Hi, and welcome to a week of radical shifts. It’s such a special time, no? Lots of kablooie happening as more things lacking resonance are suddenly ejected from your life. Or you from them. I guess it’s mutual. I know that the times of new moons and eclipses birth a multitude of reflections and analyses, but really, what day recently hasn’t been chock full of entertaining scarifying transition and surprise. Then again, focusing on eclipses and such saves us from thinking about how our entire solar system is orbiting through space at 500,000 miles per hour while passing through areas of high-test energy blasting away at the foundations of our reality. So hey, kablooie galore.
The previous update highlighted the end of the spiritual downloads and the turning toward Life. We learned that the Earth Mother would soon begin to work with us for the next steps in the sequence of our transformation. Well, that didn’t take long. We’re barely adjusting to our new schedules, and yesterday Michele informs me that the Earth Mother is requesting a session. We set the date for Saturday, April 2nd from 1-4:30pm central time. I know it’s coming up quickly. Due to personal and Lightsmith events we didn’t have another Saturday open for awhile, so we’re going with the flow. The signup button for remote participants is on the calendar. You do not need to pre-register if coming in person.
A reminder that our next planetary event is the equinox session on March 21st at 7pm. There is no charge for planetary events, and the login information is on the calendar listing.
And now, less of me and more of Michele. Lucky you. She and I were having a discussion this morning about something moving through her awareness, and I asked her to note a few observations for this update.
From Michele:
Lately I have been reflecting on the difference between love and resonance. I used to believe that if one just loved enough, differences and wounding within relationships could be overcome or healed. Then, as I learned to authentically love myself, I learned to establish boundaries with those who consciously or unconsciously wounded or dismissed me and my experience. That clarified relationships and empowered my emergent soul embodied.
When Jeshua spoke with us in February, he indicated we were moving from the phase of fusion, that of bringing more and more of our own Spirit into an integrated embodiment within matter, to synchronous resonance within the earth and the new dimension. Since then the sense of vibrational resonance has been increasing in my body and I have become more aware of resonance and dissonance within energy fields and relationships. This morning I was able to see how this shift was influencing my tendency to be led by my heart’s capacity to love, overlook, and forgive even if there has been a shift in resonance or even long term dissonance in relationship. Resonance and Love are very different and one cannot overrule the other.
Love can and does exist without resonance. I can love someone unconditionally without feeling resonance with them. However resonance creates experiences of mutuality with respect for authentic individuality, and can lead to and greatly enhance love. In my current place of reflection, even though resonance is different than Love, I sense that where there is resonance there is also the Living Love of the new dimension…but it feels very different than the unconditional love I know and trust. I sense we are evolving into a deeper and more intimate organic resonance within our bodies and our lives, and that is the first step. Resonance seems to be essential to experience the synchronous waves within Life that will be coming through the Earth in the future.
Jeshua turned us over to the guidance of the Earth Mother for this next phase, and at the time I had very little sense of when or how often she would follow through. But, knock, knock….she gets my attention with a request to join us for a focused time with her. So we agree, set it up, and invite you into the adventure!
Also from Michele is information about Visible & Present as we begin the next cycle of Discovery Processes starting April 16th:
I continue to evolve a greater awareness of our need for clarity in our personal energy field as we move into conscious creation. Clothing is the only thing we have a choice about that exists and vibrates in our field. As we learn to attune to how clothing vibrates and how it influences our experience, we also can learn to use clothing and accessories to affect our field which in turn affects the larger field wherever we are. It seems strange to focus on clothing in this way, but as I clarify in my own experience of embodiment, my choices matter and how I vibrate in each situation of my life influences both my experience and the experience of others.
This work is not just about appearance or clothes, or what is slimming or in fashion. Those perspectives create rules that are externally referenced. This process attunes clothing to who you are, and you learn to discern the way different colors, fabrics, etc. affect your experience, from grounding support to magnifying presence. There is an evolution within this process of moving into greater clarity and learning the discernment process. I have split the process into three steps, and the first step includes dialing in ones own vibrational spectrum. It is sometimes called typing, but in this process it is much more individualized than typing. Each of us is truly unique and no two shopping guides (made of the fabric samples matched to you during Discovery Process I: Authentication) are alike. Once you enter the process, you can do the next step whenever you feel ready. We offer the three processes in cycles three times a year.
On Saturday, April 16th, we will gather to introduce you to this way of grounding consciousness into embodiment. It can open up another level of transformation as we move the inner self into outer vibrational resonance, and we begin to explore our unconscious tendencies to either hide or project through our choice of what to wear each day. Each process is designed to gently assist this transformation while being fun, uplifting, and empowering while reframing old body images and external references for what to wear.
Discovery Process I: Authentication: Saturday, April, 16th, 10 am – 5 pm with an hour break for lunch. $296 ($215 if you have already been typed in the past through In Your Element). Youth age 11 or older accompanied by an adult are also $215.
The next steps in this cycle in case you want to hold the dates:
Discovery Process II: Magnification: Saturday, May 21 from 10-5, $195 (Youth $145)
Discovery Process III: Integration: Saturday, June 18th from 10-4, $195 (Youth $145)
Please preregister by or calling the office at 651-224-4451.
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