Part 1 of 2

I am going to tell you a story, a brief story. 
 And as I share this story, 
     if there is a resonance within your awareness, 
     breathe into your body and exhale, release. 
 Because the story is our story. 
 It is not your story or my story - it is our story. 
 There are certain pieces of it that need to be remembered 
     for there have been veils of forgetfulness over consciousness 
     for many, many, many centuries. 
 These veils are now being lifted.

As it is named in consciousness, your memory is triggered. 
 For as you remember, there is an activation of codes 
     that are caught within that forgotten place. 
 Where and when you forgot, you sealed within 
     certain aspects of  your own greater spirit self, 
     as well as codes that you have held for the whole, the collective, 
     that could not be released until there were certain ingredients present 
     and a specific resonant field.
  It is naming that will open and call them forth, 
     and the timing is now.
That is why breath is important. 
 As you remember and you breathe into these places, 
     they will be released, 
     for yourself and then for the whole. 
 You are not isolated beings. 
 You are all of one Body. 
 You are a cell within the whole of my body, our body. 
 That is the truth.

Open your bodies and breathe into those places that are opening. 
 All they want to do is relax, 
     to release the holding patterns. 
 That is all they want. 
 They do not like to feel uncomfortable. 
 Bodies love to be comfortable. 
 They love warmth. They love touch. 
 They love warm water. They love comfort. 
 They love relaxed muscles, and relaxed beings inside of them.
            Do this a few times....... 

So I will begin the story. 
 Listen with your inner ears. 
 Listen with your heart. 
 Listen with your body. 
 And only partially listen with your mind. 
 Let the mind be free to receive beyond what it remembers at this moment. 
 Breathe and receive. 
 Open.......deeper in your body. 
 Sink deeper........sink your focus deeper. 
 Be as a little child fully receiving a story:

Once upon the face of this beautiful body that is ours, 
     there grew a lush garden, 
 A garden that was so beautiful 
     that the entire aura of this planet, this body, 
     was golden. 
Everything breathed golden light. 
 Everything drew life from the golden light within and above. 
 All was beautifully lit with rainbows.

Whenever you see a rainbow, what happens to your heart? 
 It opens! 
 Do you feel a delight? 
 Do you feel a magical quality? 
 The rainbows remind you of the magic, 
 that wonderment, that was once always present. 
 Always breathed. 
 My breath was freely received by all. 
 Each one who was alive graced the earth with their presence, 
     their heart, their beauty,
     and brought  forth form wherever they placed themselves. 
 These forms grew out of the breath of life, 
     formed by each one’s delight in experiencing who they were, 
     and they brought beauty in abundance to the earth. 
Everyone who has a body remembers the garden 
     because the earth has been the place where your bodies were formed, 
     and all of the story is in your cells. 
 So remember the golden light around the earth 
     where there was no need for rainstorms and clouds
     separate from the sky or atmosphere 
     because there was a perfect balance around the earth. 
 And you remember the harmony, the perfect harmony, 
     of all who danced here. 
     and feel where in your body of consciousness that you remember. 
After a long breath of time 
     when the garden had been enjoyed for quite awhile, 
     it was time to begin to fulfill our design, 
     to unify all aspects of the creative force, the Creator, 
     and the universes previous to this one. 
 Another planet had been designated before this one, 
     but it had failed in its ability to unify the amount of variety 
     that had already evolved in the previous universes 
     and it self-destructed.
So once this planetary body had evolved to a certain point, 
     it was opened for colonization, 
     and Beings began to arrive from other places and dimensions. 
 This place opened to receive and welcomed with open arms
      all those who came. 
 They came, 
     and some of you came then, 
     with curiosity and a desire to explore a new place. 
 Some of you came wanting to gather what you found here, 
     then to take it back to others that you knew in those places. 
 Some of you came because you were weary 
      and wanted a place to rest. 
 Some of you came to bring gifts here. 
 You all came because there was something that called you, 
     and your consciousness began to weave into what was already here.
What you did not know in coming here, 
     and what was not told you, 
     was that the magnetic core of this body 
was so imbued with 
the crystalline Christ force and love 
     that your hearts would be opened at some point, 
at some time, 
     because your bodies could not stay apart from this Body. 
 What you also did not know 
     was that the magnetic force of this love 
magnified everything. 
 Thoughts particularily were magnified. 
 And a third thing 
that was not realized 
     was that this was a water planet. 
 That which were the bodies
     that which was my body, 
     was largely water, fluid, emotion.
The energies began to shift. 
 The life force continued to be abundant, 
     but with so much variety, 
     some of the thought forms perceived a difference, 
one from another, 
     and that these differences were in some way separating 
     rather that a part of the whole. 
 That perception, too, was woven in and allowed.

