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Channeling Posted. Sorting Event January 18th.

I really liked the New Year’s channeling we did on the 1st. The information was clear and quite detailed about activities in the world right now and what we are moving through. Many of you could not participate live and have been waiting for the recording to be uploaded. If you haven’t yet discovered it, the channeling can be found in the Freebies section of the shop.

Along with a great overview of our collective transformation, we also received interesting responses to questions about numerous subjects including alternative energy, the Pope, president Obama, and the purpose behind all this cold weather. You can listen directly on our web site or download for listening on your mp3 player. And, if anybody would like to volunteer transcribing this session (soon) I will be happy to add a PDF file to the page so you can print out the information.

If you’ve been feeling more and more blank with little vision or energy for the future, fear not. We are quite busy on an internal level with our energies working through a sorting process that began to accelerate a couple months ago. First the sorting, then the expansion. According to Gabriel this period will continue until the spring equinox. Here’s more about the sorting from Michele:

“Since early November, a new frequency I have nicknamed “Gorgeous” became more accessible to us. It speeds up the sorting process within our own body and personal field of consciousness, and I suspect it is also working to sort consciousness in the larger arenas as well.

What I mean by sorting is a specific coalescing and clearing out of what can not go forward with us into a new creation,while opening space to call forth and empower qualities and aspects of our essential nature that will enable us to become more fully who we are.

What is now sorting out? Those patterns, thoughts, emotions or whatever that underlie contraction or restriction….those things that come around and have been used over and over to grow more awareness….those familial, cultural, patriarchal, or religious old realities that still have influence.

And what is being called forth? Aspects of our own consciousness that could not be present as long as the old denser more restrictive consciousness was present.

While I was hooking up with Gabriel for the New Year’s Day channeling, I began to sense that I could offer a session or so to support the sorting process. So I have decided to add an event this month to do just that: Support for the Sorting, Saturday, January 18th, 1- 3:30/4 pm….I am not sure how long this will take in a group. Participants will also receive individual focus within the process so the sorting can be more effective. Participants at a distance can e-mail their need for focus to Chris and he will pass them to me.”

See the calendar listing for more information about this event and sign-up for non-local participants.

FYI, we will be adding a new Second Saturday series of 6 events offered every other month starting in February. More on that series soon.

Yessir, it’s coolish out there,


About Chris

Chris LaFontaine is a consciousness geek who shares his perspectives on life with minimal prompting. He may profess through writing, media, photography or music. Leave a comment below or


  1. Thank you, Chris, for all the wonderful posts you write for us. They are very much appreciated!

    Rosanne Brekken
  2. You’re welcome. And thanks for writing back, since it helps me to know somebody reads the darn things :)


  3. Actually I should have said all the posts both you and Michele have written. I can assure you both that I have read every one of them. :)

    Rosanne Brekken
  4. Many thanks for this wonderful channelling. I’ve read all of your updates for many years and I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that they are the most articulate, inspiring and relevant thoughts on life, spirit and existence that are available. I first found your site through your article – ‘A choice of love’, or whatever it was called – the title is unimportant. But the point is that I felt a connection, a sense of belonging and a really quite freaky sense that you are always saying exactly what I’m thinking. You once played a song I wrote for you and I’d like to say – that even though I’m far, far away in London, England – your work has touched me deeply.

    Sending you much love and I hope to be present physically with you one day.

    Keep up the great work! xx

  5. Mark,

    Thanks for your kind comment. We appreciate hearing from you.

  6. Chris, your posts always provide verbal clarity for experiences that are difficult for me to convey to anyone while continuing to navigate the transformational process. The description of the current sorting process was very apt. I really appreciate it that you do this so that I don’t have to. Thanks!

    Chris Sevig

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