This event was particularly powerful due to the presence of the Earth Mother speaking a clear, direct message. Her main purpose in joining us was to further assist the embodiment of those who have made the choice to stay with the Earth. She acknowledged that others may choose otherwise. The Earth Mother also spoke of feeling weary from having to deal with the human fallout from living in illusion, and that her connection is fading to those who continue their attempt to control through the mind. This is, of course, a bare description with the larger message, real intensity and urgency more evident on the recording. The Earth Mother also spoke her “language of creation”, which is at the heart of her work with us in this session and cannot be meaningfully described or translated. This channeling is very special and very experiential!
The session opened with Michele setting the field in preparation for what was to come. She had already told the group that she felt hooked-up and might do more channeling than facilitating. When the group was prepared the Earth Mother began to speak. If you missed the event you may wish to do the complete recording. If you download this file to play on your computer the channeled portion runs from 11:02 to 62:37 (1:02:37).
Download (right click and save as)
I cannot even begin to express how relevant and timely this is and you know I’m rarely tongue-tied. Just makes me want to pick up my sword and continue to bust things up once and for all. And P.S. I’M STAYING!