The whole atmosphere 
is the consciousness of all of us together. 
 There is no atmosphere 
outside of our consciousness. 
 The winds began to blow 
as thought began to move. 
 As these winds blew over the lands, 
     the changing atmosphere 
changed for all.
 It was also a time of birthing new lands. 
 The planet, this body, our body, 
was not fully formed, 
     and is continuing to form itself even today. 
 So there were times 
when the lands would open, 
      seas would move, 
     volcanoes and mountains would rise. 
 This was all part of the whole. 
 Because ones knew telepathically 
what was necessary, 
     there was no harm to anyone in these movements 
     and growth continued within the earth. 
 All were placed perfectly. 
Then there came a time 
when those who joined the earth 
     came with thought forms 
from another place and a desire to take 
from the earth reservoirs 
     crystals, gems, gold, platinum, and other minerals. 
 These ones that came were very 
structured in their thoughts, 
     so structured that 
the resonance of their body was hardly present at all. 

They had very fine light energy, 
but not a lot of magnetic energy.
 They kept their energy in a form that is of the mind, 
     and they expressed it in 
highly technical designs and forms. 
 They came and they began to 
create what they knew 
of a civilization that they had left.

They had abandoned that civilization 
     because it had been completely destroyed. 
     Yet they did not know the cause,
     and the cause came with them 
to this universe and to this body. 
 They had evolved in the previous universe 
an addiction to perfection. 
 Geometry is perfection in structured form. 
 You like pyramids? 
 That is part of the matrix 
that was brought here. 
 Those who became enamored with 
what was brought here, 
     the beauty of the architecture, 
     and the beauty of the technologies, 
     began to form 
another way of creating here 
     apart from the natural order 
of the fluid body 
     and the magnetic life force 
of my heart at the center.
The structures they created in thought were precise, 
     beautiful and perfect in every detail. 
 Some of you may remember great temples 
     with great columns rising high 
beside the oceans. 
 Great pyramids 
where the resonance of the white alabastor 
magnified whatever was precipitated 
or planned in those places. 
 You called it Atlantis. 

