As a communicator I have found much of this past year a particularly challenging time to write, which is why Lightsmith updates have been spread a little thin. For several months our energy has been turned inward, and interaction with the world has sometimes seemed to take great effort. It is difficult to feel upbeat and social when much of the time we just want to be alone, are feeling ready to nap or just feel annoyed by the pesky details of life.
There has, of course, been purpose in our desire to seek quiet respite from unnecessary activity. The short explanation is that our energy gets focused where it is most needed, and the level of physical, cellular and structural change underway is significant. If we honor our sensitivities for how energy is moving during such transition we choose more time for ourselves. If we attempt business as usual we can find ourselves laid down by illness or injury, accomplishing the same end but less pleasantly. We’ve been making adjustments at levels we may be completely unaware of, and it is helpful to recognize how taxing this process can be.
This message is also a reminder to those of us in the vanguard wave of this planetary transformation that a sense of humor is helpful. Just as we begin winding down from decades of endless healing work we realize that the challenging journey over most of our adult lives has been only a phase preparing us for what’s next. There’s always more to come, though not necessarily with the same demands. After all, Life unfolds sequentially punctuated by occasional non-linear leaps to help keep things interesting. Certainly The Great Shift qualifies as one of the more interesting bits in a long while.
The healing phase has been about restoration of wholeness after lifetimes of soul fragmentation and adaptations we made to survive the painful immersion within Duality. This healing was crucial to our story and has been transformative, but it is not solely “The Transformation” we’ve been preparing ourselves for. Our work to date has been about un-doing the distortions that grew in the old story. Now we begin writing ourselves into a new story, one where each moment births a new adventure and happily-ever-after is only the beginning. And the upside to our next transition is especially compelling: there is no downside. That is, things only get better from here on out in terms of our personal experiences.
Where we are collectively on the spectrum of The Great Shift may not be highly definable, but we recognize with somewhat broad strokes when we reach a certain intensification of energy and intent within consciousness. Re-integrating ourselves was our primary process for years, which opened the possibility for the fusion process of the past 24-36 months. Then, earlier this year we began the inner transformation with much attention given to the chakras, their restoration and the early phases of the chakras “morphing” into a new design.
In the past couple of months an intensity has grown around a kind of sorting. On the outer, manifest level we may recently have been cleaning the garage, giving away old belongings or in some other way deciding what to keep and what to discard. Like all manifestations this outer activity reflects what is happening in a less visible place. This deeper sorting has included a sense of urgency, speeding up the process to bring us into alignment for what comes next. Often missing in discussions about The Great Shift is this process of sorting and realignment, but these phases are crucial. Why? Because we cannot proceed into the New Dimension while carrying what does not match who we are and what cannot weave into our new design. So, housecleaning is taking place in unexpected ways. We’re taking care of loose ends, releasing an assortment of what have been beliefs, adaptations and the resulting manifestations in our lives. Besides the physical cleaning we are also working on establishing authenticity in our feelings, jobs, and relationships. Included are relationships with food, substances, activities, workplace, partners, family, community, and ultimately with self.
The field of consciousness within which we exist on this planet is re-structuring, and it remains our decision at some level to choose our participation in the new story. The final sorting, either consciously or unconsciously, becomes whether or not we wish to transform and shift into a new experience in the role of Conscious Creator. The alternative is to stay bound in Duality, in whatever way that experience continues. Now, I realize that most people may not see or define this choice in the same terms I’m using, but after all I am a consciousness geek who talks like this, so please bear with me. Simply said, we are all deciding at some level what experience we want going forward.
One last thought. We’re letting go of many things connected with our previous experiences of life on this planet, and while some of those experiences were painful they are what we knew. As we prepare to move on from the old story into a new creation it’s helpful to realize that grief may surface as the past melts away. This transformation is a big deal. What is ahead of us is unknown and unknowable and saying goodbye to the known, no matter what the experience has been, is not necessarily easy. Be kind to yourself as you set yourself free.
Hey, it’s almost November,
The pace of change continues to accelerate as the sense of time continues to collapse. Here we are in a year anticipated for decades and now 2012 is almost relegated to history. However, you can count on us to make the most of the ten remaining weeks. During this grand finale we have scheduled a particularly potent series of events, and we also have made several relevant files available for you to listen or download. Here is our current schedule for the coming weeks along with suggested reading or listening:
Saturday, Oct 27th : The Last of the Accelerated Chakra-Shifting Events.
This event is for people who feel ready to move forward and would like some assistance preparing the chakras for their transformation. During two previous chakra shifting events Michele facilitated a quite extraordinary restoration and activation process assisting the chakras to function optimally as designed for the previous story and then begin their transformation to their new toroidal form. This is the third and last time we will offer this experience, and this session will be tuned somewhat specifically for those in attendance. Everyone is invited to join us, whether in person, by phone or by internet stream. Repeat participants attend for half price. Information here and on our calendar.
Suggestion: We have transcribed the introduction by Michele presented at the previous Accelerated Chakra Shifting class. In reading this free PDF file I guarantee you’ll find out something you didn’t previously know about our personal transformation. Even if you do not plan to attend this coming Saturday I highly recommend the download.
