Lightsmith Education and Resource Center Event

The Lightsmith Shoppe

Organs of Consciousness: The Chakras and Energetic Body
A new series with Michele Mayama

Introductory evening Friday, December 2nd, repeated Friday January 6th
Classes start Saturday, December 3rd, and Saturday, January 7th.

From Michele:

Last April, I was a keynote speaker at the first Upper Midwest Healing Touch Conference. The focus was, "Healing and Restructuring the Root Chakra." I enjoyed the experience immensely while being aware that two hours was not a sufficient amount of time to create the depth of healing and connection that I know is possible. As I prepared the presentation, a series of classes began to form in my mind.

I saw this series giving each chakra the spotlight, while maintaining a relationship with the whole body of consciousness, both manifest and un-manifest. Each session would retrace the developmental pathways of the chakra to restore integrity and memory of innate functioning. But because we are now releasing from the way we have been woven into old dualistic patterning, the session would also assist people to restructure the chakra to activate its capacities to manifest our soul's fulfillment.

I wanted to let you know that I am now beginning to teach this series, and I invite you to explore a new understanding of the chakras both for personal growth and professional understanding. There will be 8 sessions, approximately once a month. On Friday evening, December 2nd, and again on Friday evening, January 6th, I will give a two hour overview of the series. You may attend either of these prerequisite overviews before starting the series or an individual class. The cost for the overview is $10, and that fee will be applied to your first session. Each overview will begin at 7pm at our new center in West St. Paul (more information below).

The series will begin with the root chakra, and two start dates are offered following each of the overview sessions. I decided to repeat the first session, partly because of the short notice, and partly because so many people are working with root chakra issues at this time. You may choose either date to begin the series. The first root chakra session will be Saturday, December 3rd, and then it will be repeated Saturday, January 7th. All sessions will run from 10am to 5pm. Lunch will be on your own at local eateries or we have kitchen facilities if you wish to bring your own bag lunch.

Anyone with an active desire to heal and restructure from the inside out is welcome to attend the overview and as many classes as you feel you need. However, I will give a particular focus to supporting health practitioners and recommend the entire sequence so that the whole body of awareness can be integrated into their work with clients. I will also supply a list of objectives for each session that can be submitted for CEU's for nurses or other professionals needing ongoing education for certification. Other classes that I also plan to offer in 2006 include, "The Anatomy of Consciousness in the Body," which will focus on how the body stores and replicates consciousness and how the systems of the body communicate and relate to each other, Energetic Self-Care, Conscious Listening, Conscious Conversation, The Soul's Incarnational Journey, Conscious Creation, and whatever else my soul feels inspired to create!

I am an experiential facilitator and teacher. My desire is to invite people into a more intimate connection with their own consciousness so that each person experiences and then can integrate what is uniquely theirs within the context of a topic and group setting. We have different ways of processing information and experience, a unique soul path and design, and varied backgrounds. I respect and honor those differences. No one has to do anything only one way. And I like to include a creative aspect, even if it is to use multi-colored pens. Play opens us to receive and stimulates inspiration. I plan for all of us to have fun!

The chakra series will be taught in the new Lightsmith Education and Resource Center at 559 Humboldt Avenue in West St. Paul. My partner, Chris LaFontaine, and I purchased this building at the end of September, and are currently very busy with remodeling. This chakra course will be the first program offered at the center, and we are very excited about what will grow in this space in the coming months. If you would like to be on our email list to be notified of future events at the center, please visit, or leave a voice message at 952-996-6544.


Here is more information about the series, "Organs of Consciousness: The Chakras and Energetic Body".

The first overview will be on Friday, Dec. 2, from 7 - 9pm, and the first session will follow the next day on Saturday, Dec. 3, from 10am to 5pm. Since this is such short notice (and because so many people are working with Root Chakra survival issues), I will host a second Overview and Introduction on Friday, Jan. 6 from 7 to 9pm followed by a second Root Chakra session on January 7, from 10am -5pm.


Following is the schedule for “Organs of Consciousness: The Chakras and Energetic Body”. Note: classes have been split, so there is now a choice of two sessions for each chakra. Please contact Michele with your preference.

Friday, Dec. 2: OVERVIEW AND INTRODUCTION (2 hours, 7-9pm) This session includes an overview of the energetic body and an introduction to the perspective of the collective process of shifting from being woven into a dualistic pattern of existence where our consciousness is split from both our unconscious and soul awareness, to the invitation to step into becoming conscious creators within a Living Field of Love.

Saturday, Dec. 3: HEALING AND RESTRUCTURING THE ROOT CHAKRA. (10-5) Included in this session is a channeled experience with the consciousness of the Earth Mother since our restored relationship with her is essential for vertical alignment. Also included are the release of fear and trauma, unraveling adaptations due to survival or abuse, the nine veins of the evolved Root, the choice to be here, and resourcing one's life directly.

Friday, Jan. 6: OVERVIEW AND INTRODUCTION (2 hours, 7-9pm)


Saturday, January 21, February 4: SECOND CHAKRA AND HIP, KNEE, ANKLE, AND FOOT CHAKRAS. This class also includes working with the personal and collective unconscious, magnetism and sexuality, body knowing and instinct, yes and no, and evolving the capacity to hold more charge or juice for the purpose of creation.

Saturday, Feb. 18, March 4: SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA. This class includes individuating, self concept and self honoring, cording and co-dependency, addictions, evolution of the inner feminine and inner masculine, the persona or ego, making the unconscious conscious, action and follow-through, and the High Solar Plexus/Seat of the Soul.

Saturday, March 18, April 1: HEART CHAKRA AND PASSAGEWAYS THROUGH ARMS TO PALM CHAKRAS. This class will include working with both the personal and universal Heart chakras, unraveling conditional love knots, the formation of inner partnership, empathic resonance (picking up others feelings), giving and receiving, and honest self-love.

Saturday, April 22, May 6 (a week later due to Easter weekend): THROAT CHAKRA AND SHOULDER AND JAW CHAKRAS. This class will include personal and universal Will, personal expression, staying in integrity, environmental resonance (sensitivity to one's environment), and effects of judgment, lies, and agenda.

Saturday, May 20, June 3: THIRD EYE CHAKRA. This class will include clearing and refining the mind and mental field, focus and interpretation through the Third Eye, discernment of astral interference and energy, the "Back Door", and the care and feeding of direct perception.

Saturday, June 17, July 8: CROWN CHAKRA. This class will include clearing access to receive guidance, maintaining one's frequency, authority within one's own energetic field, entity attachment and release, working with upward and downward currents and inner and outer spins, and soul retrieval.

Saturday, July 15, July 29: SOLAR LOGOS, HIGHER SELF, AND INTEGRATION. The last class will assist participants to access their own Higher Self and Eternal Spirit. This will include opening the Akashic Records and past life memories. We will also work with soul contracts, release of vows and curses, and Soul blueprints for this life. There will be a closing experience designed for integration and synthesis of the whole body of work.

The cost for each session will be $110 if paid per class, $800 if you pay for the entire course on or before the first class. The Overview session is $10 and will be applied to your first class.

In some ways, the conference was the birth of this series and I want to thank those who attended for your presence and support of that initial presentation. I'm excited to share what I have learned in my 23 years of listening to bodies and energetic structures of consciousness. It's time for me to pass it on and I particularly want to share it with others who have an interest in energetic healing.

If you are interested in attending any or all of these sessions, please email, or call my voice mail at 952-996-6544. I will provide more details and directions to the building. The center is located just south of the river across from downtown St. Paul, and access is easy from any direction.

Blessings on your path,

Michele Mayama


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