Update November 12, 2005 November 12 , 2005 • Message from our friends in Spirit Hi to everyone, Been way busy these days! I’ve had LOTS to do at the new building, while Michele spent much of October traveling around the Minnesota and Wisconsin areas to work with several groups and individuals. A few days ago we finally had a chance to catch our breath, and it felt like a good time to check in with our friends in Spirit for their take on what is happening these days with those of us who have been moving through this process of transformation. I also included a short question and answer session that followed their comments. It was interesting for me to gain some clarity on the concept of mastery, and to again be reminded how effective it is for us to continue withdrawing our energies from the old, dualistic structures. First, some information about changes to our email list. We have created two lists, one for channeling updates and one for classes and events at the Lightsmith Education and Resource Center. Many of you may sign up for both, but we wanted to offer the option in case you are not interested in some of our mailings. Please sign up if you have not already done so. It is the best way for us to let you know what is happening. We have some initial events planned for the center starting in December. These include the first session of a chakra series with Michele starting December 2nd, and a group channeling with Spirit on December 12th. In a separate email we will be saying more about these events and how things are going with the preparation of the center, but I wanted to let you know that things are starting to come together even if we do still have several weeks of remodeling ahead of us. I hope all of you are making your way through these days with minimal challenge. We are finding that this new “operating system” works wonderfully to bring to us what we need. I certainly feel as though we are in a learn by doing mode with all that we have jumped into, and yet most of the time there is a kind of calm present, even amid the chaos. And of course I am provided with ample opportunities to release old fears and a need to control, while practicing receiving. Chris ****** Transcript from November 4, 2005 discussion with friends in Spirit. "We see three themes unfolding when we look at those we have been working with in earth. There is a group of you who are aligning more and more with the living field, and that is aligning you into a greater and greater sense of creating the experience of what is yours to do. In this experience, it is necessary to apply certain past learnings in this time. One would be that when you step into this alignment in this living field, there is a need to continue to replenish yourselves. You cannot only move forward with a kind of great energy burst. There is a kind of sustaining feature to this living field, but it is up to you to begin to realize that in the beginning of this experience you may at times play out several pathways such as: not caring for self, not listening to personal needs, and putting the work or the goal ahead of that. Sustaining is important during this time, because you are not in a sprint, so to speak. You are actually starting to move into a longer-term experience of opening your expression. Your expression needs sustenance, rather like food for the body. If you cannot open both, you will find yourself weakening. If that happens you may find that there is a weakening of interest, or even a sense of physical weakening. So, sustenance and listening to what you need on a daily basis to sustain you is included in the living current. It is not excluded except when your mind over-focuses because of past conditioning that is leaking into this time. So, it is important for those in this first group to remember the need for sustenance and sustaining what is needed for this current of creation, so that you build that in your foundation of this new experience that you are creating both for yourself and together with others." "The second theme is connected with the alignment process. Those who are still coming into alignment are having certain experiences where they get to say 'yes' or 'no' very clearly. They are still aligning into this new field. That aligning experience may sometimes feel as if you are facing old experiences, but in this time you have a sense of 'this is a definite yes', or 'this is a definite no'. You place your awareness much more consciously in this time, aligning it with what feels true, with what has life, and with that place where your soul has integrity. When you do that, you feel almost as if there are little tumblers in a lock that click into place. When the tumblers all click in, you also then move into a place where you can begin to sustain creation on behalf of what your soul is here to contribute into the living field, and the living field hooks up more abundantly to support that. So, alignment would be the second theme, so to speak, of those we are working with right now." "The third theme of those we are working with in this time is one of allowing the body, the soul, and the sense of what is in the heart to re-combine or dance in a little different way. Those who are in this theme are aware that they have a desire for fulfillment in some area that has yet to be fulfilled. They are aware of a longing and of what is not yet full. And yet, they don't know exactly how to go about filling it. As they align with their heart, their root chakra, their body, and their connection to life, then there is a sense that they are moving into a place of relaxing. They are moving into a place of allowing, and growing greater confidence that the fulfillment will come about. They are less stressed, less focused on loss or lack, and less focused on a sense of pain. For those who are seeking fulfillment at this time, if they relax into their bodies and into the living field they will begin to sense that fulfillment is part of the living story that is to unfold in their own experience. They will also begin to realize that their fulfillment is also part of the larger fulfillment. It isn't just personal, although it is experienced personally. Before they can undertake any larger task in the field of creation, they have a need for