learn how to release through the meridian system, find the pressure points, work with them, allow your body to continue to release emotionally. Do not cover up, deny, or hide what is stirring within your unconscious, coming up through the feelings. Rather than creating a sense of depression, open to what is surfacing. Lift it to the light of love and awareness, breathe it clear, and you will feel better. What is coming out of the body has to come out of the unconscious and the holding patterns. So you are feeling an energetic reaction that is physically manifesting itself. And that is why doctors do not know how to diagnose it. They cannot perceive this, so they give it a diagnosis that they think fits it, given their training. But as you already perceive, different doctors will give it different names. Rather than giving it a name at all, realize that you are in a higher speed process of emptying out what has been tucked away in your body. Not only from your own experience, but ancestrally tucked into the DNA. More light moves into the body releasing more of the dense energy, dense consciousness, dense thought forms, and dense patterns. Release them and open to the truth of who you are and to the aliveness that you are. Open to the love that you are. I WOULD LIKE TO FREE MYSELF FROM THE ANGER I HAVE TOWARED A MALE DOMINATED SOCIAL HIERARCHY. WHY IS MALE SUBCONSCIOUSLY INFERRED AS SUPERIOR? WHEN I HEAR REFERENCE TO ASCENDED MASTERS, WHY ARE THEY VIRTUALLY ALL MALE? WHY IS THE EARTH FEMININE AND SPIRIT MASCULINE? It would be easier to say they are just complementary facets of one whole. Yin and yang, perhaps, would be a better way to say it. Where there is a complement, when both are in balance there is a whole. In some ways each person has both the feminine and the masculine, the yin and the yang. Spirit has often been aligned with masculine, light, information, that which may be beyond definition. Yet the current of the masculine is that which brings things into definition, out of spirit into matter. The earth, the feminine, is that which is matter but is also the process of releasing out of matter into spirit. So they have complementary functions. What is now needed, and what is now happening in the earth, is the rise of the feminine or the yin energy. Releasing from structure what no longer serves humanity or life and creation, because it has grown too crystallized and too separate from love and life itself. Therefore the upward current, the current that is breaking up the old, is opening up a spaciousness for new forms to come into earth through both men and women. It is oftentimes women who have done the work of creating more spaciousness in their consciousness to receive the new forms. For you, it would be helpful to realize that the anger that you have is at the distortion of separation itself. It is carried by both men and women, masculine and feminine. By allowing youself to move through the anger and to a place of realization that the true yin, the true yang, the true feminine and masculine are partnering to cocreate in this time a new creation, a new experience for all on earth. One that honors love, life, and light. The informing current and the living current meet and are unified in love. Ascended masters are numerously feminine as well as masculine. There are those that are perhaps not as often called upon, but there are many feminine masters as well including Quan Yin, Mother Mary, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Lady Venus. Some you know in terms of only a Goddess name, such as Isis, also have other names. Originally, each male master had a feminine counterpart and they were not split apart. Christianity and other religious teachings have split apart the masculine and the feminine, and then made God male with Jesus being the primary master without equality with the feminine. That is part of the imbalance, domination, and separation that has infused religion. So for you it would be wise to call upon the feminine masters and get to know them. [Follow-up question by Chris] WHO WOULD BE THE FEMININE COUNTERPART OF SANANDA (JESUS)? Oftentimes, the one who was Mary Magdalene in the body is the counterpart on the spirit plane. I HAVE RECENTLY BECOME AQUAINTED WITH THE PRACTICES OF FALUN GONG. THIS PRACTICE IS BY FAR THE SIMPLEST, MOST EFFICIENT, AND MOST BEAUTIFUL IHAVE ENCOUNTERED IN MY SEARCH FOR ENLIGHTENMENT. IS FALUN GONG THE THING MANY HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR? It is one of the practices that assists people to align, and the simplicity of it allows many people to do so more easily than having to learn something that would be very complex. Those religious institutions that have made the path to enlightenment complex and lengthy are outdated. The path, which is now speeding up, needs simpler and more concise processes or practices that assist many to make such alignments more quickly. Falun Gong is one such practice that is able to reach the masses, and it