Index of Updates

The Lightsmith Shoppe

November 12, 2005 Message from friends in Spirit. Transformation, Choices, and Mastery
September 15, 2005 Two Events with Michele and Chris, Excerpts from Earth Mother August 20th channeling
July 26, 2005 Earth Mother Event, Email Change, Channeling Excerpts from recent Earth Mother Group
May 30, 2005

Cleaning, Clearing, Releasing, Root Chakra CD, Deleting the Old Operating System

April 10, 2005 Cranky Chris, Intention Request from Michele, Perspective on Current Energies from Spirit
February 7, 2005 Reflections on Karmic Council event, Earth Mother event planned for February 20th
January 7, 2005 New Year's channeling posted, Karmic Council event planned for January 30th
December 20, 2004 New Year's channeling scheduled, Dialogue with Spirit Friends about where we get caught
November 1, 2004 Report of pre-election event and link to channeling about the soul of the United States
September 7, 2004 Perspectives from friends in Spirit on the emotional releases during this politically charged time
July 29, 2004 Commentary on Spirituality, Report on 3 June Events, Relinking the Story of our trips, Additional on the 2005 Guatemala Retreat with Michele and the Earth Mother
May 25, 2004 Observations by Michele, 3 events in June, Reflections on Mother's Day channeling, Lightsmith Media site, Guatemala retreat with the Earth Mother and Michele in 2005
April 23, 2004 Commentary by Chris, Mother's Day event, TC Wellness interview
February 24, 2004 Supportive message from the Earth Mother
February 3, 2004 Focus on the body - 3 events planned for March, 2004
January 10, 2004 2004 New Year's Channeling posted with short audio file from the Earth Mother
December 11, 2003 Brief update with new audio from the Earth Mother
October 19, 2003 Harmonic Concordance Info and Events in Minneapolis
October 03, 2003 Commentary and Debut of Lightsmith Shoppe
September 28, 2003 Excerpts from Light Into Life, 2nd follow-up session, Stop giving energy to the illusion, Earth to soon have more expression,


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