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Finally, March

We may still feel like we’re idling, but the shift into drive is not far off. The spring equinox is soon upon us, and by the end of the summer we may wonder why we didn’t better appreciate some down time while we had it.

This brief update is a reminder of what’s setting up here at Lightsmith during March, and how you can join us for what’s going into motion. Following this listing of events you will find a short summary by Michele of how our first Creator within Creation session began last month.

But first:

Our next Creator within Creation session is this coming Saturday, March 9th from 1-5pm. Mary Magdalene will be our guest co-facilitator, energetically present and assisting during the introduction and process portion of the day. At some point Michele will also open to channel her with a more direct message. This year you can choose to participate in any or all of these events, so even if you missed last month with Kuthumi you can join us this Saturday. Read more and pre-register.

Then, the New Moon is upon us quickly next Monday, February 11th from 7-9pm. This year the Earth Mother is very present to assist our physical forms and work with us to better understand and focus the currents of creation. The Creator within Creation sessions assist further embodiment of the Rays of Creation, and the New Moon sessions are focused on the materializing Currents of Creation. Read more.

And finally, the Spring Equinox. This planetary event is open to everyone at no charge (donations accepted). We will begin at 7pm on Wednesday, March 20th. We never know the focus of these planetary events ahead of time, but they’re always quite profound and put us to work in ways that serve ourselves individually and humanity as a whole. Read the calendar listing for video streaming and phone connection logins.


Excerpts from the February Creator within Creation session (intro summary by Michele).

Our very first experiences as spirit beings into this planetary experience of Earth were of awe, wonder and joy. There were no human bodies at that time, no tangible, sensate, physical experiences. The first experiences of Spirit in Earth were mergers with the Devic or natural kingdom. Devic beings evolved within and from the consciousness of the Earth Mother.

In that beginning time, the Devic kingdom was vast. Multitudes of individuated Nature beings populated the Earth in an increasing variety of forms. Trees, rivers, mountains, animals, oceans, insects, all were alive in a sensory physical experience informed by the original Nature beings that were birthed by the Earth.

Those of us in spirit who came into the original time merged with the Nature Devas to feel what it was like to be inside a living vibratory experience. Because it was a little denser and there was sensate experience in the tangible natural world, the first experiences were of exquisite joy and pleasure. Coming from a non-sensate experience, these experiences were very enticing and attractive. Those who came in thought this was paradise in form, which is why this initial phase of consciousness touching the earth is called paradise or Eden. The longer those spirits stayed in these merged experiences within the Devic world, the harder it was to separate back out. It was so exquisite, so joyful, so fun and playful, so delightful that it became hard to go back to the non-sensate experience of pure spirit.

In that initial time, there was much less differentiation. Spirit was much more unified in terms of consciousness. There wasn’t any need for talking or for communicating or verbalizing. Everything was vibrational, everything was frequency, more musical than verbal. In that state, there was no need for a distinct personality. But the more we came into this dimension, the more each soul who was here collected a variety of experiences that were individualizing. My choice and your choice of which Devas we communed with and informed were different. So I collected a whole variety of my own experiences, you collected a different variety of you own experiences as we were weaving in and out, and it individualized us. It started the process of becoming unique. When we could no longer leave this experience with ease, we needed a body of our own to continue our experience here.

It was the choice of spirit to join this exquisite experience of Life. In the natural world, there is life and evolution and then death, in and out of bodies. The animal kingdom, plant kingdom, insect kingdom, fish kingdom–they all go in and out pretty fast. In the natural world, the imprint of the experience of moving in and out of form is not imprinted as painful. But the first time that Spirit experienced that change of form it imprinted pain because the spirit mind is what imprints and forms memory. Pain starts in the mind, in Spirit. It doesn’t start in the body. The Earth created a kind of natural in and out of form, an organic ecosystem with everything interconnected. It’s the Spirit that imprinted the memory of pain, and then became afraid of it. So the first fear in Earth is a fear of pain.


These excerpts are from an introduction that lasted about 1 1/2 hours, so there is obviously much more to the story, with layers of information that wove together. If I had to summarize the key focus for the session I would say that we identified and worked with the embedded imprints of Original Pain that have been carried forward to this day. The release of these structures is now necessary since that fear is not intended to be carried into our next experience of evolving capacities for embodied joy. Following the introduction Michele co-facilitated a process and then channeled the master being Kuthumi.

As we have noted, it is not necessary to have participated in this session to proceed with others. However, the information and processes will be helpful for those who still wish to experience them. If you’d like to order this session as an audio download, please see this page.

All astir,


About Chris

Chris LaFontaine is a consciousness geek who shares his perspectives on life with minimal prompting. He may profess through writing, media, photography or music. Leave a comment below or


  1. Hey

    So it seems Kuthumi works with base pain in being in body and the release of this.
    I know I sure need it.

    Paal Joachim

    Paal Joachim Romdahl

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