will allow many people to begin that process of alignment more easily and more quickly. Others are also out there and are becoming more accessible. Love in any form is the simplest path. Choosing it, opening to it, acknowledging it, aligning with it, and bringing it through into any practice that is used in the earth today will be the fastest way to greater awareness, enlightenment, and higher frequency embodiment. DOES THE “JULY 1999” QUATRAIN WRITTEN BY NOSTRADAMUS (WHERE EVERYONE ASSUMED WORLD WAR III WOULD BEGIN) REFER TO THE PROSECUTION OF FALUN GONG PRACTITIONERS IN CHINA STARTING THAT VERY MONTH? Not necessarily. We perceive the prophecy to have been about the possibility for a great war to have begun. There were sufficient numbers embodied in the earth with an awareness of love to prevent the war from happening, even though small wars and small conflicts including that one either broke out then or were further stimulated in the time that followed. The Middle East would be another area of stimulation as would central Europe. So there are certain areas that were triggered at that time. Where a great war could have existed, many smaller conflicts happened that were less engaging in a worldly traumatic way. [Follow up question by Chris] WHAT DO THOSE IN THE CHINESE POWER STRUCTURE PERCEIVE ABOUT THIS THAT CAUSES THEM TO CLAMP DOWN SO HARD ON THE FALUN GONG PRACTITIONERS? They feel that it is a threat to their domination because there are those who are no longer afraid. They come into alignment, and they know the power they have from within. Therefore they do not listen to an external master or authority in the same way. I’VE RECENTLY COME ACROSS AN ENERGY BALANCING/HEALING TOOL CALLED BIOGENESIS. THE MAKERS STATE THAT THE SPECIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN CHANNELED FROM AN ENTITY BY THE NAME OF MASTER LANTOS WHO HAS TOLD THE MAKERS THAT IT IS A TOOL FROM ATLANTEAN TIMES. THE MAKERS BELIEVE THAT THE IINTELLIGENCE INHERENT IN THIS TOOL FAR SURPASSES ANYTHING ELSE CURRENTLY KNOWN ON THIS PLANET. WHAT CAN YOU SHARE ABOUT THIS TOOL? IS IT AS POWERFUL AS THE MAKERS PURPORT? No. And it is not wise to give power to a tool and see it as if it is containing intelligence beyond the being that has created it. That kind of thinking created the atomic bomb, so to speak. It is wiser to look at the awareness that is opening throughout humanity, one by one, including yourself, and see the awakening as the great power that it is now within the earth. That is the great transformative intelligence that is now awakening. It will not need to have tools except for those things that assist in the rebalancing and restoration of life, and a creation of those things that support life. Any time you hear of someone making claims for a tool that then ones need in order to have a greater sense of power or life, or that it has intelligence beyond the maker itself, be suspicious. That is Atlantean thinking, and Atlantean thinking has almost blown up the world several times. ONE AREA THAT STILL HOLDS MUCH FEAR, GUILT, AND SOCIAL SUPPRESSION IS HUMAN SEXUALITY. SOME OF US RECOGNIZE THE SACREDNESS OF SEXUALITY AND THE EMPOWERMENT THAT IS POSSIBLE FOR THOSE WHO SHARE IN CONSCIOUS LOVING. THERE IS A GROWING AWARENESS OF AND MOVEMENT TOWARD SACRED, POLYAMOROUS RELATIONSHIPS AMONG HUMANS, FREE OF TRADITIONAL JEALOUSIES OR EMOTIONAL DEPENDENCIES. YET THESE CONCEPTS ARE OFTEN SHUNNED AND CONSIDERED OFFENSIVE, PERVERSE, OR EVEN DANGEROUS. WOULD YOU PLEASE DISCUSS THIS SUBJECT AND THE POSSIBILITIES FOR NEW PARADIGMS OF HUMAN INTER-RELATIONSHIPS? There is a movement to reclaim sacred sexuality as that which is the power of creation and cocreation amongst people. There are those who do such within growing, committed, chosen relationships, and there are those who are doing so in polyamourous relationships. Those who are choosing to do so in group form should also be aware that it is guided by the elemental purpose or current of life and creation. When ones are brought together for the purpose of creative purposes and intention, then there can be different experiences of union, building energy, or of opening doors and pathways in sexuality, and ones can do so. It is not, however, the purpose of sexuality to create such groups. It is the purpose of creation to create such groups. How the energy is experienced, explored, opened and utilized is up to the members of the group. When sexuality creates more energy as a resource for the purpose, then it has a larger intention flowing within it. When it is dissipated and distributed among the members in terms of the release of energy, and the purpose is not fulfilled, then it is not fulfilling the purpose. We say this as a suggestion to just pay attention to that. We have no judgment, but certainly there is in the culture at large because of the largely fear-based experience of sexuality through millennia of religion and suppression. That is breaking open, and that is very good so that creation