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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Lightsmith June Events & Solstice Party

Tuesday Tune-ins June 6th and 20th
Second Saturday Channeling (Archangel Michael) June 10th
Small Group Channeling June 15th
Topical Channeling (Relationships) June 29th
Faerie Workshop


Okay, no long reflection this time. There's so much to let you know about, and I agree that sometimes short and sweet is preferable. Especially when things are crankin' up. So, here goes:

CLARIFICATION: We just wanted to make sure everyone knows that Michele is continuing to schedule individual client sessions. She has stopped offering individual channeled sessions, but remains available for individual healing and shift facilitation sessions. You can now schedule by calling our office number 651-224-4451, or by sending an email to

CALENDAR: Have you seen our on-line calendar of our scheduled events? Please check it out for a quick look at what's coming in the weeks ahead. You'll find a link on the main page of our site, and right here:

NO CHAKRA CLASS INTENSIVES THIS SUMMER: Michele will not be offering any 4-day intensive chakra classes this summer. We'll have more about a new September series as fall approaches (but, don't want to think about that now).

TUESDAY TUNE-IN: Tuesday, June 6th will be our next event. These tune-ins are not channeled experiences, but rather are facilitated group processes guided by Michele. The theme for the tune-in will not always be known in advance, but on this Tuesday we will again be focused on a release in the throat chakra. We are in a time when issues of will and control (for survival) are being cleared from this chakra. This part of the body is also an area of focus for many of the client sessions Michele has been having lately, so it felt like a good time for this focus. On this Tuesday, Michele will guide a process to loosen and release the old structures that continue to create a "stuckness" in the shift out of duality.

The next scheduled Tuesday Tune-In is on June 20th. At this time no particular focus is known. The nature of the process will be determined through a time of checking in with each participant at the beginning of the evening. Michele will then work with the field that is created and guide us through whatever needs to shift. The cost is $30, and you can join us by phone. See our web site for more information.

SECOND SATURDAY CHANNELING: On June 10th at 7pm we will be joined by Archangel Michael. This is another special evening in the series that began with Yeshua in February and continued with visits from Mary Magdalene, the Earth Mother, and Mother Mary. We are excited to be visited by these great beings, and again look forward with all of you to what will be presented. We have been receiving much information about our collective story, and I'm sure this Saturday evening will bring more clarity as well as a few unexpected twists. We can usually count on a process, too, so if the previous Second Saturday Channelings are any indication, this will be another powerful and potent evening. The cost for attending this event at our building is $30. See the information page on our site for phone and CD costs.

SMALL GROUP CHANNELING: We will hold our first small group channeling on Thursday, June 15th. Since Michele is no longer offering channelings for individual clients, we created the Small Group Channelings as a way for people to still have this kind of access for the exploration of personal questions and issues. The group size is limited to a total of 8 people, in person and phone combined. Often, other people with similar or complimentary interests are drawn to participate on any given evening, and a helpful synthesis can occur that brings deeper understanding for everyone in the group. These small group sessions will generally be with our friends in Spirit, although we will also work with the Earth Mother, if requested. Pre-Registration is required for these sessions. Please see our site for more information:

TOPICAL CHANNELING: Another new event on our calendar is the monthly "Topical" Channeling. Topical channelings are organized around a particular theme, or topic. Each month we will choose a subject, and invite those in Spirit (or the Earth Mother) to gather with us for an in-depth exploration of the selected theme. We will announce the monthly subject in our email updates, and on our calendar. The cost for this event is $30, and participation can be in person or by phone. You'll find more information at

CELTIC FIRE AND FAERIE, The Shining Path of the Sidhe: This is a Lightsmith co-sponsored event. On June 27th, from 6:30 - 9:00pm we will be visited by Aine (Ahnya) from Dublin, Ireland. The evening is designed to be a fun, light-hearted time with Aine sharing some of her experiences with the Faerie Realm and with the Ancient Tribes of Ireland. She will talk about the Faerie Godmothers and Guardians, the Healing Faeries, the Nature Faeries, and much more. You will have time to explore your own world of Faerie and perhaps make contact with some of your own Faerie Family and/or share your own stories. The cost is $35 for adults, and $20 for children from ages 8-14. One adult and two children is $65. You can contact Aine at 303-660-0906, or call us for more information at 651-224-4451. You can learn more about Aine on her web site at

And lastly (but not leastly...)

SOLSTICE AND BUILDING PARTY ON JUNE 21ST. Here are some words from Michele about this special celebration:

"It has been almost nine months since we began renovating this 1913 former telephone switching station into the home for Lightsmith. We are grateful for all the support we received during this gestational time, whether through donations, participation in events or classes, or wielding a paintbrush. There are more projects ahead, but we have moved into our offices and feel as if Phase I is complete."

"Part of the cycle of creation is to pause and celebrate. So we are inviting you, our larger community, to a gathering of gratitude and celebration on this summer Solstice, June 21, from 6:30-9. Bring your favorite dish for a pot-luck dinner and connect with people you have seen at events but perhaps not had a chance to fully meet. After a while, we will sit in a circle, create a field for sharing, and open to receive input and inspiration for possible events, gatherings, experiences, classes, etc. that could happen here in this space. This Solstice feels like a good time to play with possibilities within the Field of Creation and to invite more involvement in that creative process."

Making sure your summer is busy,



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