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Choppy Waters & A Special Visit With Mary

Such a strange time. Every morning I arise and proceed with my day, pretending it’s business as usual. Yet, nothing is as usual. Plans often change in a moment, assuming I’ve had the energy to follow through on plans at all. Sometimes I just sit in my chair, thinking about what I could be doing, or reflecting on what used to be interesting but no longer calls to me. Even distractions like television or internet seem less tolerable and more annoying. Is it just me? Tell me it’s not just me.

From what I’ve been seeing, people are moving through various stages of transition that may include some kind of non-specific grief, a level of anxiety one can’t quite put a finger on, another round of dealing with old issues, or even a radical disconnection from something once held dear. Or maybe all of the above. Others have entered a state of relative calm, feeling confident that we are being steered through choppy waters toward clear sailing on a new course.

As much as we seek to integrate the positive aspects of change and hunker down through emotional trials, many challenges on a physical level have recently loomed large. I’d be surprised if you haven’t been working with something physical that perhaps came on unexpectedly, hopefully triggering something to clarity. I’m sure there is a wide spectrum of experiences as we collectively move through this time of energetic acceleration. Viruses, colds, transformation flu…. call it what you will, these all represent some process of the body as it adjusts itself relative to its changing environment.

I’m also betting that most of us are still recipients of occasional reminders that prod us to deeper self-examination. Those reminders point toward old patterns and programs that serve to clarify what still needs acknowledgment or attention. All of those mechanisms we used to survive the rigors of duality don’t just disappear on their own. Remember the many predictions of the great awakening and becoming conscious as creator within creation? How clever that certain bits were left out of the grand visions for change, like the part where we would get to process. And process. And, well, you know. Because becoming conscious includes dealing with whatever has been relegated to the unconscious. Say what!?

As I was writing this update I flashed back to childhood visits at my grandmother’s house. She would serve milk to us in mugs that had a small, ceramic animal cast into the bottom. On the side of the mug was written “What’s at the bottom of the cup?” We had to drink our milk to find out. I was thinking about the unconscious and the need for it to empty as we transition to a new reality. Just as we get near to completion, there sits a significant object we’ve finally uncovered. Um, kind of like saving the best for last? And just as we’re sure there couldn’t possibly be anything left in the unconscious because “I’ve dealt with that”, the final reveal informs us otherwise. Yes, we have additional opportunities to face our most resilient nemesis, but we also find that they are now to be forever vanquished. Oh, and let’s not forget the karmic goodies, the personal narratives that are coming to completion as the last chapter closes on the old story. Forget the sound of one hand clapping, I say multiple, loud ovations are in order.

Along with fielding assorted symptoms from this large shift, many of us remain clueless about the future. Or, perhaps more accurately, we may feel more clueless than ever about what is next in our lives. Some days I wonder how everything is going to work out, yet at the end of each day I notice that I am still here and somehow things have continued to organize themselves, often with much synchronicity. I’m not sure how that happens, but I find relief in knowing there is a big story of which I’m a part and that it’s not truly up to me to make it all work. As for that part of you that sometimes just doesn’t feel like doing anything, know that it’s okay to sometimes be less active despite any self-imposed to-do list. Listen to your body, listen to Life and listen to yourself. Your navigator knows the way.

And today’s bit of trivia: Did you know that the heat from forest fires pops open the cones of pines and spruce trees, forcefully ejecting the many seeds destined to sprout from the ashes of the forest floor? Life has mastered the intricacies of transitions and transformations, and through its cycles we are constantly being remade. I admit that this current bit of upgrading may be more than a bit challenging, but I also trust that Life knows what it is doing. We may not feel engulfed in flames, but the acceleration of the energy is certainly heating things up.

It might be that grand movements sweeping us into new lives are not yet in motion, but like seeds fertilized by the remains of the fire, sprouts of possibility and potential are starting to show themselves. New growth is inevitable, and even visible if you look beyond the ashes. So, I’m curious, do you feel popped and re-seeded or are you still feeling the heat, ready to burst? It doesn’t really matter where you are in the process, because the outcome you have chosen is assured. It’s working out the details that is keeping us busy. Carry on.


Our design here at Lightsmith is to assist the carrying-on, and we have some great/helpful/potent November events scheduled:

First Tuesday, next week on the 3rd: 

  • First Tuesday sessions work specifically with individuals to help process whatever is up for you in the moment. Since many issues are often shared by more than one person, Michele opens up to the group and assists the shifts underway. If you can’t make it in person, you can join us by phone or internet stream. Sign up on the calendar page. Information will be emailed prior to the event.

Cross Quarter Planetary Event, next Friday the 6th:

  • These events are designed for us to work as a group on behalf of whatever is needed by the earth or the collective. Sessions are guided by the Earth Mother through facilitation by Michele. There is no charge to participate, though donations are welcome. See the calendar listing to connect by internet or phone.

A Special Visit with Mary, Saturday the 14th:

The being we have known as Mother Mary (name shift at her request) wishes to work with us during this special event on the second Saturday of November. We have no inkling of the focus for the day, but you can be sure the intention will be timely and powerful in its assistance. Again, see the calendar listing for sign-up information.

With a nod (and apology) to Shakespeare, there is much ado about something.



About Chris

Chris LaFontaine is a consciousness geek who shares his perspectives on life with minimal prompting. He may profess through writing, media, photography or music. Leave a comment below or


  1. It’s NOT just you! Thanks for this articulate and affirming post!

    Christie Lord
  2. Yes! Me too! Grateful for your post and for Echo passing it on!

    Debbie Scheriff
  3. What an insightful and beautiful commentary on the challenges so many of us are facing now! Thanks so much!

    Kathleen Quinlan

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