can again open the portals of its own power through the humans and into greater awareness, and sexuality will be freed in that process. I’VE HEARD THAT BALANCE NEEDS TO BE MAINTAINED TO HAVE HARMONY. IF THAT IS THE CASE, DOES DARKNESS NEED TO BE PRESENT TO FULFILL THIS UNIVERSAL LAW? IS IT STRICTLY A MATTER OF INTENT? Balance is different than harmony. Balance is where two things that supposedly are different but equal can come into approximate or equal…..balance would be the word. Harmony is where many, many parts can come together a larger whole, like an orchestra or symphony or choir. Many voices, many instruments, that is not necessarily a matter of balance but of all fully stepping into their part in alignment with the whole, listening for when it is their turn to play, or to create, or to breathe in or to breathe out, and to do so in synchronization within the whole. That is a harmony. If you look at light and dark as opposites, then you look at that as coming into balance. We do not see light and dark as opposites. We see light, we see a whole spectrum of how much light there is in any particulate matter. If there is such a place where there is no light then that would be dark, but most of what is called dark is a greyness where there is some light. What is happening now is more and more light is pouring into the planet, so what has been dense or seemingly without light is actually brightening up. There is a sense of movement, of frequency, and allowing more and more of that greyness to lighten and to reveal color, reveal the spectrum of diversity and variety within creation so that there can be more harmony as it is all revealed out of the greyness. It is not a matter of intent. It is your perspective, or a matter of how you see it. HOW CAN PEOPLE WHO HAVE ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER CHANNEL THEIR ENERGIES IN THE BEST WAY? SOME REGARD THEM AS SCATTY AND DISORDERED. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THEIR BEING LIKE THIS? There are certain things that such people have a tendency to do that at times will be frustrating for them or for others in their presence. However, there is a design within souls that needs a certain amount of variety and movement in order to accomplish everything the soul desires to accomplish. To make a certain way, a certain design, or a certain application of focus more important or better than another design has been the way humans have liked to create their world in the past, using judgments. This is better than that, etc. Those who have what is called attention deficit……you can ask any of them, most of them can pay attention when there is an attraction. They are very intensely attracted to certain things, and yet at times they are distracted from other things. So if you look at the way they are attracted, and assist them and yourself to follow the attraction with movement, with application in the moment the attraction exists, and then move to the next attraction, you will actually feel a freeing in the second chakra that will open energy up from the earth, and it can open it all the way up the spine to the brain. Part of the difficulty with the repression of the movement of the strong attraction-motivated person is that it does not open all the way up through the spine to the brain, and there is a certain sense of not being able to pay full attention when the attraction moves you. It’s almost as if the brain is not turned on fully. Play with it for yourself and see what happens. It is often difficult when people are asked to sit in a particular place such as a chair or desk for long periods of time, when their design is one of movement around a room to different things that are available to them for the purpose of interaction and learning. Such rooms would be ideal for such people. I READ THE CHANNELING ON THE LIGHTSMITH SITE CALLED CHANGES IN HUMAN DNA. IN THAT INFORMATION THERE IS A REFERENCE TO MIASMS. WHAT ARE THESE MIASMS, HOW CAN YOU LOCATE THEM, AND HOW CAN YOU EXTRACT THEM? Miasms would be rather like the base structures of belief that have gone on to form more complex structures of belief. There are a couple ways to get at them in the body. One is to have meditations of greater and greater light with an intention to open to the core of conscious structures that have created limitation within the consciousness and the body. So you allow light to penetrate through the crown, come into the body through the core of self, and continue to breathe into the places where the limitation has been stored in the DNA or in the physical organs or tissues. This is perhaps the simplest way, and it is not necessary to have much in the way of conscious awareness. Relax the crown, invite the light in and down, breathe down into the body, breathe out. And allow. A second way is to look at your own belief structures and your own complexity of awareness, etc., and go to the simplest form of whatever it might be. If there is a belief that you’re not