First of all, a big YES, we are still sending out updates. More than one person has asked if they fell off the mailing list because they hadn’t heard from us lately. Like many of you we have had a fast-paced summer full of busy times and many distractions. Also like many of you our personal work has taken us deeper into inner space these past months as the pace of transformation quickens. It feels like we’re surfacing again, so a more in-depth update will be attempted when we return from a much appreciated break far away from our daily routine.
For now I’m sending a quick note to remind you that our next planetary event is scheduled shortly after we return to St. Paul. The autumnal equinox session will be on Sunday, September 23rd at 1pm central time. We like offering these planetary events at earlier times when possible so people in overseas time zones can also join us.
If you are local to the Twin Cities we invite you to join us in person, otherwise you can participate by phone or internet stream. There is no charge for this event.
By Phone: Call 1-626-677-3000, enter passcode 693091(#) when prompted.
By internet:, password = equinox
You can communicate with us during the session by sending email to
As usual we will not know the focus of the session until we begin, but we’re always amazed at what shows up as we open to assist the earth and the consciousness of humanity.
Be seeing you soon,
Dear Ones,
Someone on FB posted images of piano sounds. I went to the site and found an astrophysics tab and these scientists has translated space sounds to images. I particularly like the sound of the Sun
and, in the spirit of community, I want to share this link with you: link to If you go to the home page you might find other treasures specific to you.