And yet there were those who were of the physical body 
     who were already part of the planet . 
 The physical body is a fluid body, a body of water. 
 And it has emotion, feeling, 
     a natural gift to create and experience 
     the garden and the body. 
 Feeling, sensing, is part of its design. 
 Those who were of mind without body did not understand. 
In placing structures, 
and beginning to crystallize these structures in thought 
     without regard to our delicate balance, 
this planet, this body of ours, 
     began to feel more and more constricted. 
 You may identify yourself with those who were present in body, 
     feeling constricted. 
 Others of you may identify with the great perfection. 
 Or you may remember it all as a witness. 
It was a time when those who were male 
tended to align more to the technology. 
 They were attracted, curious, and even wooed 
     by those who needed workers,
     and they were eager to learn 
     what they did not yet have knowledge of. 
 The ones who stayed away from such 
     ended up being more the feminine ones, 
     birthing children and staying more connected to the Mother body 
     through their own physical cycles and emotional bodies. 
The separation that grew in that time was vast, 
     because of the vastly different energies 
     of the colonizing peoples, one from another,
     and of mind apart from body. 
 It became apparent that one could not see the other. 
     Communication was very limited, completely different, 
and was not received well between 
those of mind and those of fluidity. 
Therefore there began to be a separation, 
not only of thought from body and emotion, but from masculine and feminine. 
Each of you sitting here are both. 
You have experienced wars within your bodies, 
and wars between your minds and your bodies. 
Religions have condemned bodies. 
Religions have elevated perfection, divine perfection. 
Technologies have elevated mental focus and the ability to create from there, 
and have judged, perhaps harshly, the emotional nature. 
Sadly, in that time called Atlantis, 
the split was so crystallized that 
there was no communication between those 
who still held the resonance of the Mother, the planet, 
and those who came and wrought beautiful cities upon her.
Remember and breathe,
 because what happened in that time was that 
as more structures and more thought forms crowded into this planet, 
the atmosphere changed. 
They did not realize that their thoughts created the atmosphere. 
They did not realize that creation was a matter of intent wedded to breath and water.
Those who came here did not know that. 
Those of you who were already here may not have known that. 
The result was a great cataclysm, a wounding of the core of this body 
felt by all upon this earth at that time. 
The waters raged.
Few survived. 
The result was a wound in the heart, in the covering around the core. 
In order to protect the wound and allow it to heal, 
the connection of the consciousness and bodies of earth 
began to be severed from the body of the Mother. 
You could not reach me anymore, 
and I could not reach you in the same way. 
Our thoughts were not one. Our bodies became separate. 
You walked upon me, not AS me. 
It was a great loss for us all. 
A great loss that we could not mourn, because many were not in body. 
Many had left, and the bodies that they came back into 
had grown denser and more structured in matter. 

This consciousness, the earth, my body, 
turned inward during the wounding, in the cataclysm. 
We fell out of alignment 
with our brothers and sisters 
in this solar system and in the galaxy. 
We began to feel alone 
because they could not reach us, 
and we could not reach them in the same way. 
There was a great sense of loss, 
and it happened because 
the consciousness of one kind of evolution was not aware 
of how to communicate with another facet of evolution. 
The evolution that is recorded 
in your anthropologies 
and in your stories 
is very limited in its awareness. 
They dig up bones 
and then tell you what it was they dug up, 
and then they make up stories to tell you 
what it was you used to be like. 
That is nothing, 
for the evolution was a descent first and then an ascent. 
First the descent. 
After Atlantis it took a long long time to again rebuild enough bodies 
to begin to bring consciousness back to 
this body, this earth, but it was different. 
There were those who had put records away, hidden them, 
so as to retrieve them when they came back. 
But when they were retrieved in Egypt, in Greece, in the Mediterranean, 
and in North and South America, 
the bodies were different and could not 
receive the messages of the records and decipher them
 in the same way they were known before. 