worthy, there is in that belief a denial of essence, a denial of self. Go to the denial, and go to the place beyond the denial where you exist. Open from within, the existence of essence, of love, of self, of who you are as Divine as all that you are. Then come out of the essence, which will untangle and dissolve those things that are not of essence. That is perhaps a more conscious approach. CAN YOU COMMENT ON THE USE OF ALCOHOL WHILE DOING READINGS, AND ALSO THE EFFECT ON RECEIVING MESSAGES FOLLOWING AN EVENING OF USE OF ALCOHOL? ANY OTHER ADVICE ABOUT BECOMING A MORE TRUE CHANNEL WOULD BE APPRECIATED. Alcohol dissipates energy, and it also opens the auric field to astral influence. Most people are not able to drink alcohol and bring through clear alignment beyond the astral plane at the same time. Perhaps there are those who have moved into perfect alignment who could do so, because they would not be so affected, but most humans are not able to do so. Since you are part of the reading and you are part of establishing the field for any messages coming to you, you too may be influencing the level from which messages will come to you if your field is not able to be clear. So our recommendation is to abstain from alcohol for at least three days, if not longer, before working with the subtle planes so that your alignment can be very precise and clear and you can then reach into the higher dimensional fields, the higher astral rather than the lower. And to open and hold that attunement without dissipating it. Alcohol usually dissipates it so it is less easy to hold such frequency for very long. WHAT IS EXPECTED IN 2002 THAT WOULD BE OF A WORLD WIDE EVENT? I SAW THE YEAR 2002 IN MEDITATIONS. Well, we also see 2002 as a significant event-filled year for humanity in the earth. There are political overtones in terms of international conflict as well as economic challenge that are most likely to be part of the experience. But there is also something that looks as if it will also challenge humanity to make a choice, and it will come from the environment and begin to be more and more difficult for those who would like to deny that they are part of the earth. They will have more and more difficulty denying such. Those who are aligned and opening to the power of creation within their own being will have more of a sense of freedom than contraction. The contraction will be felt most by those who are most attached to the material plane as it has been created, as they know it, as they would like to keep it. WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO CREATE RAINBOWS IN THE SKY FROM LOVING PRAYER. IS THIS PRACTICE ONE WHICH YOU WOULD FIND IMPORTANT OR BENEFICIAL TO EARTH IF ONES HAVE THE ABILITY? If we might just make a small correction in the way it has been stated. To claim that you are creating rainbows does not include the elements and the elements of Love and Great Spirit that are working with you to create such manifestations. You set into motion with intention that which you desire to create, and with the assistance and agreement of other beings and elements of creation it comes into manifestation. It is a manifestation of harmony where many parts can come together to create something beautiful and full, and that can be shared with many. You might find that using your group awareness, you can create other manifestations of harmony that might benefit many people in earth. Listen to the wisdom within the currents of creative intentions that are coming to people such as yourselves to create those things that will benefit many. Rainbows create smiles. There is nothing harmful in such things. Know that you are participating in the creation, and that is a wonderful experience. I’VE BEEN IN IRELAND THREE TIMES. ALL THE NATIVE IRISH I’VE MET, WHETHER LIVING IN IRELAND OR AMERICA, LIVED THROUGH TERRIBLE CHILDHOODS OF POVERTY AND ABUSE, NOT UNLIKE THE ACCOUNT OF FRANK MCCOURT IN ANGELA’S ASHES. I’M WONDERING WHY. This lineage of people always contained from the beginning the seeds of mystics, mysticism, a connection to what was beyond the visible, and a connection to the earth. But there was also a jealousy, that which focused outward and created competition, comparison and warring between clans, and family feuds with deep schisms. So even at times there were mystics warring, wizards warring, and those who would use the capacities to support someone’s intention to get back at, or to be more powerful than, etc. So these currents have long been moving through these people into life and into experience. As they open through poverty and loss, there was an implosion of what was focused outward in the feuds. It was focused inward into family systems, and it was focused inward into individuals. Individuals were working through these contradictory forces. The light, the dark, the place of connection and awareness with jealousy, competition, and the desire to be one up, or better than. Those influences are now coming into a transformation. The