Surfacing Your Soul's Deep Desire for Fulfillment
A special journey to Guatemala with Michele Mayama

March 16 - 25, 2007

Click here to download a PDF flyer with trip information

Group size is limited.
A $250 deposit will hold your place
(non-refundable after December 31, 2006)

To reserve a space or
if you have more questions:

Call 651-224-4451
or email


You can find out more about Villa Sumaya from their website at

It has been two years since I last took a group to Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Those who know me know that it is one of my favorite places on earth! So I am happy to announce that Lightsmith will host a group retreat/trip to Guatemala leaving Friday, March 16 and returning Sunday, March 25. We will begin with a full day in the beautiful artisan city of Antigua. Within the ruins of an old convent there is a perfect resonant chamber where we will co-create a sound experience of toning and calling to each soul. Antigua is also a wonderful place to see (and shop!) the beautiful textiles and handwork from all of the Mayan villages throughout Guatemala.

On Sunday, March 18th, we travel to the Villa Sumaya ( on Lake Atitlan and spend six nights there. The Villa is a beautiful retreat space lovingly created by a friend of mine, Wendy Stauffer. It is reached by boat from Panahachel and is full of gardens, private places to spend hours in either solitude or with friends, and is known for its wonderful food. Each day we will gather as a group in the morning and evening for experiences that I will facilitate. The presence of the Earth Mother is very strong here as Lake Atitlan is considered to be the Umbilicus to the Great Mother. We will partner with her while on retreat, and I will bring her through to work with the group at times.

The group space at the Villa is called The Blue Tiger Temple, a large room overlooking the volcanoes that rise up on the other side of the lake. It is wonderful for movement, guided processes, and creative activities. The theme for this retreat may yet evolve, but as of now, it feels it is focused upon nurturing and surfacing to consciousness our deep soul desires for fulfillment. We return to Antigua on the 24th for another night before leaving on Sunday, March 25th. If you want to extend your trip on either end, that is up to you and I can put you in touch with my travel connections there. One person in the last group attended Spanish school for two weeks prior to the trip and three people stayed longer.

The afternoons are open. There are a number of wonderful practitioners who live at the lake, and they offer various kinds of massage, energy work, Feldenkrist, etc. The last group I took to the Villa Sumaya filled their afternoons with hikes, individual sessions, rest, swimming, kayaking, and great conversation. We also arrange one day to visit Panahachel for shopping in the local market, and in particular, a women’s cooperative whose handwork is fairly compensated. This year I plan to try to bring them several sewing machines to support their work. The trip is optional and serves as a day to oneself if you choose to use it that way.

The price for the retreat is $1400 and includes all ground transportation in Guatemala, double occupancy lodging in Antigua (includes breakfast), two meals a day (breakfast and dinner) at the Villa Sumaya, all facilitated group sessions with Michele and Earth Mother, and one group sauna and group hot-tub experience at the Villa. The price does not include airfare to Guatemala City from your original destination.


Click here to download a
flyer with trip information

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