fulfillment, and that is first. So, that is where they now feel the experience moving them into a place of alignment with life and within the living field of creation." "So, each of these themes is viable at this moment for alignment with the living field. Each of you, wherever you are, needs to find this part inside, this place where you hook up, so to speak. If you are feeling a longing for fulfillment, then relax into the field so that it can source you to experience and create that fulfillment. If you are feeling that you need to align more clearly, if there are challenges and strong 'yes's' and 'no's' in your life, then make those choices. Do not be afraid to say 'yes, this is in alignment and I will hook up here', or 'no, I do not wish to experience this and I will not hook up here'. So, make the choice in those places and align. That is your part right now. And for those of you who are moving in this creative place, it is for you to pay attention to your own sense of what needs sustaining, feeding, nourishing, and nurturing in the process of creating. Do not forget that." "So, each place is a kind of alignment, but different in the theme and how it is experienced and felt. As each of you finds which theme belongs to you, you will notice that there is a sense of relaxing even deeper into this place where the root synchronizes into life, and life synchronizes with you, your body and what is in your heart and soul to accomplish or experience. You will find that as you relax there is more conscious consistency in your day. You will find that what you need shows up, and what you don't need doesn't even bother you, so there is less distraction." "You will also find that your awareness is clearer. Again, you allow less into your field to process or think about, because that takes energy, time, and attention away from what is more fulfilling, aligning, or sustaining. You will also find that you feel stronger physically, whether you exercise or not. You may be surprised at how much energy you actually have to do what you want to do during your day. That, again, is a gift from this living field. The other thing you may begin to realize is that when there is nothing getting your attention or moving in that moment, then pay attention to your own personal experience and needs. You are not always creating, aligning, choosing, or fulfilling. There are other things going on. Pay attention to what gets your attention, and let them in." "It is a new time, and there is a new experience unfolding. There are still some old things that surface to work through for those of you who are coming out of past duality experiences, and these are part of the transforming process. They are part of your experience, too, but the more you align in one of these thematic areas you will find that those old things have less hold, power, or capacity to shift your attention for very long." "Do not pay attention, right now, to so much going on out in the world. The old reality is disintegrating, and we have said that before. It is proceeding rather well at the moment, we think, and we are actually happy about the numbers of people who are disengaging from the structures that are falling apart. Remember that you have impact as you disengage from the dualistic patterns. They lose your energy, and you contribute to the dissolution. We are quite pleased at how many people are finding that they no longer wish to sustain these old patterns within their own nature, their lives, and within their creations. They are disengaging their attention, their energy, and the pathways by which they have been participating, and that is assisting the process. So, disengage, and continue that process whether it is releasing energy from where you put attention during the day, how much television you watch, whether you engage with people who are still strongly engaged in the old structures or not, etc. All those are choices, but as you disengage, know that you are being successful in the disintegrating of the old." "The last little note is to not be surprised if your sense of old traditions might be shifting, as well. Either you want to do what you have done in the past, but in a new way, with your heart, your soul, and your sense of what is most real to be engaged, or you don't want to engage at all in the traditions of the past. Many of you have memories of times where you engaged with family, ritual, or traditions, and in the past they were happy memories. Do not expect to re-create the memories. You cannot. Memories are memories, and they exist in your memory in order to give you pleasure when you think of them, but you are in a new creation experience. It is not a time to go back now and try to recapture something from the past using old pathways. Feel your way into this time, whether you have family experiences or not." "Perhaps there is a sense that you would like to engage differently this time. How would that look, what would you like to include, what would you like to invest in this creation, and who would you like to be with? Feel that, and create it. Ask others that you would like to create with to co-create some experiences that might open you to true engagement with what is available during large-group or collective times of focus. For example, there is Thanksgiving. Much of the original gratitude has escaped from the rituals, yet the traditions remain. How do you re-create these experiences, consciously? There is Christmas for Christian traditions, Hanukkah for Jewish traditions, or other traditions from different religions. How do you feel your way into creating a great, new experience while there is a time of focused collective energy? Think about it, open to it, and let yourself experience your own way of creating something that will be meaningful to you." "Our suggestions are to find where you are in terms of your theme, and make the alignments that are most appropriate for you in this moment. Relax more fully into your body and into the experience of being part of this new, living field. Then, disengage more fully from the disintegrating structures of duality, and consciously create what is meaningful to you during these times when old traditions pull at you for engagement. Create them in ways that open to this living field and your