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Full Moon Channelings

Note: Tom is no longer doing Full Moon sessions at Lightsmith. However, he continues to offer these events by phone. See Tom’s web page for information and registration.

About these sessions

On or near the full moon of each month, Tom Guyette channels a group of beings that call themselves The Council of Change. Some have previously been in body and some have not. They are here to help individuals and society with all the changes that are taking place.

The session begins with about 45 minutes of group process followed by a brief, silent break. The final segment opens to participants for individual questions and healing.

Examples of questions people have explored: 1. Does a recently departed friend or relative have a message for me, or how are they doing. 2. Curiosity about career, moving or relationships. 3. Will you take a look at me and my energy.

About Tom Guyette 

Tom is a multidimensional healer whose love of nature started as a boy growing up in a river town in Illinois. He became interested in the unseen through sound and radio at an early age and was educated in electronics, medicine, biomedical and software engineering. He has always had a practical, hands-on approach to add to learned theory. Out of an experience of much loss he was drawn to spirituality for healing. From that point on, more intuitive gifts and healing abilities have opened for him. His training includes Lightsmith Practitioner Courses, Hawaiian Kaula Master and Reiki Master.