transformation of these people has taken a great, intense focus. The British coming in and portraying the dominant force so that Ireland in some ways was able to unite against a force was one thing. The religious fighting, one religion better than another, is just a recreation of clan feuds in the past. It is not about that, and there is a way to draw upon the mystic awareness of union of light, of that which will bring all together, and of passionate love, which is also another thread within the whole. Those who come to that realization can begin to create a dynamic creative community, which is beginning to happen amongst the young who are not so influenced by those old traditions. They have been growing through seeds to bring the best of awareness through while transforming those places of dominance, competition, comparison, and jealousy that have torn the country and people apart for centuries. MY QUESTION IS ABOUT MONEY. IT SEEMS TO BE THE BEST AVAILABLE ENERGY ON THIS PLANET FOR CREATION AND MANIFESTATION SO FAR. I WONDER WHY SO MANY LIGHT/ENERGY WORKERS WHO DEVOTE THEIR LIVES TO ENERGY WORK, MANIFESTATION, AND CREATORSHIP SEEM TO HAVE SO LITTLE ACCESS TO THIS ENERGY, BUT PEOPLE WHO DO NOT CONSCIOUSLY WORK WITH ENERGIES SEEM TO HAVE MUCH EASIER ACCESS TO IT. I’VE SEEN A LOT OF SUCCESSFUL CHANGES IN BELIEF SYSTEMS AMONG MANY LIGHTWORKERS, BUT NO CHANGES IN THEIR ABUNDANCE ISSUES. You have a shift of consciousness and a matrix of creation that is shifting. Those who are lightworker who are focusing to work with intention and light to create their experience are also opening into the new matrix for creation based in love. That experience moves them into a sense of also opening into new forms of creation and new ways of bringing the higher good for all to larger and larger numbers of people. Many are among those who are not lightworkers, and they have created the dominant culture based in money with the sense that those who have the most money have the most power and they can then dominate and control all the resources, etc. They have, in a sense, not sought to open the door to another consciousness or awareness, but they have put much energy into accumulating wealth, control, power, and then an ability to dominate. They see only the material plane, however. Those who see beyond the material plane are stepping more and more into the place where they can create directly into the material plane those things that are needed for harmony, life, and the manifestation of heaven on earth. There is a sort of separation happening. That is why money seemingly is less available to those more connected to spirit, although that is also in the process of shifting. It is a practice not only of belief, but of how to stand within creation and whether or not you give more power to the manifest world and try to manipulate it, or more power to the creator experience and come from that place into creation of all that is needed, desired, and intended. The shift is upon you. Have faith that the currents of all resources, not just money, will be more available. And yet, if you stand in a place of seeing that money or current is something to manipulate, control, and accumulate, you will then be no different than those who are doing it now. SINCE FEBRUARY OF 2000 MY LIFE HAS BEEN CHAOS, BASICALLY EVERYTHING I CONSIDERED TO BE IMPORTANT TO ME OR THAT I FEEL SECURE ABOUT WAS STRIPPED FROM MY LIFE. THE START OF 2001 FELT LIKE NEW ENERGY TO ME, AND AT LAST I THOUGHT I COULD FINALLY MAKE A MOVE IN A PROGRESSIVE FASHION. THEN ONCE AGAIN IN LATE MARCH I EXPERIENCED ANOTHER OUT OF THE BLUE EVENT THAT SHATTERED MY WHOLE LIFE. A PERSON I FELT CLOSE TO BETRAYED ME, VICIOUSLY AND PUBLICLY, CREATING A SCANDAL AND DAMAGING MY REPUTATION AND SENSE OF SELF-WORTH. I KEEP SURROUNDING MYSELF WITH THOSE WHO REFUSE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THEIR PART IN THE DRAMA YET TAKE THE ENERGY OF BLAME TO A NEW LEVEL WHERE THEY MAKE THE OTHER TO BE PURE EVIL AND SEE THEMSELVES AS SPIRITUALLY PURE. WHAT DO I NEED TO HEAL WITHIN MYSELF? There are several considerations within your question. One is that you are also healing by opening up old wounds from karmic experiences of betrayal. Realize that betrayal is an experience of seeing outside of yourself that those things that you sense you need or desire are external to you. What belongs to your soul, what is of essence to you, can never be betrayed or taken from you, even if you see someone taking something from you. If it belongs to your essence it cannot be removed from you. Allow yourself to go to the center of your soul, your beingness, your love. Dwell there and begin to sort out what it is that has been painful. Bring love to the wound, to the depths of the soul, allowing to surface those things that are now in this time being recreated so as to come to a place of greater awareness in your center, in your heart, in your beingness, of all that you are, of that which is yours by right of who you