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In the Chute

Soooo….how goes the transition phase of your arduous rebirth? That would be transition as in labor. As in the stage of labor where you feel out of control and start to wonder what you were thinking when you first began the process. I claim zero personal experience with growing and delivering a child, given my lack of what is required, but I have sought consultation with my close friend Dr. Google. I’ve been informed that transition is the stage of child-bearing that makes the previous stages seem teasingly tame by comparison. It’s like thinking mild salsa is hot until discovering the California Death Pepper, then after recovery quietly rasping an appropriate understatement like you know, I really wasn’t expecting that.

Perhaps the friendly recruiter didn’t fully explain the process of how you were going to become “all that you can be”? It’s more likely the plan lacked specifics, but feeling adventurous you said sure, sounds cool, count me in. LOL. As I was hinting in the January 23rd update, the recent winter solstice wasn’t offering a direct conveyance to a world of rainbows and butterflies, it was a shift into the wait, what? transition phase of labor. Less LOL, additional releasing and more flu. Adjustments all around.

Besides feeling out of control, distractions and annoyances get turned up to 11 during transition. It’s perfectly OK if you have pulled your energy out of areas in your life where you no longer wish to give attention. That is part of the release and realignment process. And if you have felt like you want to go out of your mind, well there’s an upside to that, too. We have been counseled more than once by friends in Spirit to practice relaxing the mind’s attempt to understand what is happening. And FYI, it’s okay to feel tired, cranky, or bored. Your energy is being used exactly where it is needed. All is well.

I sometimes wonder if surrendering the mind’s grip on control isn’t one of the larger challenges of the whole process for most of us, especially since the imbalance of mental dominance over Life has been our experience for so long. I do my best to remember that we’re not actually losing our minds, they’re just transforming along with the rest of us. Michele offers a simple observation “if you’re in your mind you aren’t being present”. Roger that.

As the futility of resisting the process sinks in, we relax and turn in preparation for our delivery into a new facet of creation. The exact moment of arrival is unique to each, but the gateway opens during the Spring Equinox in March. Assisting the emergence for ourselves and others is what 2013 is about for Lightsmith. We have a rather high-test approach this year, including a variety of events with one main focus: direct, effective facilitation of your process. As for those curious minds, we have plenty of fresh information to keep them happy, too.

Here’s the overview. Note the new Saturday breathing sessions:

Creator within Creation. Jumping right to the hyperbole, this is the most fascinating, potent and effective work you are likely to experience anywhere. I don’t know anyone who is teaching/facilitating anything like it. These classes are directly sourced from those in Spirit assisting the transformation, and we are learning things we’ve never heard before. The direct interaction with the Rays of Creation and the changes that occur in participants in the processes guided by Michele are beyond my ability to describe. We are working directly with creation, and it’s not philosophical, mechanical or dogmatic. It is deeply, deeply experiential and transformative at core levels. What I’m trying to say is these are not some kind of seminars. They’re accelerative life choices, and they’re open to everyone each month on the second Saturday from 1-5pm. And, you can participate locally or at a distance. Read more

Note: We found the first Creator within Creation session from February 9th to be important and fascinating as we learned new chapters of our earth history when many of us were first attracted to the grand experiment here. We are excited to share more of what we learned and have decided to excerpt the story and create a separate update with some of the details. Watch for that special mailing in the coming week.

New Moon Sessions. These evenings are effective individually and as counterparts to the Creator within Creation series. The CWC series works with Spirit and the Rays of Creation. These New Moon sessions work with the Earth Mother and the manifesting Currents of Creation with a focus on your personal expression as the creator of your experience. You can participate locally or at a distance. Read more

Facilitated Breathing. By request we have added these sessions on the first Saturday of each month from 10am-12:30pm. Michele will coach people through a facilitated breathing process based on the deep-release and Quantum Light Breath techniques. These sessions are open to people who have previously taken the introductory sessions with Michele and/or Roxann Kay. It will be possible to participate at a distance if you have had the introductory session in person. The next event date is less than two weeks away on March 2nd. Read more

Planetary Events. The Spring Equinox on March 20th is next and is a highly significant planetary session. These events are presented without charge on a donation basis. The people that gather for these sessions benefit directly and also serve as surrogates for humanity and the planet. Details on the calendar

“Never hold your breath during a contraction”
-Dr. Google


PS – Remember, if you’re reading this by email you can leave us a comment on our web site by clicking the title at the top of this page.

About Chris

Chris LaFontaine is a consciousness geek who shares his perspectives on life with minimal prompting. He may profess through writing, media, photography or music. Leave a comment below or


  1. Chris, your humor is priceless. Like Mary Poppins sang, “a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.” Your humor is the sugar. Thanks much for this timely update.
    I find that it is difficult to access the information that was shared at the Feb. 9 Creator within Creation Session unless someone asks a specific question that was covered during the session. When that happens all kinds of information that I couldn’t willfully extract just pours out of my mouth.
    It’s disconcerting for someone who has always had an excellent memory for learning facts, at least long enough to test out in the higher % range :}
    So, I’m breathing and remembering those “crazy” times of transition during my children’s births, breathing some more…

  2. Chris,
    You sure have hit the nail on the head this time! These past two months+ (since early December) have been some of the hardest times I’ve experienced. While not totally naive, I guess I WAS expecting a few more rainbows and butterflies and far less trauma through the great transition of 2012 to 2013. I have been sick with the flu THREE times and my dearly loved mother fell ill as well. After a month of suffering, with her children at her bedside, she died late last month (flu/pneumonia). I am heartsick at the loss of her, yet know that this too is part of the greater plan and in it’s own way… all is well. Talk about emotional & mental turmoil! Now I look forward and work to focus my heart energy on creating a beautiful tomorrow and a beautiful Terra Christa… in honor of my mother, who taught me to love always. She was a gentle spirit ahead of her time and I was blessed to have been her daughter. She prepared me well, in her own ways. Onward now…

  3. Hi Nancy,

    Thank you for your comment, and I am sorry about the loss of your mother. It sounds like you have a wonderful legacy to honor as you move into what’s next. Onward, indeed!

  4. Chris,

    You are Da Wordsmith! It really helps to laugh when it hurts to laugh, too. A teacher said yesterday morning that “Purification is Everywhere now!”

    Thanks – Love ad Light you you and Michelle, Mother Earth and all souls,


    Terry McGill
  5. oh hi everyone (or, rather, anyone who’s reading this). Chris, I also loved your post when I received it. And now, coming back to read it at another moment when it’s — oh, let’s just say “intense.” I can’t even get words down here. I have moments when I feel OK, and then other times — well: let’s just say it’s not my idea of fun.

    But– oh well! here we are in the birth canal. I remind myself that that’s the very very good news. :)

    Michelle in L.A.
  6. I so enjoyed reading your message, Chris, as well as everyone’s comments & sharing. Thank you all so very much for your courage, openness & vulnerability. We made it through that period. :) Much love to all of you!

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