About Face
Part I: Like many of you I have long been engaged in a process of healing and coming to conscious awareness. Early on, I was often the only guy in various classes or groups. If there were two or three of us we felt like we were breaking some kind of record. I'll bet that you, too, voiced this question: Where are all the men? Well, take a wild guess who now gets a turn for some big change. It's kind of a trick question, though, because not only men are affected.
Interesting how we can often sense rearrangement going on in the greater (and personal) fields of consciousness, but darned if we can always articulate or identify what's in motion - especially when it still sits mostly as potential. Last Saturday we got some help from Kuthumi to assist our understanding of where we are headed next. We have already had some samplings with the economic fluctuations and the bizarre political scenarios, but much yet awaits.
The coming time is one of transforming the masculine. Kuthumi shared how the feminine has been transforming for the past 40 years, and the masculine is now going to radically transform in the next 4. Give or take. Obviously some rapid shifts are on the horizon and men will be greatly affected, but also affected is the masculine in women. Here are two of several points emphasisized by Kuthumi:
The masculine looks outward.
It is time to get actively creative.
I am summarizing a fair amount of material, but I chose these two comments because for me they hold the key to what's next for those of us who have been moving through this transformation with some awareness. Here is why these two points are significant:
The masculine looks outward
So it needs to see alternatives in form.
It is time to get actively creative
Because those forms need to be brought into visibility.
Kuthumi stressed that it is time to get going and get creative. Start to bring forward what is yours to express, and do so without fear. Do not be attached to needing to know a purpose or bigger picture as that will show itself in time. Just begin now and do not wait for it to be called forth from you.
You may have read other writers who talk about the second part of October and the energy opening into next year. Many of us have spoken about how more people are starting to be open to what we have to offer and will be seeking us out. We are soon entering that time, and because the maculine needs to see its choices we need to be visible.
I highly recommend listening to the Kuthumi channeling. He was direct and informative, and also offered a process to begin working with this shift in the masculine. You'll find it here:
And it also follows that Transformation Tuesday next week will continue a theme now in motion: Releasing fear from where it is blocking expression. Remember that you can participate by phone. Still called Tuesday Tune-Up on our site:
Part II: As a guy who just turned 59 last Sunday, I write these words with the greatest respect for other old-timers :) We're now the over 30 crowd, in case you haven't noticed. We grew up without computers, the internet, PDA's, cell phones, video recorders, answering machines, faxes, or even calculators. Milk was delivered to our house, we burned trash in the back yard, gas was 29 cents per gallon, pop bottles had deposits, and Minneapolis had both a morning and evening newspaper. Oh, and we practiced duck and cover under our desks.
We have had to keep up with an incredible wave of technological advances that are natural for most 9 year-olds. Technology can seem daunting, but it is not something separate from us. Rather, technology reflects what is happening in the evolution of consciousness. And now the global mind has hooked up, and we have the ability to interconnect in ways even Star Trek didn't prepare us for. We may not yet be a highly telepathic species, but we have what we need for each moment. This moment is about connecting.
Networking is a word that now feels a bit aged to me. The term may evoke images of business people making connections and doing deals. Perhaps we can still find the word useful by opening the context, at least until we stop needing to define everything. For me, networking was when my mother went for afternoon coffee with other women down the block. It was a social activity and part of the fabric of our culture. It still is when we actually find time to just visit, but other means of connecting are also available.
What if part of entering the next wave is being more pro-active in how we express and connect? What if we actually ARE done with a large portion of what we came to heal and transmute, and our next adventure is upon us? What if we just reframe that notion of networking a wee bit and have another discussion about it?
For what purpose, you ask? Why, to become more visible! To be found, to come out of solitary confinement, to set the stage so the orchestrators of this plan of Creation can more easily make desired arrangements. To open new pathways of discovery and play, and to feel part of the whole in a way that supports and surprises. I can feel how we're being invited to hook up by means that may seem un-natural to many of us, given our histories. I get that, but as we said back in the day, big whoop. Let's move on.
It's time to prepare for interactions in ways we haven't imagined. In this case preparing means participating in a network structure organized by technology. For me, Facebook is that structure, and the technology is in place to assist a stunning number of interconnections. It is an internet-based system that allows for an amazing flow of collective expression and connection. It's hard to explain how it cross-generates and grows itself (because it's non-linear), but I believe it's a vehicle for what's next. I know there are oodles of similar networks vying for attention, but Facebook may be the place to be if you choose only one. I say that from a personal read of "what's got energy", not from any deep analysis.
So, here's the plan:
This is a collaborative event with two techies who have joined forces to introduce you to the workings of Facebook. Those two techies are Suzanne Boben and me, both of us having earned our geek cred over many lifetimes :)
Facing Facebook
Wednesday November 19th
7pm at Lightsmith
We will have several computers set up to demonstrate the workings of Facebook. We will offer some education about how to use Facebook, what the possibilites are, and how to set it up so you control the experience and avoid the junk. We begin at 7pm and go as long as needed. The cost for the evening is $12, which will include loads of information, direct experience with Facebook, assistance with setting up your account that evening, and a playful night of doing something new that isn't all about transformation and spirituality.
We now get to enjoy all of our experiences. Learning needn't be deeply studious and serious. I think you will have fun with this class, and like all things in the New Field the possible outcomes are unknown and more than you can think of. Just begin. Get active and get hooked up. Then see where it takes you.
And by the way, if you're already on Facebook, please feel free to join the Lightsmith group that is already up and running at this location: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=30608442419
If you made it to the bottom of the page, good for you. And thanks.
Now playing at a Lightsmith near you,
Check the calendar for all scheduled events.
We're still adding them.