Posted October 19, 2003

The Lightsmith Shoppe

Hi all,

Lot of things stirring for us in November, including 3 events connected to the Harmonic Concordance of November 8th. We also want to let you know about a presentation with the Earth Mother at the upcoming Edge Life Expo in Minneapolis. The Harmonic Concordance gatherings will be on November 1st, November 8th, and November 22nd, and the event at the Expo will be on November 15th. Details about the HC events will follow at the end of this letter. More about the Expo will be posted on the next BLOG entry.

You can find astrological information about the Harmonic Concordance on the internet by doing a search on Google. What we would like to share with you is a perspective offered by Michele from her way of getting inside consciousness and offering a glimpse of what is in motion during these times.

From Michele:

Many of you probably have heard of the upcoming astrological alignment and eclipse cycle on Nov. 8 and 23rd called the Harmonic Concordance. As it has been approaching, energy is building and with it a kind of pressure to bring our Beings into alignment with our choices and lives. As I have been working with these energies, observing what is taking place in my sessions with people, and listening to the consciousness within creation at this time, I am discovering some things that I wanted to share with you in case they might be helpful.

First, this wave of Light is penetrating deeper into the physical body than ever before. Pockets of unprocessed memories, wounding, emotion, thought forms, old self story lines, or stored toxins and heavy metals may be pushed to the surface for clearing on all levels. Much of this process may be taking place at an unconscious level, yet it draws upon a significant amount of energy to be accomplished. Don’t be surprised if you are feeling tired, physically challenged, or as if your energy is "otherwise occupied". Waves of emotion, old patterns of thought, or physical “yuks” of one kind or other may show up unexpectedly and/or forcibly. Let go! Trust that this wave of Light knows what needs to be released so you can come into more full alignment in and with Life, both on the personal scale and within Creation as a Whole. Hot baths with apple cider vinegar help cleanse the etheric as well as the physical body. Lots of clear water, fresh lemon juice, extra Vitamin C, deep tissue massage, and extra self-care may be supportive during this period of release.

Second, there is a very specific gift that accompanies the Harmonic Concordance for those who have a strong vertical alignment. Vertical alignment means that the individual’s Root Chakra is deeply planted into the Earth’s body of Living Love and is drawing Life directly upward from their own well of Life. Simultaneously, the Crown is connected vertically upward to one’s own Great Spirit and is able to access all the frequencies of Universal Light, Love, and Wisdom. Light, or awareness is drawn down into a coherent central Solar core that lies just in front of the spine in the center of the body connecting and informing all of the charkas, while Life is drawn upward into the core and body to source all that is needed for materializing consciousness into form.

As a person comes into greater personal alignment on all levels, internal and external, manifest and unmanifest, the Solar Core begins to strengthen in structure and resonance. What I have begun to notice recently is the appearance of an Opalescent Gold frequency that informs the Solar core and sets up a specific kind of vibratory patterning in the individual’s field. What is this vibration? I am just beginning to translate my perception into an awareness that I can communicate. The Opalescent Gold feels to me to be the merger of the Christos and the sweet Essence of Life itself. When I work with the consciousness of the Earth Mother, she shows me various energies that are gifts from her Essence and body for all of life that belongs to her. Pearlescent White is her living essence that she shares directly with any living presence who is able to perceive and receive it. She shares many other qualities and gifts; strength, vitality, abundance, the nectar of life, and living wisdom among them, but her Essence is experienced as the sweetest and most precious gift of all. Just as we long to be known for whom we are, to be acknowledged and received, so too is her essence magnified when received. As it is drawn up by the descent of Spirit within our individual natures, the pure Gold of conscious Source, Creator merges with the opalescent Essence of Life, and those who are able to hold such a union within their core are gifted with a personal experience of this amazing culmination of eons of planning and evolution within Love.

