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Special Eclipse/Transit Planetary Event

We find ourselves rather suddenly adding a planetary event to our schedule next Tuesday evening. We weren’t sure about adding another project to our busy schedule and *tried* an initial act of resistance, but greater forces prevailed :)

A partial lunar eclipse on June 4th and a transit of the sun by Venus on June 5th and 6th appears to be calling us to action. You can check with professor Google for loads of astronomical, astrological or energetic interpretations, but all we know is that we need to gather a group willing to participate in a process on behalf of the whole. As usual we don’t know exactly what is intended, but half the fun is seeing what shows up when Michele facilitates!

We are treating this session like our other planetary events, which is that we accept donations but don’t otherwise charge for the event. You can come in person, or participate by phone or internet stream. We will begin at 7pm central time on Tuesday, June 5th.

Here’s the information to join us from a distance:

By phone: call 570-633-0024, access code 688377#

By internet: http://lightsmith.com/broadcast/viewer.htm, password Venus (case sensitive)

If you have any questions, give us a call at (651) 224-4451, or contact . You can also send questions or comments during the session to asklightsmith@gmail.com.

Donations accepted here


About Chris

Chris LaFontaine is a consciousness geek who shares his perspectives on life with minimal prompting. He may profess through writing, media, photography or music. Leave a comment below or

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