Monday, Nov 5th: Pre-election Cross-Quarter Planetary Event.
The planetary events have been increasingly more powerful as the year has progressed, and we will have an opportunity to work with the planet and the collective just prior to the presidential election on Nov 6th. We won’t know the focus for the evening until we begin, but it’s sure to be interesting! No charge for this event. Details for phone and internet participation will be posted on the calendar listing.
Suggestion: Listen to the message from the Earth Mother that was shared at the last equinox. She also facilitates a wonderful process in her language of creation. Hear the full recording in the freebies section of our shop.
Tuesday, Nov 13th: New Moon Event.
These events have also grown in significance this year with each month bringing more assistance to what is needed for the shift of each person participating in the process. We stream these by internet and phone, and you’re always welcome to join the group in session. Information and sign-up.
Suggestion: Listen to the excerpt of a channeling from the great being of our sun, Sol Ra.
Wednesday, Dec 12th: The much-anticipated 12:12:12 AND a New Moon!!!
Yes, the elements have aligned. You can be sure we will be using the energy of this amazing configuration for whatever presents itself. Join us and find out what happens! You can sign up on our New Moon page.
Suggestion: Listen to the excerpt of the recent Kuthumi channeling. Lots of pertinent, to-the-point information. Full download also available.
Friday, Dec 21st: Winter Solstice Planetary Event.
The end of the world. Finally. OK, not, but it is perhaps the most anticipated symbolic day recognizing the end of the old story and the transition into the new. Obvious by now that we have already entered the changeover process, but you can count on some very interesting things to show up once Michele tunes into the energy. Details will be on the calendar.
And then the new cycle begins…
Tuesday, Jan 1st, 2013: Lightsmith pot-luck and channeling.
Our classic event for the Lightsmith community. We will begin mid-day so people can join us from other parts of the world. A free event. Join us in person, by phone or by internet stream. Details will be on the calendar.
Note: The calendar is awaiting an update to fix a technical glitch. As of this writing the calendar begins with Monday and ends with Sunday. The events are on correct dates, but give extra attention to the day.
Remember that you can comment on this post. If you received this by email click on the title (The Sorting) to see the page on the web site. Add comment at the bottom.
I have to give you props just for assembling this post. Holy update. And amen. Onward.
Yeah, took me a few hours, it did.
Chris, yet again, I have such deep appreciation for your words. You always beautifully summarize what is going on in my own life, and this time it makes me cry knowing I am not crazy or alone. You & Michele are getting huge etheric hugs right now! Thank you.
Thanks, Jennifer. I am equally appreciative of the feedback and confirmation that it’s not just me, either :)
Well, here we go…into the chute! So nice you could pull all of that together in spite of yourselves :)) Much gratitude!
Thanks so much for this most recent newsletter! I’ve been feeling very internal lately and haven’t been writing or posting to my blog much or wanting to do anything. It feels good to know I’m not the only one. And, thanks for reminding me to be kind to myself. I recently had that awareness. I keep falling into the old pattern of wanting to push myself to do. I also appreciate, in the recent channeling, that you asked for help in rediscovering what “fun” is. I’ve lost the whole concept of “fun” along the way and am not even sure what it is anymore. Boy!…do I need to lighten up! Thanks, though. I always enjoy your comments and perspective.
Thanks again for a timely and spot-on post, Chris. I and my circle of peeps have been talking amongst ourselves about this very thing, and it *is* good to know that other kindreds have been experiencing this inward pull, too. Much pruning, integration and deep listening has been underway. Thanks Trudy, Cindy, Jennifer & Suzanne for your comments as well.
Thank you so much Chris, and thank you everyone who has written comments. It does feel SO reassuring, as others have said: to know I am not alone, not going crazy, etc. These recent months have been difficult, after a period during this whole process of the last few years that felt considerably lighter — brighter, more joyful. I did feel very joyful after the last Mastery Class (something I didn’t feel after the previous two), and was hopeful that the difficulties were in the past … but have had some difficult times since, though not as long-lasting or quite as intense. At the moment I notice that I’m very tender and very vulnerable — a little word or event can trigger me downward, but something little can also lift me up. Thank you for the reminders about being kind to ourselves — and about a sense of humor …
Ditto. Using words has been very challenging lately, so I’ll just be thankful for your words.
As someone who has worked with Michele for nearly three years now, I am nearing the level of appreciation for the article “The Sorting,” that I expect to have soon, the splendor of which, as mentioned in one of Chris’ comments, is difficult to do justice to in words. Having been able to achieve several times more than I ever have the past three years, and even in the midst of that karmic agony, doing it with an ever-heightened sense of purposefulness and joy, I recommmend lightsmith for anyone interested in making life changes in way’s that are entirely specific to one’s own design, the discovery of which is another true joy. Come one, come all, to lightsmith: The beginning of the Greatest Show on Earth!
Sometimes I get a feeling….this video supports my sorting out:
link to