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Cross-Quarter Planetary Event Wednesday

We continue our trajectory through 2013 with one-third of the year having already moved into the past. Our acceleration moves through phases with build-ups and then exponential leaps. We call them shifts, perhaps because we don’t have a better word for dimensional traversal and we can’t explain it anyway. We may also consider the term more user-friendly than the actual experiences most people have, thus introducing just enough denial to ease the way. I’m kidding. Sorta. Avoidance of change is no longer the option it once was. As the Borg would say, resistance is futile. There is, however, some choice as to how gracefully we choose to let go of old patterns, structures and beliefs. The sooner you accept the change in your experience the faster you will move through the process.

The potent energies of the recent Wesak full moon in Taurus gave us yet another opportunity to remember we have a physical aspect to our nature. Bodies are working as efficiently as possible to embody more and more of our greater selves. First we release something that no longer serves us, then we embody more of our self. This is the cycle right now. Keep in mind that we must process the releases AND the embodiment phases, so no wonder we’re feeling exhausted much of the time. We’ve been moving through the cycles for years, but the rate of change is now much faster. Good food, pure water and lots of rest are my best suggestions for supporting the body as it transforms.

Also helpful to personal transition is participation in the group processes we facilitate. Our three main events this year are the monthly  Creator within Creation classes and New Moons, and the 8 planetary sessions. We’re now approaching the third planetary session for 2013, which is the cross-quarter that falls mid-way between the spring equinox and the summer solstice.

These sessions are offered as a personal and planetary service at no charge, though we do accept donations if you’d like to offer support. The cross-quarter event is tomorrow (Wednesday, May 1st) at 7pm central daylight time. You can participate in person, by internet stream or by phone. The information you need is posted on our calendar listing.

It’s all quite something,


About Chris

Chris LaFontaine is a consciousness geek who shares his perspectives on life with minimal prompting. He may profess through writing, media, photography or music. Leave a comment below or

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