are, and that no one external to you can take it or hurt it in any way. Once you claim what is yours, then you will also be able to sort it out in the external world and say very clearly to others ‘no, this is not the truth, this is what I know to be true, this is my experience’. There are those who would like to blame, those who would like to be pure but judge at the same time. That is impossible. Judgment is in and of itself a step away from the essence of self, so there cannot be judgment and acting from essence at the same time. So see it that way. See the essence within them without focusing so much on the judgment, because the judgment is not real. It is a fabrication based on fear. If you give it reality too, then it has twice the power than it has if it is only coming from the person. If you allow it to hurt and wound you and give it power, it also then is magnified. It is not real, it never was. Not in this life or any other life. You did not know that. That is what you are learning. Come to the awareness, heal the wound, and claim what belongs to you. HOW CREDIBLE IS THE URANTIA BOOK. IS IT THE TRUTH, ONLY PART OF IT THE TRUTH, OR IS IT A COMPLETE FABRICATION? I’M INTERESTED IN THE VALIDITY OF THE SECTION ON THE LIFE OF JESUS. What you need to understand is that the currents of creation come through different individuals, and have over time, whether it be this one or others who have written down that which has been inspired. Inspiration contains currents of energy and awareness. To call it truth or falsehood is not the way to stand in these inspired writings. Stand in them as a current of connection to awareness without so much attachment to the specifics. That way they serve as doorways to awareness. Perhaps you will meet Jesus, and you can open the current directly for yourself. You can open those places within you that are curious and would like to have definitive answers. Realize that in the definition there are only more questions, more openings to greater currents. Allow yourself to have questions that open the currents to greater awareness, and relax the need to define or to attach to definition or specifics, because then doors close. Keep the doors open, and you will find in any book that you pick up that has a vibration of awareness and a current of illumination within it, illuminating doors for yourself. Meet Jesus directly through the current and that life will open to you in a way that you will perceive your own more clearly. WHAT KINDS OF HISTORICAL INFORMATION CAN WE EXPECT MOTHER EARTH TO BRING FORTH THIS YEAR TO ASSIST IN THE TRANSFORMATION? We are interpreting your question to mean archeological discoveries. Archeologists and historians are opening places within the records of ancient civilizations, and are finding more and more that those civilizations knew things beyond what was possible for uneducated or unsophisticated people to know. Where did that information come from? That question will open up more doors, and open up more awareness and wisdom. They will then reinterpret what they have already discovered. They have not interpreted it all correctly. Those interpretations will open into consciousness this year, next year, and the year after, etc. There is also the awareness that the human form has been on the earth far longer than was previously believed, and there are many, many missing pieces. Some of those missing pieces may begin to be opened in the next few years about the ancient lineage of humanity in the earth, so that there is more of a sense of not only evolution but just the genetic shifts that happened other currents that are not explainable by pure evolution. And some of that will open some doors and some questions that will lead to new interpretations. IN DREAMS IT OFTEN SEEMS I AM GIVEN INSTRUCTIONS OF VARIOUS KINDS, BUT I RARELY RETAIN THE TEACHING CONSCIOUSLY. DOES THAT MEAN ANY LEARNING I ACCOMPLISHED WAS LOST, OR AM I RETAINING THE INFORMATION ON SOME LEVEL? You retain it. It is not fully conscious, however there are times when you bring it to consciousness and it will appear to be a new awareness or a new thought or an idea, or a way of interpreting something that you spontaneously seem to know. Or when you are speaking with someone you say something that is just the right way of articulating or saying something that opens a shift of awareness or consciousness for them or for both of you. So it is retained, but not brought into consciousness until it is needed. Rather like stimulated into consciousness then. DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT AURA SOMA, A HEALING METHOD COMBINING THE ENERGIES OF COLORS, HERBAL ESSENCES AND GEMS. HOW DOES IT AFFECT THE AURIC FIELD WHEN YOU APPLY IT ON YOUR BODY AND WHAT WOULD YOU SAY ABOUT IT? It is one of the sciences that has opened up dramatically, beginning with working with color, working with gems, working with essential oils, working with herbs, and beginning to combine them into creating more levels affected