May 28, 2001
Sun and warmth are finally making their way into our experience here in our part of Minnesota. Seems we set a new record low for a high temperature on one day last week. I'm definitely happy to move beyond the constant clouds, rain, and cold. The instability of the atmosphere is reflected everywhere these days. Wonder what's next? A highlight for us earlier this month was our chance to see the Dalai Lama on his recent visit to Minneapolis. A friend offered us two tickets in the front section, so I enjoyed seeing him up close and personal from the third row. Michele has met him a couple of times before, but it was my first experience with his energy. He certainly is wonderful model of compassion and a truly peaceful man. The adoring crowds were warmly gracious in return. We finally finished up the channeling and transcribing of the last batch of questions from our readers. Once again we received a great selection of topics for exploration. Thanks for sending them in. We enjoy the responses as much as you do. These two dozen new questions include a response about a popular subject: How come so many lightworkers don't seem to have much money (bet that got your attention). I believe we're in a process where more and more of those who have been working through this shift so diligently are moving into a greater degree of visibility. With that in mind, we offer the latest perspective from our Spirit friends on stepping into conscious creation. It may not be what you've been thinking when you hear that term. Perhaps their comments will open up some questions for you. Please send them to us! In June we will post information about the next year for the Lumaterra School of Transformative Mastery which Michele began last fall. Those who started then will be continuing into a second year of the program as a new group begins their first year in September. Once the Lumaterra web site is opened you will have a chance to hear from those who have been participating, and if you are able to be in the Minneapolis area for one weekend a month you may find yourself drawn to participate. We like to hear from you. Drop a note when you get time, and remember that we always appreciate it when you let your friends know about our web site. Also, a reminder from us that Michele does about half her sessions by phone. If you're in the Minneapolis area you can also work with her in person (including sessions with the Earth Mother). If you do feel drawn to work with her you can check out her page of information, send e-mail to her at , or phone her voice mail at 952-996-6544. Have a great June! Chris For updates and other notifications. If the link above doesn't work for you just send a request to |