This frequency seems to depend upon a relatively high degree of core strength. While I still have much to learn about how this vibration works, it seems to magnetize the core in such a way that it vibrationally communicates into the living field of Creation. What is communicated excites the field of Living Love and attracts by mutual enjoyment that which belongs with and to the person for the purpose of creating their experience of themselves as materialized Light. It also seems to repel that which is not in alignment, or not resonant with the Opalescent Gold. Manifest Life, or Creation, seems to be extremely attracted by this vibration wherever it is able to be embodied and there are subtle but very real responses that further align and place such people in the larger field of Living Love.
These people are also being moved into more and more specific alignments within their everyday choices. It becomes clear where to spend one's energy, time, money, and focus of attention. Possessions and people either vibrate in harmony with the core of Self or they do not. One's place in the whole may not yet be entirely clear, but there is a sense of inner and outer alignment that excites the inner sense of, "This is why I was born!" There is also a stronger awareness that people must choose this alignment for themselves. Support and assistance can only be effective if the person is anchored strongly enough into their own core of self with roots into life to receive and utilize what is offered. If they continue to seek a savior, rely co-dependently on others for energy or security, or depend upon an authority outside of themselves for guidance, they are not going to be able to receive and integrate these vibrations or fully utilize the assistance that is available.

Such is the opportunity of this time! In service to this alignment, Chris and I will be offering several gatherings. The first one, on Saturday, Nov. 1, will be preparatory with the Earth Mother. I suspect she will work with our inner alignment to strengthen our core. The second, on the evening of the Harmonic Concordance, November 8, will be Spirit led, and their task is to utilize the group as an entrance into the larger collective to weave the interplanetary alignment within the planetary consciousness. The third will be on Saturday, November 22, just preceding the second eclipse and phase two of the alignment. The Earth Mother will again be present for both assistance and some friendly dialogue.

Whether or not you feel called to gather with us, or in other groups that are meeting to honor and acknowledge this planetary alignment, here is a summary of what I suggest stay in consciousness over these next weeks:

1. Clear out old pockets of consciousness in your body, field, and life (closets!) where Life can no longer vibrate.
2. Pay attention to strengthening your vertical alignment and Solar core.
3. Make choices that are consciously aligned with your core.
4. Plant your core into the body of the Earth Mother by sinking down deep healthy roots.
5. Withdraw your energy from whatever takes life from you and use it to energize and strengthen your own Solar Core.
6. Take action to align your material life with your essential core, and accept what is yours by virtue of this alignment.
7. Open to receive the intimate joyful union of Life via Earth and Light via Spirit within your prepared core of Self.
8. Savor the experience, for it is indeed the fulfillment of conscious life that is just beginning to manifest in this human plane.

Information about our gatherings:

All three events will be held at The Center in Bloomington, Minnesota.

The address is 10824 Normandale Blvd, which is about 100 yards south of Old Shakopee Road.

We will begin each Saturday evening promptly at 7:00pm, and we suggest arrival as early as 6:30 to settle in and prepare.

We have several ways you can participate in these events. You can join us by phone, in person, or via audio recordings. Each event is $25 in person or by phone, and $15 by CD recordings. CD’s will be mailed on Monday following each event. If you wish to use either the phone or CD method, please contact Chris ASAP for further information. Feel free to gather a group to share the cost and listen together either to a speaker phone or to the CD’s. Those participating by phone also pay normal long-distance charges for the conference system number we use. We suggest using low-cost calling cards from discount outlets (just under 3 cents per minute).

Seating is limited for those who wish to join us in person, so we suggest that you pre-register with Chris by calling 651-235-9614, or by sending a note to

IF YOU WILL BE PARTICIPATING BY PHONE OR CD'S: You can use the PayPal links I have added to the bottom of the product page in the Lightsmith Shoppe. If you wish to pay by check or other method, please contact me.


Saturday, November 1, 2003
Earth Mother: Alignment preparation

Saturday, November 8, 2003
Spirit Teachers & process: Day of Harmonic Concordance alignment

Saturday, November 22, 2003
Earth Mother; Deepening of the alignment

We hope you can join us in this powerful series of events, and we look forward to seeing many of you and hearing stories of your experiences as this transformation propels our rapid shift into the new energies.

Hang in there!



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