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Pele Channeling

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Pele is the great over-lighting deva of the Hawaiian islands. She is powerful in expression and generous in giving to those who are open to receive. This channeling closes a day spent with Pele as part of the July Mastery 2 class, and the session itself was quite a gift. She spoke with us about the new dimension, receiving, and how we now have available in this life those experiences previously available only on the “other side”. Energetically she assisted us to fill to our capacity and beyond. Many channelings in this series are powerful and profound, but this one brings a potency that can only be experienced. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to anyone ready to move on into the new story.



  1. She mentions El Morya, do you know any more about their connection?

  2. Hi Sidra,

    No, sorry I don’t know more about their connection.

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