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Visible & Present Discovery Processes

Many of us have spent years clarifying who we are, healing from past wounds and discovering our own innate gifts. We are now being called to share our authenticity with others and it is time to be visible, to allow your inner beauty, essence and wisdom to come through clearly so others may receive you and your message without distortion, confusion or filters.

The focus of Visible and Present is on learning to “wear who you are”, in other words to choose and wear clothing that magnifies your physical energy and soul essence. When you do so, you will feel supported on many levels and show up with amazing clarity, beauty and power. Ultimately you will be able to tailor both your wardrobe and home decor so that it more accurately reflects who you are from the inside out.

These discovery processes are way more than classes about how to dress. They are about self-revelation in unexpected ways, guided by the multi-level skillset of Michele. And men, this is for you, too!

The Benefits

  • Aligns you with your true nature and vibration
  • Enhances your visibility and natural beauty
  • Connects you to your body and its rhythm in a real way
  • Allows you to be received more clearly and authentically
  • Promotes ease and simplicity in shopping
  • Saves $, in that you only buy what truly works
  • Facilitates your understanding of others and personal differences
  • Increases your feelings of well-being and confidence
  • Supports your innate abilities to attract what matches you
  • Empowers you to be more fully present wherever you are
  • Conserves energy in interpersonal exchanges
  • Builds trust in relationships

Discovery Processes are explored in sequence, and take place on regularly scheduled dates.

Check the calendar and/or join our mail list(s) for notifications.


Discovery Process One – Authentication

Discovering what colors, shapes, textures, and fabrics bring you into alignment with your essence. The introductory part of this process will focus on learning the basic four Essence Elements and how they uniquely combine within each person. We will begin to discern each person’s elemental nature and what vibrates most intensely when you are clearly present. In the second part we will discern more individual characteristics and create the Visible & Present Shopping Guide that is personal to you.

The cost for this Discovery Process is $296.00  See calendar listing for pre-registration.


Discovery Process Two – Magnification

Discovering how to refine and magnify your visibility and presence through focus on pattern, light, and essence vibration. In part one we will focus more specifically on what is supportive to being fully visible and present in various parts of your life. We will focus on the empowering aspects of using pattern and light to animate your soul vibration through your body. In part two we will discover your essence vibration and begin to explore how to dress consciously for any situation. Participants will make more uniquely-personalized cards to add to the shopping guide.

The cost for this Discovery Process is $195.


Discovery Process Three – Integration

Discovering how to free yourself for your life’s adventure by exploring why and how you resist being visible. We first will focus on how and why we unconsciously either hide or project to cope with stress or heightened emotion. We will explore new options to choose to stay present with support particularly when triggered into old patterns. In the afternoon we will explore how to come into even clearer focus. Each participant will be invited to bring two outfits with accessories to put on and share with the group. With gentle reflection and coaching, you will learn how to attune your choices to being authentically visible, fully present, and energetically supported to be yourself at all times.

The cost for this Discovery Process is $195.


Individual Sessions are Available

If you are unable or prefer not to participate in a scheduled Discovery Process One, a personal session with Michele is $422 (subject to change 01-01-15). That includes the informative fabric shopping accessory that you will take with you.

Other Resources are provided

During the sessions you will learn about resources that support these aspects of your personal transformation. For hair coloring and styling I will connect you with salons whose staff is trained to work with Visible and Present participants. I will occasionally host small group shopping trips by element and can be hired as personal shopper for $75/hour. For the same fee I can assist you to clean out your closets and find and create outfits and a wardrobe that works for you. I can also assist in choosing colors for your home or workspace.


Tell your friends! Let them know about the upcoming sessions so you can have fun shopping together or supporting each other as you create your own individual presentation. Pre-register by calling Michele at 651-224-4451 or e-mail:  

If you have already participated in a Discovery Process and would like a refresher, the cost for the full day is $55. If you bring one paid guest your cost drops to $40, two and your cost is $25, three, you are free!

Check the calendar for scheduled dates.