simultaneously, so to speak. Each of the elements of the earth works on different levels, and so to combine them begins to create a more holistic effect. So aura soma is moving in that direction. There will be more and more of this in the next years as ones combine elements and begin to create in some ways more whole and holographic responses through the system. Realize that such responses will also precipitate shifts within consciousness, which will also precipitate at times running into certain things within the different levels that have not been moved, shifted, or softened for quite some time. Be aware that if you overdo the stimulation from such influences, you will push yourself very intensely and will need to keep up with your consciousness work to evolve through the shifts that are precipitated. Some people use this as a means of speeding up their conscious work, some people want it to do the conscious work or the shift for them and are unwilling to move beyond certain structures that have inhibited their awareness from opening further. They will either then be unaffected because of the strength of their own will, or they will not use such for long periods of time. They will dabble as a way to avoid moving or shifting. I WOULD BE INTERESTED TO HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT FENG SHUI IN GENERAL. DO YOU SEE THIS AS A HELPFUL TOOL FOR GROWTH? I ALWAYS LOOK AT IT AS A WAY OF SEEING WHAT IS INSIDE BY SEEING WHAT ONE SURROUNDS ONESELF WITH. People manifest themselves in their possessions as well as in their work or the way they create their lives. So there is a sense of the personal throughout the home and whatever is in the home. Feng Shui is that which assists consciousness to be clear in the external world through awareness of flow and movement, and awareness of relationships between different aspects of consciousness or the whole of life. When that is internalized, then it can be a very powerful shift facilitator for people working with their own clearing within their consciousness and opening more flow, relationship, and harmony. If they see it as something that will ‘fix’ that for them, then they can arrange their home in perfect feng shui and still maintain a certain separation because of the strong will to be dominant in some way in their own consciousness, in their own world. Those who have many, many possessions and their energy is tied up in their possessions, then feng shui is a very good way to clear some of that out of the way, freeing up energy for other work that may be necessary or helpful for them to pay attention to. It is very helpful for those who are able to combine and work together feng shui with the inner work, and there is a sense of integrity that emerges; inner/outer, outer/inner. I HAVE BEEN FINDING THAT I AND OTHERS ARE SEEING FLASHES OF LIGHT PERIPHERALLY, BOTH WHITE LIGHT AND PRISMATIC COLORS. IS THIS RELATED TO THE CHANGES WE ARE ALL GOING THROUGHY AND OUR HEIGHTENED ABILITIED, OR IS THIS DUE TO THE AGING PROCESS? It is more about the shifts of frequency that are being interpreted through the lenses of the eyes at times as you see flashes of light or color. The lenses are directly connected through the optic nerve into the central part of the brain. When there is a certain quality of frequency present there can be a manifested trigger response in the brain which will then create a sense of seeing light and prismatic colors. That trigger response in the brain that illuminates it through the optic nerve into the visual field actually comes from within rather than without. You perceive it as an external experience, but it is a complex relationship of a certain awareness of frequency and light that then distributes the experience into the nervous system, or brain, through the optic nerve. There is more of it at certain times, particularly when there is an increase of frequency in the body of the planet, in the body of the people, in the body of creation. There is a frequency shift in place, therefore that is escalated. When it is more integrated there is less of it, and yet you will perceive perhaps more easily the sense of light; aura, auric fields, or other avenues of currents of light that previously were less visible to you. Again, the optic nerve being more stimulated and awakened to be able to process these frequencies. IN SERVICE TO OTHERS IN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, OF ALL THAT IS, IN THE GOLDEN LIGHT OF CREATOR…..IS THIS WHAT WE ARE TO LEARN? It is possible to know this, and yet to embody it is something else. Realize that knowing is rather like a map. The map informs the experience, and the experience is still linear in terms of sequence of unfolding. So, step into the awareness, the knowing, let yourself continue to unfold in your life those awarenesses and applications that align you more and more into the knowing as an embodied experience. Return To Home Page: Copyright 2001, Lightsmith. Copy Freely For Personal Use |