Welcome to mid-September. Yeah, already.
Perhaps like many of you, Lightsmith is in a process of moving past its present form. Moment to moment is how the flow goes these days, and some of those moments are events that still remain on our calendar. Here’s a reminder of what’s just ahead, and then some reflections on our recent session with the Earth Mother.
Discovery Process One: Authentication This Saturday, September 17th, from 10am-5pm. This is where your Visible and Present journey begins. A couple spaces just opened, so Michele asked me to let you know that you can still join the group last minute. Contact Michele to register. 651-224-4451 or
Equinox, a planetary event next Thursday, September 22nd, at 7pm central. If you can’t join us in person, you can connect by video streaming or phone using the link provided on the calendar listing.
Visible & Present Clothing Exchange Sunday, October 2nd, 3-5:30pm. This is for people who have previously been typed by Michele in a Visible & Present or In Your Element classes.
What I have to say now is meant without any intended hype. Last Saturday was the first of a two-part event with the Earth Mother. I will share a few highlights, but words can not possibly give any sense of the actual energetic shifts she catalyzed in the DNA and cells of the participants. The experiences were visceral and profoundly affecting. The vibrational language she uses works directly with the body, and both Michele and I are still feeling the effects as cells vibrate and deep releasing continues.
She spoke of the concept of home as a place where you can relax, open to receive, replenish, and be at peace without fear. She said that home needs to be a place where you can feel as if everything you need is present. Then she said “it is time for us to have the experience of home, our body’s home, here on this planet, for all who are choosing to join the next dance here”.
This bit of the channeling is telling:
“You cannot fully embody your great being, your spirit, if your physical body vibrates and holds a level of density that will not allow fusion. The more of you who are here more fully….I’ll say more fully, because fully can take some time….but more fully….in these months, this time….the more momentum that you and I and all will build for a sweeping and a clearing that will start. You will know, you will sense, you will feel when it begins. And consciousness that has not been able to choose will not be able to stay and go forward. This has been prophesied. This has been forewarned, you might say, not because of fear just a little bit of hey, wake up, time is limited.”
“Can you tell the difference right now between those who are choosing life and love and those who are pre-celebrating through arrogance their domination of the earth. Can you tell? Those who are stepping out of the shadows and saying we are in control. It is interesting, is it not, to your conscious mind, to observe the choices being made now? Is it not interesting to observe? Is it not in some ways what you’ve been preparing for, is that final choice? That’s where we are, final choice.”
“You can choose with your conscious mind, but I’m asking you today to choose with you bodies. Choose with your bodies. Let your bodies choose to release that which inhibits full fusion. Can your bodies choose this with you? Can you allow your bodies to feel me, to open to me, to trust me to create home, a true viable home for all to relax into, replenish, create and celebrate life together.”
If you’re like me, you may have wondered how things could change given the arrogance, power and control some beings so blatantly display. We have again been reassured that those who have chosen against life and love cannot and will not remain as part of earth. That was the message in our 1994 channeling A Choice for Love, and the next steps to making that a reality are apparently about to commence.
No more fear. Release. Trust. Be here.
If you wish, you can still experience the many additional messages and the personal, powerful process the Earth Mother has offered. The recording from part one is now available, and you can catch up on your own timing. The important piece is to do part one before part two, and give yourself some time in-between. If part two is anywhere near as potent as part one, it would be very difficult to manage the transitions without adequate time to integrate the shifts from part one before continuing.
Here’s what you do: Go to the calendar page for part one and sign up using the link provided. I will then send you a download link for the first part. if any questions.
Full speed ahead,
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