Note: This is a special download posted for a limited time.

On August 8, 2008, about 80 people took part in a guided process connected with China and the freeing of what has kept millions bound for numerous incarnations.

We offer this recording as a source of interesting and helpful information
as it was shared by Sanat Kumara and friends in Spirit.

The first part was a process facilitated by Michele to energetically prepare the group for what would be the deeper work in cooperation with Earth and those in Spirit. You may find that process helpful, and you can decide if you'd like to complete that portion.

If you wish, you can skip the preparatory section and advance to the 39:50 minute mark and follow the session from there. You will get a good sense of what took place, and it will help you understand the shift that happened for both participants and those in China.

This download is free or by donation

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First, click on the button below. You will be directed to an order form, and will see a price of $5.00. This is present because the system we use prompts us to enter a price. However, you may choose any price you wish if you care to donate. You can also enter $0.00 to skip the full check-out process.

If you enter $0.00, be sure to click on update the cart. You will then have an option to checkout. At that point you will only need to fill in name and email information. You can
then complete the free checkout. At this point you should be directed to a page with a download link. If the page does not appear, check your email.

The download is about 30MB in size and plays for about 74 minutes.

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