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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Are We There Yet?

Sorry, we're only about halfway through the turbo-boost underway since mid-September. This extra dose of fine cleaning and schmutz removal wasn't part of the original plan, but was more recently prescribed by Spirit to prompt a little faster movement by those people who have been shifting out of Duality. Amazing how deep the old programming runs and how quickly we're burning through the process.
Alignment remains the focus of the day, discerning on deep levels what fits going forward and what doesn't. Being who you are means just that: being who YOU are. Restoring one's authenticity has its challenges when we've had so much practice listening to everybody but ourselves.
If you have been thinking you should be doing something else right now, you've probably found out that nothing else is working. We're not supposed to be doing anything other than what we are doing. That may be interpreted as a DUH moment, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. If the energy isn't moving you, don't be trying to move the energy. The big projects are coming, but right now we're attending to details. Preparation - for something - is still underway. As for larger movement, you'll know when you know. My sense tells me sometime around February. For now, be busy where you're busy.
If your brain has turned to mush and you're feeling lucky to remember your name, I invite you to read my November article in The Edge magazine. I believe you will relate. The title is Mid-Lives Crisis, and you'll find it on page 17 of the digital version (easy to read the whole magazine):
or a direct link to the column:
Our final scheduled channeling with Lady Venus is this Saturday, November 14th. Mary Magdalene joins us in December, and a new series begins in January. Wow, 2010 is about 50 days away, and December 2012 is not so far beyond. I expect to be seeing some serious speeding up in the breakdown of old structures, and three years is a short amount of time for a large amount of shift. Come and join us on Saturday to find out what's happening. Remember you can attend in person or by phone. More info:
The next Fusion Weekend is also rapidly approaching on November 21st and 22nd. Each of these weekends has unique qualities because we are working with the most current transformation energies as well as what the gathered group calls in. The group size is limited, but we recently had a couple cancellations so we still have room. If you want to focus on the quality of your transition in these accelerated times, these weekends are the most effective and potent events we have to offer. The cost is $240 for the weekend. Contact me (Chris) to register.
Getting to the point(s)
And a fine point it is. In listening to our own guidance for preparation going into 2010, Michele has felt prompted to acquire some specific crystals for a larger working grid (BTW, Michele will be teaching a 3-hour grid-making class in December - more on that soon). We have spoken of a more planetary focus next year, and whatever will begin with the channelings in January also seems to be part of the prompting for these purchases. We have tracked down what we need from a "Crystal Master" friend in Asheville, North Carolina, and have begun the process of arranging for a rather significant purchase. In this case a big gulp is not a large container of soda pop, but rather is our reaction as we leap into the next phase here at Lightsmith.
The photos below show you what will soon be joining the Lightsmith family:
This magnificent crystal was described as powerful yet gently loving, and I had a similar reaction on receiving the photo. This was the obvious choice from a number of possibilites presented to us. The size is about 12" across and 14" high. It will be the centerpiece of the grids that are created for each of our sessions in 2010 and any additional planetary processes to which we are called.
A center piece this large needs large points, PLUS we're shifting from a 6-pointed grid to one with 12 points. So, these12 points (each about 6") will also be part of our aquisition.
If you are energy-sensitive you may be feeling the potential that is possible from the activated grids made from these crystals. While gentle, to me there is a sense of no-nonsense as well. They're ready to be put to work, and I expect they will be happy making their contributions to the creation of our new world.
Now, back to the big gulp. As you might imagine, these crystals command premium prices. The large crystal is $3,500 and the 12 points will be about $1,500. Crating and shipping is on top of that. We do plan to proceed with the purchase in these next weeks, and we also invite any of you who feel prompted to support this next step to donate if you'd like to help out. We can accept donations through the bottom Paypal button on this page:
Or, we are happy to accept checks sent to us at 559 Humboldt Ave, St. Paul, MN 55107. Thank you for your consideration.
All in all, some interesting times lay ahead. Stay in your own current, trust in what you know and visit with us whenever you can. We love sharing this journey with you.
Chris, from Crystal (Minnesota, that is)


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