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Session #2 of New Series this Saturday – with Gabriel

This Saturday is our second session in the 6-event special series for 2014. We light-heartedly have named this series Creating in the 5th Dimension with a Little Help From our Friends.

Assisting us on Saturday will be the Earth Mother and Gabriel. Gabriel last visited us in November, essentially kicking off the major sorting process we’ve been in during this long, contracted winter. We’re not expecting the same to be continuing (no, no, no), but I admit to being curious about what’s next and the purpose for this visit. In some way we are shifting gears again. I can’t tell you what the focus will be for Saturday since we don’t find out until you do, but making the discovery together is a highlight of the day.

We’re only doing 6 sessions in this series, and the first one in February was a helpful though potent experience with Metatron. And of course the Earth Mother is always present since this is primarily her show! Personally, I always appreciate the information and clarity that comes along with the timeliest of processes. And as usual, Michele facilitates with her warm, direct guidance as we transition ever more rapidly into the New Dimension.

You can join us in person, by phone or by internet stream. Additional information and sign-up for those of you at a distance can be found on our Calendar Page. The session goes from 1-5pm and the cost is $147, or $129 for subscribers to The Lightsmith Deal.

I have a commentary in the works and I will get that completed and sent as soon as I can. For now, please consider joining us on Saturday as the amazing adventure continues!




About Chris

Chris LaFontaine is a consciousness geek who shares his perspectives on life with minimal prompting. He may profess through writing, media, photography or music. Leave a comment below or

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