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Many Things

After a quiet span I suddenly have several items of interest to tell you about. A couple days ago I started writing the usual fact-filled/opinionated/wordy but magnificent update, however today I figure I best cut to the chase.

First, it’s already time for another New Moon session. Boy these come around fast! Well, every 29.53 days, but who’s counting. In April these New Moon events definitely took a different tack, and each month since we have been working with one of the chakras as they continue restructuring into their new toroidal forms. In April we addressed the solar plexus chakra, May’s focus was the heart chakra, and for June’s event on Monday the attention goes primarily to the third eye. The attention these days is going toward preparation to depart Duality and enter the new dimension, and the “morphing” of the chakras is a key component prior to actually making the shift. We definitely recommend these New Moon sessions if you’d like to work with this transition in either a quicker or more conscious way. The special chakra acceleration event on June 30th is also recommended, and is linked further down the page.

You can attend the New Moon event in person, by internet streaming or by phone. We begin at 7pm central time next Monday, June 18th. Sign up on our site for internet/phone information.  Remember that subscribers to The Lightsmith Deal attend free.

We had over 60 participants for the Venus transit planetary event on June 5th, and a free download of that recording is now up on the site. We worked with Lady Venus and the great deva of the Tree of Life. I think you’ll find the session very interesting and helpful. Listen or download here.

Speaking of recordings, our Mastery class and channeling with Mary Magdalene last Saturday was profound and highly informative. We are now working with the dissolution of the savior myth, and she was quite forthcoming about the changes taking place in many arenas of life. The channeling is available to everyone, and I invite you to at least listen to the 10 minute excerpt we have available and see if you don’t get a good sense for what is happening. Here is the direct page for that channeling.

Our next big planetary event is soon upon us. The summer Solstice event is at 7pm (central) on Wednesday, June 20th. There is no charge for this event (donations accepted), and you can participate in person or remotely. See the calendar page for information to connect.

And the last item of the day is a reminder of our Accelerated Chakra Shift event. We have only two planned for the year, this month on June 30th and again on August 25th. This program was created to assist specifically with the structural changes in the chakras now underway. Information is on our site, and pre-registration is requested.

Keeping us busy,


About Chris

Chris LaFontaine is a consciousness geek who shares his perspectives on life with minimal prompting. He may profess through writing, media, photography or music. Leave a comment below or


  1. Hi Michele and Chris,

    It was particularly groovy, in the wateriest sense of the word, to discover elemental color identifications at the physical, emotional, mental and soul levels. I look forward to playing with this more.

    I will also say that you two look really, really hip in your new pic together in the context of what is a great job revamping the lightsmith website. Way to bring ou the funk, Michele. You two really are a dynamic duo.


    Christopher Sevig

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