awareness and experience, and what you would like to have your experience look like and feel like with others. And that is our message for this time." ****** [Continuing Q&A] I HAVE TO ADMIT TO HAVING A CERTAIN SATISFACTION IN WATCHING THE OLD STRUCTURES DISSOLVE, PARTICULARLY WHEN THE ANTI-LIFE ASPECTS OF CONSCIOUSNESS SEEM TO FINALLY BE LOSING ENERGY. I ALSO REALIZE THAT YOU DON'T TYPICALLY COMMENT ON OR BRING THE FOCUS TO WHAT IS DISSOVLING IN THE OLD STRUCTURES AS DO SOME OTHER CHANNELINGS I READ. WHY IS THAT? "It is our perspective that when people know what is theirs to do and where to focus, that they are more effective. Otherwise, they can scatter their energy. Scattering is fine as far as an experience goes, but it doesn't lead to as effective of a creation. There can also be times of moving into old patterns because there is less current hooked up. When the current is hooked up, then you tend to sustain energy bettter. When it isn't, then there is a sense of moving around and older, more familiar patterns can creep back in." IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU ARE SAYING THAT TOO MUCH FOCUS OUTSIDE OUR OWN PROCESS CAN BE A DISTRACTION. IT ALSO SEEMS THAT WE ARE BEING SUBTLY REMINDED ABOUT WHAT CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH A SMALLER NUMBER OF PEOPLE TIGHTLY FOCUSED. "Yes, you are getting that, and that has always been our attempt: to create a sense of those who truly practice that in their individual experience and apply it in such a way that is then moved into the experience of the manifest world. Not just thought about, not just talked about, not just read about or going to workshops to hear about, but actually practiced." THE "HOW TO"? "Yes, the how to, but the practice, because that is the effecting place in this transformative time. It has to get into the structures of consciousness, which means it is in the immediate, individual experience in which that takes place. You have to choose. If you are feeling a sense of being out of sync, then what is your choice? You see, you have a choice in that time, and your soul is within you assisting you to come to an awareness of what that choice is. If you are distracted by many things, dissipating your energy in many directions, and giving your energy to others that are still in duality sucking you dry, then you have less capacity in that time to listen to your soul, make the alignment, and come into synchronization with self and life. Then you are less effective in the whole. Everyone who is synchronized and in alignment with this field of living light is effective. It does not matter whether or not you are doing anything in a way others can see, for that is not the impact of your effectiveness. The effectiveness is the synchronization of life with light, with your consciousness, in the moment in which you are choosing that. In a sense, this is the mastery level, and that is why there are fewer." I’M REALIZING THAT I LIKE HAVING THESE DISCUSSIONS AND THAT I MISS HAVING MORE ASSOCIATION WITH YOU IN THIS WAY. "But if you had association with us all the time you wouldn't get practice." YEAH....... (laughter) "So, we are happy that you practice, and every once in a while we have some input as reminders." AND AS MUCH AS SOME PART OF ME TENDS TO RESIST THE PRACTICE, I'M AWARE THAT WHEN I PRACTICE I GROW. "Yes, of course. And so does the whole, this greater field. And this is what we really would like everyone to know: that your choices do make a difference. When you align, synchronize, and vibrate within life more powerfully, then that makes a difference. It makes a difference to the larger field and all who are part of that, and it makes a difference to what you are disconnecting from and choosing not to energize. It is effecting." WOULD YOU PLEASE EXPAND MORE ON THE EFFECTS FROM THESE CHOICES? "It's not about what you are doing or creating that others can see or not, but rather it is more about your own personal experience. When you vibrate and synchronize with your own living experience within this living field there is a sort of magnification of vibration that expands outward from you. That vibration infuses the field with what you are vibrating. It is a living field, so whenever it is infused by any cell of the whole then all of the cells in the body feels somewhat more of that life available. It is, in a sense, enhanced." "You will find many opportunities to unplug your attention from something that is dualistic, of old structures or patterns. Or from people who try to take from you or cord you, or who may pull attention out of your own experience of life and into their need for getting something from someone else rather than in their own direct connection. If you pull out of that, if you disengage, if you say no, then that old structure loses energy. It loses you, in a sense, and the life force that you have been giving to it in some form. So, it loses life energy, and there is a decrease in what is felt through that level of consciousness. Then it starts to disintegrate and lose integrity, and that is what you are beginning to sense and see around you right now. The old structures cannot be sustained, and people lose the power to continue having control in the way they are used to. So, you do affect that as well. It is not in moments of meditation that this happens, but rather in daily life. That is why it is a level of mastery. Mastery is not only about meditation and consciousness, and when you decide to hook up. It is when you practice and how you effect through choice in every moment. It is in where you give life, where you invest your focus, attention, and life energy. And that has impact." I APPRECIATE THAT EXPLANATION ABOUT MASTERY. I CAN'T HELP BUT THINK THAT SOME NUMBER OF PEOPLE MIGHT STILL HAVE AN IMAGE OF A MASTER BEING SOMEONE IN WHITE ROBES GOING AROUND GIVING BLESSINGS. "Well, that may be, but nobody does that, even at our level (laughter). We are much more active than that, and blessing is an attribute that is available to all. Of course, a blessing to us is something that is named and called forth, so that is a practice, too. It is not just a nebulous thing. Mastery is what you ones are attaining through exercise and practice. No one comes to mastery without that." ******