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Visible & Present: Discovery Process 1, Authentication

February 7, 2015
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Chris LaFontaine   
(651) 224-4451

Many of us have spent years clarifying who we are, healing from past wounds and discovering our own innate gifts. We are now being called to share our authenticity with others and it is time to be visible, to allow your inner beauty, essence and wisdom to come through clearly so others may receive you and your message without distortion, confusion or filters.

The focus of Visible and Present is on learning to “wear who you are”, in other words to choose and wear clothing that magnifies your physical energy and soul essence. When you do so, you will feel supported on many levels and show up with amazing clarity, beauty and power. Ultimately you will be able to tailor both your wardrobe and home decor so that it more accurately reflects who you are from the inside out.

Michele has been restructuring the Visible & Present program (formerly known as In Your Element). This event is open to everyone, and is the first of the series for anyone who has not previously participated in Visible & Present or In Your Element.

Please pre-register with Michele at 651-224-4451 or michele@lightsmith.com

More information about the Discovery Processes in on our website here.

If you have already participated in Discovery Process 1 and would like a refresher, the cost for the full day is $55. If you bring one paid guest your cost drops to $40, two and your cost is $25, three, you are free!

About Chris

Chris LaFontaine is a consciousness geek who shares his perspectives on life with minimal prompting. He may profess through writing, media, photography or music. Leave a comment below or