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Hot sale at LaRue’s in Minneapolis!

Just wanted you all to know that this weekend is LaRue’s Recycle Sale…..Friday through Monday. It is an opportunity to get gently used upscale clothes at really good prices! People who shop at LaRue’s bring LaRues quality clothing and then get store credit to use on some lovely new additions.. Get on their e-mail list and birthday notification list too. Some great perks! LaRues is on the corner of Lyndale Ave. at 40th Ave. South in South Minneapolis.

Also a heads up for the American Craft Council‘s  juried art show in downtown St. Paul at the X-cel Energy Center next weekend, April 20-22. It is great fun to try on the amazing art-to-wear pieces and feel the authentic presence and power of intentionally created jewelry and clothing. You may not have the funds to buy the beauty, but I find it fun to try on and have someone snap a picture of favorites…There is alot more than clothing….art for home, garden, gifts, etc. and a range of prices.

Maybe I’ll see you at one of the above!


About Michele

Michele Mayama is a grounded mystic with nearly 30 years of experience listening to souls, the causal plane, and the not-so visible spectrum of consciousness.....
She is a channel, she knits, and she loves being part of the blossoming of a new creation.


  1. This is awesome you finally get to post “news-flash” type stuff for Visible & Present! I can’t wait to see these posts with photos you’re planning. That’ll be cool :D And for the record, I need help with some style. Aquarians like their standard uniforms you know… I can’t help myself.

  2. Michele, I love your bio and the new photos of you here and with Chris. Very playful! I also like grounded mystic.

    These events sound great–we’ll see if the stars align…

    Sharon Hylton
  3. Thank you for the LaRue’s lead Michele! I scooted over there today and found a lovely summery, cheery, Airy shirt for $7.00! Great find! It’s awesome to get a head’s up about these opportunities!

    Rosanne Brekken
  4. Happy you found something at the sale Rosanne! They mark things to half price on Sunday afternoon….I am still tingly from one of my finds there today!

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