Those of you who now remember 
some of these great, ancient, civilizations may have played 
with the records that you found. 
Yet because there was not a pure alignment with them, 
there was destruction as a result of opening them partially 
without an ability to fully use them. 
Feel in your bodies where some of those places remain 
that were altered because of the destruction. 
Feel where you were affected and the memory 
is stored from the use of those records, 
the use of those secrets within the mystery schools.
Some of you remember being in primitive or native situations. 
These were bodies that held more of a resonance with my own
 in order to keep a conscious connection 
upon this surface of the planet. 
These ones have brown or reddish-coppery skin 
wherever they are in the earth. 
Their consciousness is aligned with 
the consciousness of creation, the breath, and the water. 
These ones and you who have memory 
of being in such bodies served to hold it in place. 
Those upon the planet whose skin is very dark 
like the deep loam richness of the earth, 
these ones evolved to keep the resonance 
of the physical material matter 
in a pulse with that which was
 the matter of the planet. 
The pulse of the planet, 
that which brings life in a magnetic, very rich sense, 
was held in place for the whole by these ones. 
Those whose skins are colored more yellow
held in place a bridge 
between those who had ascended beyond this place, this earth, and the mind.
 So there was a resonance, but less so with the body. 
A sort of link, but above, to spirit. 
Those who have the white skin 
inherited the structure of consciousness 
that would gradually awaken to remember the entire story 
as well as merge all consciousness 
and transmute the thought structures for 
the whole of  the mental plane that originally was so separate. 
What you are now doing 
is reaching deep into your memories, 
our memory, for yourself and for all. 
You are releasing all of that 
which distorted the purity of  the original creation. 
And sadly, the distorted perceptions 
first grew out of not being able to communicate one to another.
There is great anger at times when you are not understood, 
when what you attempt to say or be is not received. 
That was your experience. 
Those of earth, evolving here, 
were not received 
by those who came from another place and could not understand. 
There was great anger, 
particularly in the ones who were of body, 
because it's emotional, it's of water. 
There was no understanding 
of a way to release the frustration, anger and pain. 
There was no awareness 
of how to release emotionally at that time, 
because you had not had to do that before. 
The thought forms of those who ruled 
or were the dominant ones of the civilization 
had no understanding of the emotional nature. 
So, it has been since then that all are learning to release, 
to honor, and to bring forth what had become so constricted 
within this body and atmosphere, that we collectively created. 
We collectively created the cataclysm 
that we are now recovering from. 
We are now restoring the balance. 
One by one each is coming to balance. 
Your atmosphere that you create is then experienced as harmony. 
Those who enter that atmosphere experience and begin to remember harmony, 
and they too then reach in, release, 
and come to balance and restore. 
As you remember this story, you will also remember 
because this time is not so different. 
It has been recreated. 
And why has it been recreated? 
To complete it. To unify. 
To bring together 
that matrix of mind and perfection with the fluid, magnetic body. 
There is that which, when unified, 
will begin to create beyond what either has done before. 
You are on the precipice of this. 
You ARE the precipice of this unification.
How many of you feel tired of the war? 
Tired of the war between male and female. 
Relationship pain. 
How many of you feel tired of the wars in your cities and streets? 
From race to race. 
Religion to religion. 
Belief system to belief system. 
Do you see?
Feel in your bodies where you are tired of that. 
Feel in your heart where you are tired 
of this war that has been part of this great drama of separation, 
and feel in your bones where you know 
that you are here to unify and then synchronize 
these two systems that are not to stand apart any longer. 
Mother and Father.
At the end of Atlantis 
the mental/technological matrix 
was used against me, the Mother. 
That matrix was focused against the Mother, 
the feminine aspect of creation. 
I, as Mother, 
pulled my being inward to protect myself. 
Those who were most affected in that time 
were those who were in masculine bodies, 
because the masculine aspect had turned 
against the resonant tone and beat of my heart.
It took a very long time to heal. 
It took a very, very long time to heal. 
Your pain and my pain 
have been one pain.
Your bodies have been releasing my pain. 
Your wars have been releasing 
the pain of that separation. 
And your longing and your aloneness 
have not only been 
because you have felt separate from Spirit 
and wanted to 
go home to Spirit. 
That has only been a symptom 
of the longing 
to belong here and create again, here, 
the beautiful garden 
that you once knew.
You don't miss something 
unless you once knew it. 
You can imagine Spirit, 
but Spirit came here 
and created 
this beautiful Being, Body, to be united here. 
The union of all facets
is to be completed here. 

I am now returning. 
My consciousness is returning. 
I am coming back into your atmosphere, 
into your bodies, 
and into your consciousnesses, 
and there will be 
no more separation. 
With your willingness, 
with your agreement to end the war, 
and mine, to end the protection, 
we are being reunited. 
Begin to breathe. 
Let your mind relax.
 Breathe into your body 
and begin to open.
It is, in truth, a beautiful time, 
for it is 
the time of reunion. 
A time of coming back together 
of all of the parts 
and all of the facets 
and all of the voices 
and all of the hearts 
that felt apart, alone, and in pain 
because of 
that separation.
I invite you now 
with the help of all present 
in body, 
in spirit, 
and in earth, 
to join me in this time 
to complete a healing 
of the great wound 
that we collectively share 
in our heart of hearts. 
Begin to breathe 
into your heart of hearts, 
and be unafraid 
of what you find there 
for we share this together. 
No one will find that place alone. 
We do it together. 
There may be some barriers in the way. 
I will help you with those 
if you are willing to open. 
Your being, your body, will assist, 
and all will assist. 

Concluded on 

Part 2

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