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Seismic Shifting

From Michele:

Have you felt the seismic shifting underneath consciousness these past couple months? It has felt both freeing and relentless as the process scours our psyches and bodies so we can embody more light and shift frequency with the planet. It takes a tremendous amount of time and energy to stay with this process as well as some gentle self-care and acceptance of how we feel each day (which can swing from wonderful to sludge without much warning). Things I thought I would accomplish this summer languish, and I am trusting that their time will come as energy allows.

The Spirit-guided Second Saturday input we have received has been helpful in giving perspective as well as spurring on the deep shifts within us. During the June session guided by Michael and Quan Yin, I felt a shift in the structure that has served this ongoing relationship with them over the past four and a half years. As a result, we are taking a break in August….no Second Saturday event. It feels both like a space to breathe and a time for more fully integrating the embodiment of light that is creating transformation within our DNA and cellular memory.

What I am sensing now is a request from the Earth Mother to have some time to share her perspective of this shift and the state of our planetary body. She may also facilitate a process to assist our bodies as we sync up with her shifts in frequency. So, on the second Saturday of September, 9-12-15, we will invite her to join us for this purpose. This is not a continuation of what has been coming through, but a singular event after which I am not sure what will occur. We have been mentored to live by being conscious of what is in the moment, and that is all I know!

Yesterday, I found a video that I will link here describing how the sun and all of the planets of our solar system are being affected as we move through what many have called the Photon Belt, an area of space with higher frequencies and a toric energy field emitting out of Alcyone, the brightest star of the Pleiades around which our solar system rotates. My body relaxed as what we have felt and known for years was acknowledged by science with long term measurements and statistics. I include it here because it seems to fit with the request I am sensing from the Earth Mother to update us on her experience.

Click photo or this link to view the video:


A reminder that we continue to offer ongoing support for the shift on the First Tuesday evening of each month. This past Tuesday we focused on releasing memory from the Vagus Nerve and nervous system going back into the womb. The process re-engaged how we felt coming into bodies whose genetics were governed by the collective consciousness of that time. As sensitive souls who were born for a higher frequency, our nervous systems imprinted the experiences and feelings of what we felt when we tried to be and expand in the midst of forces trying to diminish and keep us from being fully present as who we are. If you still have unexplained bouts of anxiety or patterns that seem stubborn to shift, I recommend this process. Our bodies are shifting frequency too!

Reminders from Chris:

One event remaining for July

  • Tomorrow, Saturday, July 11th is the follow-up support session to the big work we did last month with Michael and Quan Yin. That event is from 1-3:30 pm, and details are on the calendar.

Two events in August:

  • First Tuesday on August 4th
  • Cross-Quarter Planetary event on Thursday, August 6th. See the calendar for details on both.

Three events in September:

  • First Tuesday on the 1st.
  • Special Earth Mother event on the 12th (details to be announced).
  • Equinox Planetary Event on the 22nd.

Flow going,


About Chris

Chris LaFontaine is a consciousness geek who shares his perspectives on life with minimal prompting. He may profess through writing, media, photography or music. Leave a comment below or

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